A ThanksGiving ritual to Bless your Life

Thanks-giving spell
Thanks-giving spell

Here I am going to give you a simple, yet powerful ritual to bless your life in any way you want through thanks-giving and gratitude.

This method employs some of the most basic principles of creation:

  • By being grateful for the blessings you already have, they are becoming even better.
  • By being grateful for the blessings you already have, you invite more blessings in your life.
  • To receive what you want, you must ask for it, believing that you are receiving it.

The thanks-giving ritual:

So, now let us see how to create this thanks-giving ritual, or prayer if you prefer.

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You will only need a piece of paper, a pen or a pencil and your voice. If you want you may use candles and incense of your choice to empower even more the ritual, but this is up to you.

Just write down on the piece of paper simple phrases in the manner, “I give thanks to the Gods for … (i.e. my good health)”. You can write as many as you want. Try, though, not to overdo it, because the more you write the more time you will need to read it.

Start the list of phrases with these:

“I give thanks to the Gods for all the blessings they have given me”.

“I give thanks to the Gods for all the blessings they are giving me”.

And continue according to your wishes.

State the phrases in present tense and in a way you find them true enough. If, for example you want to become richer, you may say, “I give thanks to the Gods for the riches they are giving me”. But if you think yourself as not rich enough, you may say, “I give thanks to the Gods for the riches they are starting giving me”. But, never write something like, “I give thanks to the Gods for the riches they will give me”.

You may substitute “the Gods” with “the God”/Name of a particular God/”the spirits”/”the angels”/”the Universe” or whatever you think as being appropriate. You can also substitute the “I” and the “me” for “we” and “us”, if you are going perform this in group.

Now, daily read your list loud. Do this for 28 days, a month or 40 days. If you want you can continue for even more days.

That’s it. Have fun, be grateful and blessed!

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