Daily Prediction for April 30 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

The Moon will enter into Taurus today, her exaltation. In this earthy, abundant sign, the Moon provides an atmosphere and grounded and stability. You will feel more taken care of. People often have their physical or emotional needs met in unexpected ways.

This is also a New Moon! Because the Moon is so dignified and happy in Taurus, new-moon intentions can be very successful and produce tangible results quite easily. Most importantly, the earthy, fixed nature of Taurus allows them to be quite long-lasting.

The Moon also forms a sextile to Mars today, which will create some agitation and overactivity that can destabilize the Taurus Moon. However, the events that are stirred up will also fuel the change we want to bring into our lives with this new Moon.

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The New Moon in Taurus is occurring in your 2nd house of finances and material resources. You have the opportunity to create new habits that completely transform your financial situation for a long time to come. You can become more grounded and stable, and gain more mastery over your life.

Some of this sensation may be uncomfortable at times with the Mars sextile from your 12th house, and you may feel destabilized and isolated. But this will ultimately provide you with the impetus you need to take control of your life.


The Taurus New Moon activates your 1st house. Your perception of yourself and your self-identity can drastically transform and grow. You can start new self-care habits and health routines during this time, as they have the potential to carry you for the rest of your life. This very special alignment only happens once per year and is worth taking advantage of.

Alongside this, you may experience turmoil and tension with friendships and coworking relationships. Other people may push against you and challenge you. You will ultimately benefit from hearing them out.


The New Moon in Taurus activates your 12th house. You will find a lot of insights and realizations coming to you through any time you spend in solitude or on retreat. This New Moon will create opportunities for you to release self-destructive behavior and bad habits disrupt your flourishing and happiness.

While the Moon sextiles Mars in your 10th, work and career may become stressful and agitated. However, this attention that you career will require will reinforce newer, more positive habits and character traits.


The Moon will be reborn in your 11th house of friendships, community connections, and coworkers. Current friendships will solidify and strengthen – your relationships with other people will begin a new phase. You may find new friendships developing in the next few days too.

As the Moon sextiles Mars in your 9th, your personal studies and journeys may cause aggravation. Schooling and traveling can be difficult and frustrating, but the issues that arise will be very temporary.


The Moon will enter into the fires of the Sun in your 10th house of career, destiny, and reputation. Your sense of purpose and mission in life will strengthen, and your destiny will clarify. Your work and job could also see rapid developments over the next few days.

The Moon sextiles Mars in your 8th house. This can cause a lot of feelings of stuckness and anxiety. You may feel more aggravated and more easily frustrated with other people. Ultimately, this sextile will help you confront older wounds and blocks that limit you.


As the Moon is reborn in Taurus, she will occupy your 9th house of intellectual studies, higher education, and foreign travel. If you aren’t turning your precocious mind towards any unique fields of study, you will soon. If you already are, then you will find a lot of positive developments and growth related to them occurring over the next few days.

The Moon will also activate Mars in your 7th. Romantic relationships and close partners will frustrate you and cause aggravation today. Minor, passing disagreements are common.


As the Moon is reborn in your 8th house, your relationship to spirituality, the occult, and your own magical power will change dramatically. Underworld experiences are quite common. This is a good day to engage in journeywork and lucid dreaming. There may be a lot of positive changes to your partner’s money.

The Moon activates Mars in your 6th house. You will continue to prioritize work and productivity today, and may find stressful, aggravating environments troubling you at work. These won’t last forever, and will ultimately fuel the developments you see with spiritual practices coming from the New Moon in your 8th.


The New Moon is occurring in your 7th house of romance and relationships. Scorpios in committed relationships will find their relationships deepening and solidifying today. New relationship hygiene practices will be common. Unhitched Scorpios will experience new positive connections with other people. Potential for meeting intimate and romantic partners is much higher.

While here, the Moon also sextiles Mars in your 5th house today. This is not a good day for creative pursuits – your own personal projects will cause stress, and not run smoothly today.


The New Moon is occurring in your house of work and duty. You will be given a lot of responsibility today – a lot will be expected and asked of you. But the power of this New Moon will give you the energy you need to rise to the occasion and completely succeed. This alignment can also point towards financial success.

While the Moon is in Taurus, she will activate Mars in your 4th house. This will create tense and stress at home and with people you live with. The issues that arise will be successfully sorted out, however, and won’t cause any major trouble.


The New Moon will occur in your 5th house of pleasure, creativity, and play. This will bring tremendous transformation to your hobbies, side projects, and anything else you do not related to your work. The arts flourish during this time, and you can make a lot of grounded, reliable headway with your own artistic efforts.

Mars is activated in your 3rd house. This can create brief upsets with people you live around, neighbors, and siblings. Petty quarrels and squabbles are common. Local community can feel agitated.


This Taurus New Moon will completely revitalize and transform your home and family life as it aligns in your 4th house. Your relationships with people in your house and family members will deepen. Relationships with parents and parental figures will also grow.

Financial stress may develop today as the Moon sextiles Mars in your 2nd house. The agitation that this brings will be very temporary, and ultimately lead to greater groundedness and responsibility when it comes to your personal finances.


The moon has been reborn within your 3rd house of local community and immediate social circles. Friendships and connections you have with people around you will grow. You will meet new people and make new connections. Churches and local community gatherings in your life also flourish with this alignment.

Mars will be activated by sextile in your 1st house. You may feel frustrated with yourself and your own behaviors. Emotional fluctuations and some volatility are common with a 1st house Mars. You will be able to release and clear all the issues that Mars stirs up today.

Matthew “Merlin” Kenney is a practicing traditional astrologer, a trained philosopher, and a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. He is a dedicated practitioner of astrological magic, meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Tai Chi.

As an academic and a scholar, he utilizes intellectual rigor to restore the worldview and astrological prowess of the ancient world and apply it to the modern day. As a spiritual practitioner and dedicated hermeticist, Matthew uses these techniques to guide his clients on their paths towards wholeness and spiritual flourishing.

Matthew runs the blog www.ancientastrology.org where he provides astrological predictions, as well as articles and webinars on astrology, philosophy, spiritual practice, and more. Matthew also offers natal, horary, and electional readings to his students and clients.

Would you like to know more about what the stars have to say for your own destiny and life path? You can book a reading with Matthew by following this link : https://www.ancientastrology.org/purchase-reading/natal-chart-reading

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