Full Moon Astrology: April 11 2017


This is the First Full Moon after the Spring Equinox which signifies the Reign of Light – and all the magic that may come out of it (for example love spells, fertility spells, success spells etc) in the Northern Hemisphere

whilst at the same time the exact opposite happens in the Southern hemisphere of our planet (which also signifies a time of different magical practices like cleansing, banishing, planting the seed of hope etc). 

This particular Full Moon is EXTRA powerful. Why? Well for starters it is believed to hold the power of Nature’s Resurrection and this is why many major festivals have been scheduled always after this Full Moon.  This Moon is called the Pink Moon. Why ? Let’s take a look at what is written on our Annual Guide of Full Moons for 2017: “The Green conquers the land until Flowers begin to bloom. Mother Nature celebrates its resurrection with vivid colours. Another reason that Pink was picked for the April's Moon is because it is also the color of Venus, the Governor of Taurus.” Moreover, this Full Moon occurs in the 21th degree of Libra where the most auspicious star from the Zodiac Circle shines. This star is called Spica! The star is believed to conquer poverty, remove obstacles and give Good Luck to everyone who is born under its influence. (Check your natal chart. Is your Moon, Sun or other Major Planet in this degree of Libra?)  This Full Moon though has another lucky omen. It conjuncts with Jupiter, the planet of Growth and opportunities. Hence, this Full Moon will give us the power to conquer our fear and give us the strength to transmute negativity into Good Luck !  This is a VERY MAGICAL full Moon. We advice you – if you feel like – to cast a powerful spell in order to tap into its glorious powers. You can cast the power Awakening spell (CLICK HERE FOR THE POWER AWAKENING SPELL) during the effect of this Full Moon or any other spell you may want.  Lets take a Look at our all signs… Aries: This Full Moon is all about you. Happy Birthday! It seems that the powers of the Moon are focused on your most powerful and interesting relationships. It also seems to shed light on the details that may surround your cooperations, contracts and achievements at work. You have to direct this powerful energy into something really creative as it gives you a very rare opportunity to move forward with your life! This is your Chance! CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

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Taurus: A very interesting Full Moon for you as the sun approaches to enter you sign something weird is happening in your heart. It seems that a very weird – yet affective – healing procedure occurs and the energy of Mars already runs in your veins giving you reasons to move and reach for your dreams. Venus is still retrograde and this is not a great time for you to sign anything that matters to you. You still need some time to process everything that’s happening but in an active way. Don’t hold back. Just wait the perfect time! CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Gemini: You may feel that Good Luck has abandoned you and for some parts of your life this may be kinda true although this Full Moon comes to show you that you shouldn’t lose hope. From a very lucky “corner” of the Zodiac Circle the Great Lady of the Night sends you her divine light to show you that no one has ever forgotten you and you should stand up and fight. This Full Moon may give you very interesting news regarding your romantic life… CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Cancer: The part of your life that probably plays to most powerful role in your life is your heritage, your home and family. This Full Moon focuses its energy in this part of your life and you will be able to successfully cope with brand new information which comes from these parts of your life. Right now, you may feel exhausted but after this Full Moon your energy seems to be replenished in a very weird way. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Leo: New relationships seems to be born under the effect of this Full Moon and your social circle is getting bigger either by choice or by coincidence. This may seem just fun right now but it is going to bless you with creative opportunities as the time goes by. The people you meet right now will probably play a very powerful role in the future so please be careful which ones you invite in your life. Also try to be very careful when you drive or travel as many unexpected events may occur there. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Virgo: Mercury is retrograde and you still try to find a way to cope with your governor's weird games of time. Past and present seem to be confusing you and people who played an important role in your life find their way back to you – even only for a little while , just enough to make you wonder… On the other hand this full moon will help you refresh your financial status by making things more clear to you! My advice? Keep calm, try to cut off obsessive expenses and this Full Moon will be a great re-start for you! CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Libra: this Full Moon happens to your zodiac sign and this can mean only one thing. You are now at the center of everyone's attention. This fact, can both turn to be benevolent or destructive. The clue is to find a balance between your needs and your current status. Listen to your inner voice but don't let your self  be fooled by the illusions your mind create. You have to ground your thoughts and let the Good Luck guide you in a gentle way. Remember, your governor, the goddess of all beauty and love, Venus, is still retrograde therefore it's not the perfect time to rush. It's better if you move carefully yet with self confidence. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Scorpio: this full moon talks about your instincts and your inner will which lately seems to be trying to find their way back to your consciousness. The next days your dreams will become more vivid, weird images make come To Your mind while you daydream, and/or you might experience very interesting psychic and magical experiences. Your spirit is actively trying to communicate with you in so many ways and you will see that if you listen to it you will have the chance to be reborn and find an inspiring meaning to Your existence . CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Sagittarius: although the heavy burden of Saturn still presses your life and your heart , this full Moon is a chance to go out and have some fan since good luck lights up your way to find joy in your romantic life. This is also a chance to broaden your social circles and meet with interesting new people who later will play a very important role to your life. Since Saturn is still here – as mentioned – I advice you to look carefully the terms of your new relationships. I also advice you to “play safe” with people who got power or the elderly. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Capricorn: my oh my… this full moon occurs in the probably most important part of your life… your career! Energy is focused on this sector of your life and you should try to find a way to keep calm, yet on the other hand push yourself to work harder and ask for more, because lets face it… you can and you deserve it!  This is the time to look at your dreams and follow them. Be ready to make things right and do not engage in any disputes in your job's environment. After all, this is only a beginning of what’s coming the next months and years. Prepare for greatness. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Aquarius: This is an excellent Full Moon for personal evolution as the light is focused on things you can do to take a step further. Remember, this Full Moon is an omen of how much you can achieve if you focus your energy on what really matters. Travelling abroad and communicating with people who got spiritual power is favoured as well as education. This is the perfect time to find time for yourself and ask for guidance. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017

Pisces: Your instincts seems to be awakened and you are amongst the ones who are favoured by this Full Moon. The Governor of Pisces in traditional Astrology is Jupiter who conjuncts with this Full Moon giving you the opportunity for growth and power! Listen to your heart and do not try to oversee what is really bothering you. Take a brave look deep inside your soul and take some hard decisions. CLICK HERE FOR THE ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE YEAR 2017


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