The Moon in Vedic Astrology and the God Chandra or Soma

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

In Vedic Astrology planet Moon has a female nature. It also considers Sun and Mercury as Friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn as Equals and Rahu as Enemy.

Moon’s colour is white and its stone is the pearl (and secondary the moonstone), its metal is silver, its season is Winter, and its element is Water.
Moon owns Cancer, it is exalted in Taurus, having its greatest exaltation on the third degree of Taurus, and it is debilitated in Scorpio, having its lowest debilitation on the third degree of Scorpio.
Moon represents the mind, emotions, desires, imagination and memory. It also governs the brain, the breasts and the left eye of the males and the right eye of the females.
Although Moon is a beneficial planet, the waxing Moon is considered more beneficial while the waning one is considered less beneficial or even malefic (especially the present waning Moon rather than the birth chart’s moon). The New Moon is the most malefic, while the Full Moon is the most beneficial.
The Moon gives handsomeness and beauty, wealth and glory, as well as mental powers and wisdom. The best and fullest of its gifts will be given to the one that has the Moon in the second house, while in the forth house the aspect of glory will be magnified.
In the third and sixth house the person will have a pour health (especially if it is in the third house) and not much money (especially in the sixth house). In the eighth house the person will live dangerously (if that will be good or bad will be seen from the aspects of the moon), and in the twelfth house the person will have great tendencies in addictions, being them alcohol, drugs, or any unhealthy addiction.
The Gods who are associated with the Moon are Lord Chandra (either mentioned as Chandra or Soma, the two names refer to the some God), Lord Varuna, Lord Krishna and the Goddess Parvati. The Graha is Lord Chandra (Soma).
Along with Lord Agni, Lord Soma is the most praised God in the Rig Veda. While Agni is the High Priest of the sacrifices, the sacrificial fire itself and the act of the sacrifice, Soma is the sacrificial gift. So together are the complete sacrifice, therefore Great Lord Rudra (Siva) who embodies both Agni and Soma is the complete sacrifice.
The word Soma (meaning juice, an ancient greek equivalent is Ambrosia) refers to a juice that Gods drink and to a certain plant as well, that are also the God Himself, but I am going to talk about these aspects in a later post.
The Rig Veda call upon Lord Soma among else as (Primeval) Soul of Sacrifice, Sun’s eye, Sage and Seer, heart knower and High Priest of the heart.
Lord Brahma, with his thought only, gave birth to the Sage Kasyap (the father of Surya), who gave birth to the Rishi Atri, who is the father of Soma, therefore Soma is Surya’s nephew.
Lord Soma brings wealth, glory, blissfulness and happiness, wisdom and illumination and empowers the psychic abilities. Being the most loved of Lord Indra he is also called in order the not so calm King of the Devas (Indra) to show us his good face.
Chandra (Soma) the Lunar Deity in Hinduism
and Lord of the Moon inVedic Astrology
But Lord Chandra (whose name means shining) was unlucky in his love life. His first lover is Goddess Tara, the wife of Lord Brihaspati (Guru, the God of Jupiter). With her he had a son Budha (the God of Mercury). Budha finding out the truth hated his father, and that is why although Moon considers Mercury as Friend, Mercury considers Moon as Enemy.
After that Chandra wanted to marry Rohini (the star Aldebaran, the red giant which is the most brilliant star of Taurus; Rohini means reddish). But her father, Daksha agreed only if he would marry all his 27 (or 28 in other scriptures) daughters (symbolising the 27 or 28 days that Moon needs to circle the ecliptic) and love them and care for them equally. Lord Chandra agreed but failed to show equal love and care, so Daksha cursed him to die. Thankfully for us, his death is periodical. The waning moon is the time that Lord Chandra going to die, the New Moon is the dead Chandra, and the waxing Moon is the resurrected Chandra going to his full power, which is the Full Moon.
For these reasons, Chandra or Soma, although knows our heart and feelings, and rules them, we don’t call upon him for help in love matters.
Chandra is pictured white or yellow in colour, wearing usually white clothes, on a chariot driven by 10 white horses or one white horse with ten heads. He usually has one head and two arms, one holding a mace and one blessing.
One should call upon Chandra/Soma for:
* Avoiding the malefic influences of the Moon and maximize the beneficial ones.
* For blessing the waters (Soma rules the waters, and he is Indus).
* For coming in contact with and for protection from the Spirits of nature such as sprites, fairies, elves etc.
* For better memory.
* To empower their psychic abilities.
* To cause rain and to stop disastrous rainfall.
* For emotional healing.
* For beauty.
* For wealth and glory.
* For fertility and to be blessed with children.
* For illumination and wisdom.
* To become free of addictions.
The number of Moon is 2 therefore the magic square of the Moon starts with two.
Magic Squares of the Moon, a powerful magic talisman from Vedic Magic and Astrology
Magic Squares of the Moon, a powerful magic talisman from Vedic Magic and Astrology
On the left the Arabian numbers and on the right the Sanskrit ones
The simplest mantras of the Moon are:
Om Somaya namah(a)
Om sum Somaya namah(a)
Om shram shreem shraum sah Chandramase namah(a)
Repeat the mantra for one mala (108 times), three or eleven malas daily for a lunar circle or three. Preferably start on Monday, the day of Moon. Do it over or holding the yantra or a pearl or moonstone.
And one last thing. While the Surya Mantras offer us a luminous personality, the Soma/Chandra Mantras offer us luminous eyes.
Have fun, and be prepared for the upcoming eclipses.
Written and Composed by the Greek Mage.
Discover, Play, Love!
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