Medical Astrology: What’s your Body’s Weak Spot?

medical astrology

Medical Astrology is a term not very widely used lately, probably due to the amazing evolution of Western Medicine. Epidemiology and health statistics as well as other facts are being constantly analysed by the proper medical organisations such as the World Health Organisation and other official and unofficial bureaus. Yet, very recently, it seems that an astrological wind blows over the strict scientific community.

A conservative MP (Member of the British Parliament) named David Tredinnick, has stated that Medical Astrology could play a very important role on predicting and analysing possible health problems for the population, thus helping insurance companies deal with them more properly.

Medical Astrology: an convincing answer?

David Tredinnick studied astrology for 20 years both Western and Indian Lahiri system. Although a member of the health committee and the science and technology committee stated bravely in the BBC News that “…there is no logic in attacking something that has a proven track record…”. As we already stated as Magazine, Astrology is a very important knowledge, every magical practitioner should invest in!

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Watching the Stars move may help us understand better ourselves, our motives, our advantages and disadvantages and much more parts of our psyche. The roots of Medical astrology can be traced back to the Chaldeans, Sumerians and Assyrians. In ancient Egypt astrology was used widely in treating and diagnosing diseases while in ancient Greece, Hippocrates paid much attention to the movement of the Stars as he considered that Astrology to be a very powerful weapon in the hands of a Medical Doctor. However if you face – or your think you may face – a health issue you should always consult with your Medical Doctor first!

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The first sign of the Zodiac governs the Head, Face and Hair. If you are Aries or you got significant planets in Aries then you probably got a lot of headaches or even migraines. You should also visit very often a dentist because teeth are also under Aries’ dominion (along with Capricorn). Pride plays a very essential role in this sign thus fear of failure stresses them so much that they always want to give their best in anything they do.

This pushes them to hurry in almost everything they try to cope with. The drive fast, the move fast, they work fast. This can cause many accidents especially when they use sharp or mechanical objects or even vehicles. Mars fiery power however can make their recovery miraculous and as you keep sexually active and enthusiast then your life-force will replenish your body periodically with vibrant health.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The second sign of the Zodiac governs the Throat – Neck and also co-governs the Lungs and the Sinus area. If you are Taurus or you got significant planets in Taurus then are you probably blessed with Good health as Venus blesses you with a harmonious relationship with your body. However problems, accidents and infections in the areas described above are very common to Taurus.

Their vocal cords and tonsils are highly likely to be stricken first whenever they neglect themselves or they lose their imbalance. Vulnerable to colds and coughs when they lose balance, you have to take extra care of yourself in the Winter. Taurus is also traditionally linked with multiple eating disorders or metabolism issues as the thyroid glands are under Taurus dominion. Aerobic exercise should be a daily concern.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The third sign of the Zodiac governs the Arms, the Shoulders and the Hands as well as partly the Lungs (along with Taurus). If you are Gemini or you got significant planets in Gemini then you are probably always on the run, ever-moving, ever-thinking, ever-doing stuff while others always wonder how you manage this multi-tasking so easily.

The thing is that the speed that you always try to do stuff makes you anxious all the time. Moreover you are definitely the worst patients because you just hate staying in bed. This constant anxiety makes you guys very prone to depression and psychosomatic diseases like allergies, asthma and chronic bronchitis as well as habits which will temporarily make you feel better like alcohol and smoking. Please try to relax and meditate!

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The fourth sign of the Zodiac governs the Stomach and the near stomach-area. If you are Cancer or you got major planets in Cancer you are very emotional no matter if you perceive it or not. You constantly feel the need to be secure with much love and material bliss. If you can’t feel that then you probably stress you stomach so much that you probably suffer from stomach ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Moreover, your constant change of emotions in addition to your sensitive stomach, make you prone to eating disorders which will only make you feel worse. Try to start a balanced diet full of vitamins, probiotics and chamomile amongst other things! Do things that help you relax and make you feel better.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The fifth sign of the Zodiac governs the Heart and Chest area as well as the Back. If you are Leo or you got major planets in Leo then you are probably blessed with Good health and wellness. This comes from the effect of the Sun, the “planet” traditionally linked with the Vital energy or Chi if you are fond of the Chinese culture.

The thing is that this born-with wellness should not be taken for granted and Leo have to be extra careful because being a bon-viveur is something your body can not always endure. Large quantities of Good Wine and gourmet Food may be mouth-watering but not safe for your health. Exercise a lot!

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The sixth sign of the Zodiac governs the Intestines, partly the stomach area, the female reproductive system and the Nervous system. If you are Virgo or you got major planets in Virgo then you are very likely to be healthy and always maintain a really healthy condition as Virgo rules health and the functions of the body. However, Virgo tends to overanalyse almost everything, leaving them lost in endless work hours and their tries to make things better.

Your sensitive emotions make easily cause your health troubles even if your thoughts are the only source of them. Your will for perfection, whether you still try for it or abandoned it, stress you so much that you are prone to digestive disorders, ulcers, gas pains and colitis. When something slips your plans you feel like you lost the ground under your feet and that’s when eating disorders or alcohol addiction may begin. Exercising is essential for you and may I propose you walking or jogging outdoors and by looking at the Sky and a gentle breeze can easily blow your troubles away.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The seventh sign of the Zodiac governs the Kidneys and the Water balance in your body. It also governs the Skin and all Glands of the body. If you are Libra or you got major planets in Libra, your constant need to feel and achieve balance can cause headaches and anxiety disorder. All these symptoms might also be cause from your tendency to make peace with diverse tensions in your psyche.

Allergies and skin disorders are also very common in Libra as they are results of your emotional turbulences. Music may be the key to unblocking yourself and your repressed soul which longs for beauty and harmony. Yoga and energy-powering activities can benefit your body functions as well as your emotions helping you avoid depression too.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The eighth sign of the Zodiac governs the Genitals, the Bladder (along with Libra) as well as the Prostate gland. If you are Scorpio or your got major planets in Scorpio then you are probably prone for longevity as your strong Plutonian structure help your endure nearly every difficulty life may give you. On the other hand Scorpio has such a sensitive side that only few can understand – sometimes not even themselves. Throat issues may also occur due to their inability to express their emotions in a right way.

Stressful situations that require rebirth from their ashes and deep emotional scars – almost always from your childhood – may affect your reproductive system as well as your ultimate power – your libido. Scorpio’s rough life-force should always be directed in a more productive way and not be repressed because if that happens self-destructive situations may begin. Your competitive nature will find it’s bliss in Sports while your body will enjoy a good cardio.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The ninth sign of the Zodiac governs the Liver, the Hips and the Thighs. If you are Sagittarius or you got significant planets in Sagittarius then your positive attitude towards live help you maintain a satisfying health status. Jupiter’s positive touch of enthusiasm and optimism rarely gets you into trouble and the problems almost always begin when you lose faith in your Heavenly Father (Jupiter) or you exaggerate by enthusiasm. Accidents (when you drive a vehicle or in sports) are very common in the lives of each Sagittarius.

Try always to keep your positive side but always take into consideration the safety instructions of everything you do. Although you are very capable in coping with nearly everything, you should pay much attention when you mess with things or situations that can hurt you – physically or not. The liver is very essential to metabolism and your almost always gain weight near your thighs, something you have to take care of as your liver may acquire fatty infiltration. Exercise and keep your optimism.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The tenth sign of the Zodiac governs the Bones, the Joints (especially the area near the Knees) and the whole Skeletal system (including the Teeth as well). If you are Capricorn or your got significant planets in Capricorn then your are probably blessed with a very tough body which can endure nearly everything. The Achilles’ heel of you guys is depression which can cause many upside-downs in your life AND of course you body due to the serotonin disorder – try to relax regularly.

Exercising is so essential to you! You should right now consider how to put regular work-out plans in your daily schedule – if your face health issues ask your medical doctor to guide you through a personalised work out. Your competitive nature calms during sports and your hormones balance better. A diet high in Calcium (unless you are advised otherwise by your M.D.) is often a very important factor of your wellbeing as orthopaedic issues are very common to you guys. Saturnian effect on you help you more as you grow up improving the way you perceive your body functions.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The eleventh sign of the Zodiac govern the Calves, the Shins and the Ankles as well as co-governs the Circulatory system & heart (along with Leo). If you are Aquarius or you got significant planets in Aquarius then are probably someone who give into sports even in a more “personalised” way, thus granting you with a balanced body.

The problem of this sign is routine. Your hard work is indeed very important but you should never neglect your body’s needs. Aquarius possesses a vast pool of Chi which can be activated whenever they want to. This makes illnesses behave rather odd to them making many people wonder. It is very important to keep exercising and keep a healthy diet, as Aquarius tends to depress over the years. Keeping a youthful body reassures their power. If they don’t then possible circulatory problems may occur – especially in their legs.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 


The twelfth sign of the Zodiac governs the Feet and Toes. If you are Pisces or you got significant planets in Pisces then your imagination is your most powerful and most precious weapon. Dreams and nightmares play a very important role in your lives. Insomnia is a very common problem Pisces suffer from. Unfortunately when they feel they are not surrounded by love and affection they very often try to find happiness and calmness in alcohol, drugs or other addictions.

Pisces are very prone to mental and psychic problems as well probably because of their very sensitive aura. If Pisces manage to clear their Chakras daily then they may avoid all these because their psychic powers can be directed and manipulated in a more productive way. Meditation and Yoga are very very suitable for Pisces.

Learn more secrets about your Zodiac Sign here! 

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