Dear MRO community, my beloved brothers and sisters around the world, I want every day to be a magical year for all and everyone of you. For this reason, I wish to share with you a powerful and simple recipe (what else to be expected by an Easy Witch 🙂 ) and ideas on how to use this ingredient that will keep you safe, happy and protected. The Cascarilla Powder!
All About Cascarilla Powder
Enough with introductions, Cascarilla (pronounced: ka-ska-ree-ya) powder comes from the Hoodoo tradition and the main and only ingredient is powdered eggshell, yes as simple as it sounds, it is a miraculous dust with outstanding performance when it comes to protection and cleansing. Cascarilla powder can be found in two main forms: white and brown powder. You can use the two forms interchangeably for the spells that I give you below.

Personally, I use the white powder as it is easier to make and the results have always amazed me.Â
White Cascarilla powder:
- Gather eggs that you like.
- Clean the eggshells and let them dry out (I leave the yolk and egg whites as an offering to the spirits that protect me – if you feel like it you can make a cake as an offering to them, the effort will not go wasted)
- Put the dried eggshells in a mortar and pestle and grind them to fine powder (if you have a mixer that can achieve the same result feel free to use it)
Brown Cascarilla Powder:
- Gather eggs that you like.
- Clean the eggshells and lie them flat.
- Toast the eggshells in the oven on low temperature until they turn brown (be careful when you handle them they are going to be warm).
- As above- grind them to fine powered with either a mortar and pestle or a mixer that can achieve the same result: a fine powder.
How to use Cascarilla powder Ideas to make your life achieve a whole new level
Protecting your house
Take a pinch of Cascarilla powder. Ask the Divine/Spirit/ God(s) & Goddess(es) to bless this house with their radiant light, to bring peace and blessings to everyone who enjoys this roof. Blow the powder in the air. Repeat in all rooms-remember to do the same in blind spots: attics, basements etc.Â
For enhanced protection, sprinkle Cascarilla powder to the corners of each room that you can reach (there is no point moving around the whole wardrobe to sprinkle the powder unless you feel like hoovering as well).
Feel like doing some outdoors spell, then create a circle around your house with Cascarilla powder. This is one of the oldest known magical practices to protect the house! Remember, you will need a lot of powder 🙂
 One of my personal favorites, at the centre of your house, draw your personal protective symbol with Cascarilla powder. Once ready create a circle with salt around the symbol and light 4 candles in each direction around the circle (tealights will work fine). Petition Spirit for protection either through prayer, visualisation or meditation. Intention makes miracles !!!
Protecting yourself and your loved onesÂ
For personal protection, use the following ritual: For 7 mornings (or longer as needed) place some powder in your hands and powder your head from the face to the back of your head.Â
If extra protection is required, enhance the above practice with extra steps. Add some powder on each chakra both on the front and to the back of your body, seal the process by powdering the soles of your feet. Close your eyes and visualise a radiant egg-shape shield of Divine light covering your body and aura. Â
Put Cascarilla powder in a vial and carry it with you for protection. If additional protection is needed place some powder on your palms, clap! and gently powder your face and the back of your head (similar to step 1).
Feel like protecting your family and your loved ones? Place a picture of yourself and loved ones and form a circle around the photograph with Cascarilla powder. Place a tea light at each direction and petition Spirit to protect you and your loved ones.
Would you like to empower your talismans and amulets with the essence of protection? Take a pinch of Cascarilla powder and blow it (while stating your intention in your mind) to the object. Alternatively, spindle Cascarilla powder to the object while stating your intention out loud.
Breaking bad luck and bringing room for growth
Feel like giving your house a good wash, then let the inner witch make it shine! Create a magical floor wash, add boiling water on peppermint leaves and let them sit for 5-10’. Take the warm water and add it in a bucket, place tea oil drops , salt and Cascarilla powder. (Personally, I add 13 tea oil drops, 13 spoons of Salt and 3 spoons of Cascarilla powder- please remember to use your intuition, have trust in yourself and don’t be afraid that you will mess up. If you don’t trust yourself, remember that another fellow witch in this world smiles at you and trusts your miraculous abilities). This recipe will cleanse and protect your house. Go shine girls and boys!!!
As you can see Cascarilla powder is a simple ingredient with multiple uses. You can make it yourself and enjoy the multiple benefits that it will bring in your life!Â
Infinite love and blessings from the Easy Witch!