Magical properties, powers and correspondences of Turquoise


Turquoise is a blue – green mineral whose unique colour comes from the hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium. Although Turquoise means in fact “Turkish” we can find this stone all over the world and was revered and loved in many civilisations.

Turquoise was valued as a precious stone among the Persians and the Aztecs where was used to create statues, religious decorations and devotionals. In addition, jewellery created with turquoise was considered to act as a vessel of divine energy bringing such qualities to the wearer.

Turquoise is associated with the elements of Water and Air and the Moon and as most blue / light-blue stones, has a great protective power against the Evil Eye. But turquoise does more on that subject. By helping the mind to stay clear and calm while simultaneously helping our inner strength and self-protective power to vibrate even higher, turquoise is in fact maybe the most capable stone against evil eye, and other negative influences caused by animal magnetism.  Turquoise is also an excellent healing stone capable of strengthening and repairing the aura. It was worn also worn by healers in many Native American tribes to heighten their healing service to the world. If you are practising any form of healing work or you require healing Turquoise can greatly benefit you. The wearer of Turquoise jewellery always emanates an aura which is difficult to pass unnoticed. Many really swear on the Turquoise’s effect of making them glow and look magnificent.

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Turquoise as a blue/green stone is closely associated by many to the heart and throat chakras  which empowers them and allows easier expression of your love to the world. Many also associated Turquoise with breath, as it passes through the throat and fills our lungs close to our heart. Personally, I consider Turquoise a must have stone as it can easily bring a smile into your face, calm the nerves and assist you in feel comfortable in your own skin. You can easily practise mindfulness techniques focusing on a small turquoise stone or piece of jewellery or alternatively follow the breathing exercise below.

Tip! Sit comfortably and relax in a room where no one will bother you. Do the hatha-yoga relaxing exercise to empower your magic and energize your aura while having a turquoise stone in your hands. Imagine a divine blue / green light coming from the above, shining on your body and making the turquoise stone shine even more! See yourself glowing from this healthy, benevolent, loving and protecting light. Feel the energy vibes of your turquoise increasing, shining even more! Take a deep breath holding onto this image and realising how amazing you feel. When you are ready breathe on the stone and open your eyes. Carry the stone with you! You just activated your turquoise! 

Turquoise has other magical properties and abilities too! It is also a one-of-the-kind lucky stone. What it does is channelling the divine light into the carrier of the stone, clearing his or her energy channels, chi / qi meridians and energy centres and therefore allowing the flow of the universal energy to run freely through the carrier, healing his or her body, soul and life, and allowing the creative power of the carrier to be expressed more easily. Thus, it brings positivity and good luck. Remember like attracts like.

Tip! The next day (or the day after that) of the New Moon, watch for the Moon on the horizon. By the time you see the Moonlight grab your Turquoise and take a look at it! Then look again at the Moon and say: 

Divine Light of the Moon, Shine brightly on this Stone, May my life happily Bloom, and be blessed by every Dawn!

Turquoise can also help in communicating with others, either human or spirits. As it keeps you calm and brings you clarity, it is easier to focus and express yourself, enhancing communication with others.


The next day (or the day after that) of the New Moon, watch for the Moon on the horizon. By the time you see the Moonlight grab your Turquoise and take a look at it! Then look again at the Moon and say:  “Divine Light of the Moon, Shine brightly on this Stone, May my life happily Bloom, and be blessed by every Dawn! “

On the other hand, a very talented Water Witch once told me that Turquoise help her very much to be in touch with her intuition. She could see the color of the gem change according to her mood or what she asked! Try it! Grab a turquoise and clear your mind. Do the hatha yoga relaxing technique. Open your eyes and ask your question. State it clearly enough! Now wait for the answer. Look at the stone with both your physical and your psychic eyes! What does the stone tell you? What does the gem replies? It may be just a feeling! It may be just a hint!

Finally, legend says that turquoise is a very altruistic and protective stone and it will shatter to warn the wearer of impeding danger. No wonder kings and queens hold it in such appreciation.

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