Astrological Predictions for 2017 – VIRGO


You’ve noticed so far that even with Jupiter until September of 2016 things were not that great… were they?

Well I know what you are thinking, that if Jupiter couldn’t help who can?

Oh my dears, Saturn of course. The kind of luck which is more appropriate for you has to do with stronger and heavier influences. This year is a preview of happiness – as i would like to say. Oh the things which are coming on 2018… will change your life forever. But be patient, this year builds the base for further growth and evolution. It’s not going to be an easy year but things are going to be better that all the 4-5 years before. You feel the heavy burdens getting lighter month by month and you are setting yourself free from all this mess. Imagination is a very strong tool for you and you can “use” it in order to visualise your future and start building it. 

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Career and Money: Things are getting better yet everything still needs your attention and your energy. You are slowly setting yourself free from debts. Your income seems to be increasing. 

Love and Romance: Take a step back and do not rush any decisions at least not until the Winter of 2017. Things are getting better and you may find luck in that area later in 2017.

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