Erogenous Zones of Zodiac Signs – Erotic Astrology

Erogenous Zones of Zodiac Signs - Erotic Astrology

Erogenous Zones of Zodiac Signs? Even back to the Era of Chaldeans humans knew that the Stars affected the way we feel and interact with other humans, with animals and with nature.

Erotic Astrology

Love and Romance was always a very interesting subject therefore Astrologers and Magi looked how the Zodiac Circle affected the way we Love and make Sex.

The same way that Medical Astrology offered us insight on what parts of our body are vulnerable (click here for more information about Medical Astrology) if we are born in the sign of Virgo or Aries, Erotic Astrology hints how we can turn someone on depending of his/her Zodiac Sign. If you practice it remember that as the Zodiac Sign is a dominant part of you horoscope but not all of it, the same way, the Natal Chart can give us much more information about the Erogenous Zones of each individuals.

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But what exactly are the Erogenous Zones? It’s an area which – if triggered properly – can be used as a shortcut to erotic stimulation and bliss. As you should already have read, these are the same zones which are considered vulnerable thus always remember that they ALSO are extremely sensitive.  So be ready “to face the consequences” if you trigger these areas. Play safe and try it with your partner.

Aries: governs the Head, Face and Hair.

If your lover is Aries he/she truly needs just a little stimulation as their fiery nature is ready to play passionately and try a new erotic adventure. However if you need some more help you just need to caress their hair and talk erotic words close to their ears so that the heat of your speaking reach them. Play with their ears too, kiss them. It almost always does the trick!

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Aries here 

Taurus: governs the Throat – Neck and also co-governs the Lungs and the Sinus area.

Venus makes Taurus a naturally erotic sign. Almost always they are great lovers, passionate and long-lasting. They breathe for Love and Sex and therefore are easily turned on. Just a word of caution: always be ready to face their erotic “wrath” when you try to stimulate them. However, if you do want to play with the Bulls, try kissing and caressing their throats – preferably not like Vampires Diary LOL. The neck is also amongst their hottest Erogenous Zones. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Taurus here

Gemini: governs the Arms, the Shoulders and the Hands as well as partly the Lungs – breathing.

The children of Mercury are smart, witty and generally they have a playful nature. Their almost always quick reflexes may surprise you and Love is not an exception. They want to try new things and they are easily turned on just by speaking to them as their Element of Air governs talking too. If you need extra help try kissing their hands, play with their fingers or try massaging their shoulders. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Gemini here

Cancer: governs the Breast, the Stomach and the near stomach-area.

Cancers hide an ocean behind their cute face. The emotional tides are governed by the Moon and you will notice how easily they can play sweet or tough depending on the Moon phase. Their sensitive erotic nature needs safety in order to unravel their great mysteries but caressing their chest and playing with their nipples almost always raise a huge wave of their Watery Energy. Dive in it! 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Cancer here

Leo: governs the Heart and Chest area as well as the Back.

The kings and queens of the Zodiac circle like always to play the omni-potent lovers and therefore they will easily experiment with their lover’s needs and demands. From Vanilla to S & M they will always try to become the centre of attention and they almost always succeed. To turn them on – further- massage their back or try few long sexy strokes down their back with your nails (go easy at first). Push the buttons of their Erogenous zones and see if you can tame the lion! Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Leo here

Virgo: governs the Intestines, partly the stomach area, the female reproductive system and the Nervous system.

They may the puritans but never judge a book from their cover. They have the lustiest nature which actually scared them a lot. Their sexually bipolar nature can push them to either play dirty or take a step back and feel guilts about their desires. Although they may play tough to get, trying to caress their waistline will make their hearts beat faster and open themselves. Talking erotic or dirty may also unveil their true nature. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Virgo here

Libra:  governs the Kidneys and the Water balance in our body.

As children of Venous, the Goddess of Love they have a very sensitive erotic nature which is easily triggered. However, you need to establish some ground rules in order to play with them – at least at first. They need to feel safe first. The lower back and their butt is the most erotic zone of Libra. You can try some massage there – with both hands – because don’t forger, Libra is all about balance! 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Libra here

Scorpio: governs the Genitals, the Bladder (along with Libra) as well as the Prostate gland.

Well, Scorpio does not need to be introduced as everyone knows – even the ones who don’t know a thing about astrology – that they are probably the most erotic zone of the Zodiac Circle. Therefore it’s quite easy to understand that they are REALLY easily turned on. Although it sounds stupid, their genitals is like a big red button which if pressed unleashes nuclear erotic energy. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Scorpio here

Sagittarius: governs the Liver, the Hips and the Thighs.

Their adventurous nature will try – even at young age – to explore their fantasies and this makes (most of ) them particularly experienced. One way to turn the Centaurs on is to caress their hips, play with their buttocks or massage their thighs – hot erogenous zones. It seems that the inner part of their thighs is particularly sensitive and you will find a spot there which can be easily triggered. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Sagittarius here

Capricorn: governs the Bones, the Joints (especially the area near the Knees) and the whole Skeletal system (including the Teeth as well).

Capricorns have both the reputation of a very conservative person but also a very tender and erotic one. This conflict is almost always so obvious that you want to hug them and help them find their inner peace. You can try to place your hand on their knees, let it linger there a bit and then caress they back of their knees. YES I’m serious, the back of their knees seem to be their “weak” spot. Congrats, you’ve just won a strong lover. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Capricorn here

Aquarius: govern the Calves, the Shins and the Ankles as well as co-governs the Circulatory system & heart (along with Leo).

Aquarius peculiar personality will make you believe that you are flirting and making love with an entity from another Realm of existence. Ever thinking, ever wondering, ever trying new things. To turn them on – which probably is not that hard – you can caress their ankles (weird erogenous zones right?) and massage the lower part of the legs along with the calves. This seems to boost their heart beat and give a positive feedback. 

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Aquarius here

Pisces:  governs the Feet and Toes.

Pisces are mysterious creatures which almost always may surprise us with their responses and their way of thinking. It’s not that they want to hide something, it’s just their fairy nature which we possible do not easily understand. Their Fairy-lust can be triggered by the most peculiar way… by massaging their feet with fragrant lotion or hot water. Their erogenous zones seem peculiar like themselves. Their toes are like the keys of the Piano. Press them and play some otherworldly erotic music.

Find out More tricks and Love Matches for Pisces here

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