I have been writing about Witchcraft for around 5 years, and the subject of Book of Shadows has come up the most in questions so I have created a a little FAQ of some of the most common questions I have been asked over the last 5 years.
Let”s see all about the Book of Shadows. Q: What is a Book of Shadows? A: A Book of Shadow is a book that accompanies you on your journey. Q: Why do Witches have a Book of Shadows? A: Your Book of Shadows is a book that contains knowledge you have gathered, spells and rituals you have noted down or written yourself, your thoughts and feelings; it is essentially a record of your of magical experiences, and place you can keep details of what you think you are going to need in the future.
Q: Do you have to have a Book of Shadows to be a Witch?
A: No, you don”t “have” to have a Book of Shadows, but it can make life a little easier if you are able to write things down such as thoughts, feeling and dreams as they happen.
Q: Does a Book of Shadows have to look like it does on Charmed?
A: Not at all. You don”t “have” to have a big book like on Charmed. A Book of Shadows can be a notebook, a pile of paper, a digital file on your computer, a Facebook page or album, or a specially created book like my own wooden Rainbow book.
Q: What can be added to a Book of Shadows, it is only for spells?
A: You can actually add anything that you want into your Book of Shadows. It can be spells, rituals, correspondences, deities, herbs, plants, divination, dreams, prayers….the list is endless and entirely up to you.
Q: Do you have to decorate the pages?
A: Only if you wish to. Your Book of Shadows is entirely personal and you can have it however you want. Some of mine are pure text with no decoration, while others have a little rainbow flair, others are rainbow overload.
Q: I am new to Witchcraft/Paganism/Wicca, can I have a Book of Shadows?
A: Yes, you don”t have to be a veteran of the craft to have one. You can start your Book of Shadows whenever you are ready. If you want one from day one, you can. It”s a record of what you learn, and when you are new, there is so much to learn that a Book of Shadows can be very helpful.
Q: Why is it so important to have a Book of Shadows?
A: It”s a collection of your experiences on your journey, it is also an expression of your craft. When I look back through my older Books I can see how I have changed over the years, and I can see how I have changed as a woman and as a Witch.

Q: I love your Book of Shadows, can I have one like yours?
Yes, you can. However your Book of Shadows should be a reflection of your path, your journey and your personality. You will develop a style that is all yours.
When you look on the internet you will find so many different styles, sizes, shapes and types. My Facebook page and group have become a Book of Shadows of sorts. I have multiple notebooks, my large A4 wooden rainbow book, and I have a box file full of information that won”t fit in the rainbow book.
ADVICE: The best advice I can give from my own experience is not to rush in head first and overwhelm yourself with decoration. The information is the more important, get that in and decorate around it
Nixie Vale is the creator of the Ramblings of a Rainbow Witch page and group on Facebook. Nixie has always had a gift with words, and she has combined that with the deep love and passion for her craft, and her fascination with history. Nixie has a profound connection to colour and it”s use in magic and it”s psychological effects, she has always had an interest in the natural world, from animals to crystals, and Nixie has taken all of these and fused them with her love of literature. As a teenager Nixie began learning Tarot and she has also learned about other forms of Divination and incorporated these into her repertoire of skills. Nixie is also a very creative person, having crafted jewellery, sewing and a plethora of other interests. Nixie has been writing about witchcraft for the last 6 years, and after being urged to share these “ramblings” she created her page. Nixie is a trusted member of the facebook Pagan community and has worked with many in different ventures