June’s Void of Course Moon

Void of Course Moon Periods

This period has many long void of course Moon periods, as you may have noticed from our Daily Predictions. As we’ve said many times previously, a void of course Moon is not a stressful or inauspicious aspect per se, but it is one when we want to start something new, sign a new contract, make a new deal, and even start a new magical ritual that needs days to be completed.

The void of course Moon periods are neither reducing, nor calming the auspicious and inauspicious aspects that act that day, unless what we are doing is something that falls directly under the void of course’s influences. Therefore, continuations of spells and rituals, short-term spells, deals we’ve made previously and anything that has already started, will receive no influences, beneficial, or stressful, from the void of course Moon.

Of course, if it’s not in your hand to chose when you’ll start something you want to start, don’t hesitate. Start it under the void of course Moon. Simply, expect some extra difficulties, short-term and long-term ones, as starting something under the influences of a void of course Moon affects the whole project, and not just the day. If you can plan and schedule the new beginnings, though, it’s probably better to know when to schedule it. For this reason, here is the list of the void of course Moon periods for June 2019.

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All times and dates are in UT.

  • 1 June 22:53 – 2 June 11:48
  • 4 June 15:42 – 4 June 16:17
  • 6 June 14:11 – 6 June 19:16
  • 8 June 21:23 – 8 June 21:45
  • 10 June 12:02 – 11 June 00:29
  • 12 June 15:15 – 13 June 04:03
  • 14 June 19:46 – 15 June 09:03
  • 17 June 08:31 – 17 June 16:13 (Full Moon)
  • 19 June 11:19 – 20 June 02:00
  • 21 June 14:02 – 22 June 14:01 (Solstice)
  • 24 June 23:10 – 25 June 02:38
  • 27 June 07:51 – 27 June 13:31
  • 29 June 18:38 – 29 June 21:09

As you may have noticed the Solstice falls on a 24 hour long void of course Moon, so, depending on what you want it to bless you with, it may be better to celebrate it the previous day, or the day after.

So, these are all the void of course Moon periods for June 2019. Hope it helps you better plan ahead whatever you need to start during this month.

Have fun and enjoy this month.

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