Pisces Full Moon September 20th – 21st– Dream your Best Life into Being Davina Mackail

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

Pisces Full Moon September 20th – 21st. Arriving just before the equinox on September 20th this full moon at 28 degrees Pisces marks the completion of a grand cosmic cycle. Inviting us into a powerful process of closure and release.  With Pisces planetary ruler, Neptune, conjunct the moon we are being asked to let go of what is stopping us stepping further into our connection with Spirit.  

Virgo season impacted the mundane level changing our daily lives.  Making us aware of what we value and where we want to invest our energy with the resources, we have available. We may still be cleaning up the last of this toxic residue in the 3D realm.

Pisces Full Moon 

This full moon conjunct Neptune pulls us into our inner world with a deep letting go of blocks to our divine connection. Reflect on what your heart knows has passed its sell by date especially emotional habits.  Simplify. Clarify. Beautify. Transmute and elevate. Release and open up to new soul energies and Spiritual growth.  We all have invisible helpers in other dimensions. Honing a deeper relationship with your ‘team on the other side’ will benefit you enormously during this great cosmic shift.

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Pisces enjoys the pleasure of the senses and tuning into something far greater than we can entirely comprehend.   How can you stretch yourself at this time?  Or perhaps you already feel stretched beyond your limit and need to surrender into restorative rest.  This moon can be energetically overwhelming and it’s important to trust that whatever is leaving your life has served its purpose.

Give yourself plenty of space and nurture.  You can feel tired and exhausted. A dissolving, a transformation that is transmuting dense energies into higher frequencies is occurring. Getting extra sleep will allow for deeper integration of the cosmic updates currently on offer.  It’s intuitive and emotional with potent, potentially prophetic dreams and downloads.  Take advantage of these cosmic gifts by tuning in to whatever mystical arts you’re drawn to.  We need this Spiritual reset for our holistic immunity.  Until we serve ourselves, we cannot serve another.

Globally we need to embrace the energy of compassion and forgiveness.  There is too much karmic history still in play that prevents us from taking the quantum leap of consciousness we need to evolve.  Step more into the mystery (my story) and forgive history (his story).  We cannot change the past, but we can choose to forgive it and release ourselves from the ancestral pain body.  Use this profoundly reflective full moon to help you release intentionally.  Absorb the lessons and the blessings and move on.

Dream your Best Life into Being

Venus and Mars are hanging out in each other’s houses.  It’s not entirely comfortable for either of them as they struggle to orientate themselves to an unfamiliar environment.  Mars fares best as Libra brings a reasoned compromise and a willingness to listen to the warrior planets tendency to rash action.  Venus in Scorpio will highlight where other people’s energies are invading your space.  Attend to your boundaries as Venus will induce rebellion wherever she finds you over doing, giving, caring etc.  Ask yourself what serves your highest good and reflect on how to communicate those needs in a firm but loving manner.

As we shift into Libra season the cosmic landscape remains inward with many planets retrograde (Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto) and Mercury slowing down ready for retrograding on the 25th.  Be ultra-attentive to clear communication and put anything important in writing.  Pause and contemplate before taking action.  You have more time than you think.  If it feels rushed, back off and save yourself the headache of re-engineering hasty mistakes down the line.  Financial instability continues with Uranus in Taurus.  Money stuff WILL rear its ugly head.  Investments, shared resources, Financial developments and surprises, good and bad – wait it out, see what unfolds.  There’s a sense that things are ‘on hold’.  If this is your experience, cultivate patience and don’t push. All will move in its own sweet time.  The greater work is happening on the inside right now.

With Mercury squaring Pluto and in trine to Jupiter, something deeply transformative is stirring. If you’re willing to do the inner release work this will ultimately lead you to a quantum shift in personal evolution. TAKE frequent rests and ignore Virgo’s last-ditch nag about the to-do list.  Prioritise self-care.  Step back and listen to your inner voice.  Take space, breathe deep.  Don’t expect too much of yourself and allow the shifts that are happening in the unconscious to percolate to your conscious awareness when they’re ready.  Choose to be kind rather than judgmental of self and others and let’s together create a more loving Planet for all.  Wishing you infinite full moon love.

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