This is it. 2021 ends. A New Year begins. Hope prevailed. The New Solar year’s omen in the previous solstice was extremely potent and clear. We told you before and we will tell you once again. Nothing will ever be the same. The Grand Conjunction on the night of the 2020’s Winter Solstice gave birth to a new reality, one that will grow to live in the years to come. So here they are, 2022 predictions for All Zodiac Signs. What changes?
The Era Of Aquarius!
Remember what we said?
“Due to my personal estimation something, or someone very important was born in the Solstice of 2020. Hence, the Era of Aquarius officially begins. EVERYTHING changes.”
And we meant it. In the last year Jupiter in Aquarius brought cosmic awareness. We’ve all begun to connect in ways unimaginable. It seems that global consciousness has been organised in a very potent way. Although it’s not clear if the protests all around the Earth have common ground, one thing is certain. People are awakened. We are nothing like before.
- What Changes, what remains the same:
Saturn Lord of Karma:
Right before the end of 2020 (December 17-18) Saturn left its sign of total dominion – Capricorn – and passed in another Sign (which also rules), Aquarius where it still is and will stay in 2022.
Jupiter and Opportunities:
Jupiter, on the other hand, has just passed in to Pisces (December 29) but he won’t stay there for the whole year. Actually, he will enter Aries on the 10th of May and stay there until the 28th of October. Then, he will come back to Pisces until December 10, when he will leave Pisces for good, and re-enter Aries.
Axis of Change:
Axis of Lunar Nodes changes! Since December 23 2021 the Lunar Nodes entered Taurus’ and Scorpio’s axis, a change that will be “completed” on January 18 2022, when the True Node will also enter the same axis. For the past 1.5 years, the Nodes acted on Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, affecting them deeply and bringing major changes to them. Now, this power will fall 0n Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Star Points
The Pentagram has always been a symbol of Aphrodite. As a symbol of Perfect balance and beauty. Why? Because, Venus forms her famous star points. This happens when the Sun and Venus align in the sky and form a five pointed star, the Pentagram. These are extremely magical days. The first one is January 8th! But it won’t be the only one. The next one occurs on October 22nd!
Is Jupiter in Pisces & Aries Lucky for the World?
Well yes. Especially if we think that he was in Aquarius. Jupiter, now in Pisces, will give a golden opportunity in the World to show compassion and help to all who suffer. We feel that we may see a huge progress regarding the pandemic. Probably, he won’t be enough for the world. Especially in April 12 (Save the Date!) Jupiter will conjunct with Neptune, opening a portal of powerful manifestation! Furthermore, when this conjunction will be practically accurate (from the 7th of April, until the 17th of April), the Sun and Saturn will be in a hexagon and in a semi-sextile with the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. This can help you manifest your dreams and ideals. So, make sure you have everything ready for this to happen.
Furthermore, Jupiter from May in Aries, will give the world the energy that is needed for rebirth. However, this rebirth may also come with additional advances, especially in terms of tension between nations. Peace must prevail. The second half of 2022 (after May) is a very powerful but also dangerous time regarding wars. We will try to connect together, as much as we can to conjure forces of peace.

Is Saturn in Aquarius Lucky for the World?
Yes and no. This feels like a heavy position – still – but at the same time, humanity is awakened. But, I’m sorry to disappoint you as this nightmare is not over yet. We’ve got to experience more challenges in 2022, as we did in 2021. However, we are on the right track, and we will get out of this darkness. Soon!
So how will zodiac signs experience all this ?
2022 Predictions for Aries:
You’ve been challenged. All right. We get that you’re tired. And yes, I know what you are going to say. “Give me some good news, at last!”. Well, I truly got some, after many years! The hard past seems to be over, for good. Saturn played tricky games from 2018-2020. In 2021 you’ve seen some power arriving in your professional life. Truth is that you’ve been challenged a lot. But this power is very important for your life. You’ve been given opportunities and this help will stay during the whole 2022! But that’s not it. We’ve got more news!
Jupiter, the planet of Growth and opportunities will join your Sign from May – October giving you an amazing sense of optimism and power. Furthermore, from late May 2022 and until early June, he will be in a conjunction with the ruler of your zodiac, Mars, which will make that period a very beneficial one. However, please remember that Jupiter sometimes may give us an overwhelming sense of greatness – making us prone to mistakes. So, along with your good luck, please make sure you keep grounded, so that you get most of the Good Vibes of 2022! Luck is with you. Even when you think it’s not!
- Cheat-sheet Advice for 2022: Finally, blessings, opportunities and hope has arrived! So yes! Time to stand up!
- 2022 Blessing: good luck
- 2022 Challenge: to keep calm and grounded.
2022 Predictions for Taurus:
It has been a hell of a ride. Uranus is there, in the heart of your Zodiac Sign. This power is so intense, it’s almost impossible that you haven’t felt it already. Changes have arrived and they are very deep and ground-breaking. The same ground you rule on. But, for a seed to boom, ground has to break. And that’s you my dear. A seed blooming right now. Axis of power will arrive in January 18th, so be ready for greatness.
Leave the past, bury the pain. There’s no time for whining. Now, it’s time to create something so great that you will admire yourself so much in the future. But right now you’ve got to keep an eye for opportunities. The first half of 2022 will bring so many chances for you to connect with others and find common ground for growth! The second half is a great opportunity for you to conjure your dreams into reality. Especially if your work is related with the mind, with magic or institutions, from May – October 2022 is a great opportunity for amazing progress. Remember the dates: February 12 and March 12 as well as the Venus Star Points (see above).
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: Power for change and the blessings to make this in the most prosperous way possible!
- 2022 Blessing: able to change whatever keeps you behind!
- 2022 Challenge: anxiety may kick in! Practice grounding!
2022 Predictions for Gemini:
Yeah, yeah. I know. It wasn’t easy. In fact it was, sometimes, unbearable. However, this ends soon. From January 18th, this power leaves your sign. Thus, it’s, now, time to pack up your power and move on. In 2022 you will have the opportunity to rest and recharge your batteries. Jupiter will bring forth changes and good news regarding your career – especially in the first half of 2022.
The Second half of 2022 will bring forth good news and power regarding your social status. It also means that you will attract good vibes from other people, new friends, or old ones who magically find their way back into your life. Yeah it’s not always favourable, but it will happen, so make sure you know how you feel about this possibility. Do you feel alone? Abandoned? Well, now it’s your chance to broaden your social horizons, meet new people and, if you are single – why not – get married !
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: intense events and fallouts leave your life, giving you time to heal! From May 2022, magical energies come in your life.
- 2022 Blessing: amazing growth in social circles and advances in your career
- 2022 Challenge: finding a way to recharge your batteries!
2022 Predictions for Cancer:
With Saturn in your 8th House you’re undergoing a challenging time of deep transformation. I know this was not easy untill now. It never is. But guess what. I’ve got good news for you. This time you’ve got Jupiter’s help for half of 2022. This means that the power of opportunities, good luck and synchronicities will help you, at least, until the end of May. Jupiter will also give you a sense of awareness in ways you cannot imagine.
The power of Jupiter will bring forth career changes in the second part of 2022. This means that opportunities will knock your door. I know you’ve been tired, but this might be your chance to move forward and change you life forever. After all, Jupiter is known to love your sign and – when he can – brings forth amazing chances. From the end of May until the end of October, keep an eye for opportunities!
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: transformation of all parts of your life still requires your energy but the first half of the new year can become really auspicious!
- 2022 Blessing: growth in all parts of your life. News and blessings in your career
- 2022 Challenge: you realise strong truths
2022 Predictions for Leo:
This is probably the most important news – you probably have been waiting for. Hence let’s be clear about it. Yes, this might bring forth something truly amazing. No, it’s not going to be easy. In fact, it’s gonna be challenging. Let’s break this down for you. Saturn right across your zodiac sign brings much power, but also depression and obstacles. Saturn will keep on grounding you for the whole 2022. Along with this Saturnian power, the Axis of Lunar Nodes will also bring forth changes in your career and your home. Hence, it’s very important to remember to keep calm because opportunities and anxiety will come – whether you are ready, or not. So, please be ready. Practice meditation. Abolish anxiety. Welcome opportunities!
On the other hand, the first half of 2022 will help you make these deep changes in your heart and your life. The second half of 2022, from the friendly Aries, Jupiter will help you A LOT in your heart, embracing the new opportunities.
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: Power has arrived! Collaborations may stress you, but progress will come in May!
- 2022 Blessing: evolution in many forms! Deep and lucky transformative energies
- 2022 Challenge: you attract karmic relations
2022 Predictions for Virgo:
It seems that one step at a time, you leave the darkness behind you. However, this also means, that these dark forces have nested in your heart for so long. Now, I’ve got more good news for you. It seems that in the beginning of 2022, this very harsh power of the Lunar Axis leaves your sign, hence ending 1 and half years of very intense energies, many changes, upheavals and fallouts. Well, that’s over. So bye-bye harsh energies. But you know what you need? You need a pallet cleanser. You know, something to take away the bitterness from your heart. And this is already here!
Jupiter arrives in Pisces in the end of 2021 making your first half of 2022 a golden time to set up your goals and aim high. Just one word though. Please do not get lost in daydreaming. Aiming high also means that you need to keep grounded. Don’t get me wrong. Good luck will be indeed with you. However, you always need to think of plan B. Sometimes, our goals do not get accomplished because something better awaits!
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: A sense of greatness and optimism in the first half of 2022. Auspicious Transformation will also be obvious!
- 2022 Blessing: Lucky and prosperous collaborations!
- 2022 Challenge: Your everyday life may drain you!
2022 Predictions for Libra:
This is a stabilizing year dear Libra. On one hand, we’ve got the amazing help from Saturn, the lord of Karma. Saturn sets the foundations for a prosperous future. OK, the past year might not have been the best one, but it did help you a lot – slowly setting the basis for abundance. 2022 keeps on working on that but it also gives you additional help in your everyday life, bringing forth changes in both your professional and everyday life. Also, healing arrives!
The second half of 2022, is much more promising though as it will shine the opportunities to go big. Please also remember my word. This is a very important time for you to move on – but you have to keep grounded. Remember, Jupiter may create illusions. But, this is just a precaution. Truth is that Good Luck will be there, visible, touchable. So, yes, it’s gonna be a fruitful year!
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: A balanced year with many blessings in all parts of your life
- 2022 Blessing: Healing and happy changes in your everyday life. Interesting and prosperous co-operations.
- 2022 Challenge: Karma may bring difficult situations. Act with caution.
2022 Predictions for Scorpio:
With Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius you did feel a lot of pressure, yet, also, many opportunities. However, 2022 things change rapidly. The intense power of Eclipses move on to your axis, messing with your head, your foundations and your destiny. Whatever you think you’ve planned, in the next 18 months, you may reconsider. It’s not that everything will fall in pieces. On the contrary, this might be an extremely fruitful time for you – as long as you keep an eye on opportunities and learn -quickly- from your mistakes.
The first half of 2022 is going to be a very good chance for you to close deals, get promoted and acquire more. This is the time when Jupiter will be by your side, giving you satisfaction and help beyond measure. However, the second half will focus more on your healing, your everyday life and your professional life, giving you the opportunity to deal with issues that have been troubling you for a long long time.
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: power arrives in your life in many forms. Good luck is by your side for half the year, giving you the chance to grow and stabilize your life
- 2022 Blessing: Opportunities knock your door. Good luck!
- 2022 Challenge: Do not deplete your energy. Practice grounding.
2022 Predictions for Sagittarius:
Yeah, it has not been easy. The past one and half years have been extremely rough with you and your psyche. Truth is that many of your dreams and goals may have been cancelled, leaving you as if you’ve been derailed from your destiny. But that’s how destiny works. You think you know some times and the next moment you’re kicked out of your dream-bubble.
But let’s be clear. Past year – weird as it was – it left you with some good foundations on which you can build a steadier future. The harsh energies of the Lunar Axis is leaving you (at last). Hence, you will now feel calmer, and your destiny can be more easily predicted. Moreover, the first half of 2022 will help you make comfortable changes in your life and your home – rest and receive support. The second half of 2022 will be much luckier, bringing you amazing chances to have fun, to feel alive and satisfy your needs! Cool, huh?
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: anxiety decreases and fallouts leave your life’s path. Happiness and good luck arrives in May!
- 2022 Blessing: time for healing and recharge your batteries!
- 2022 Challenge: friends may stress you!
2022 Predictions for Capricorn:
Truth is that 2021 might have been a year of disappointments, as many things you’d got in mind might not have evolved the way you planned them. However, this year is going to change these things. The first half will bring forth lucky changes for you. You will feel more alive, more responsive and active, in most parts of your life. Moreover, you have the ability to attract new friends and to broaden your social horizons, like, a lot!
The second half, on the other hand, will help you more in a deeper level. As the power of Jupiter will change zodiac sign, you will have the opportunities to make changes in your home and attract happiness and healing. It also means that your home will become a beacon of good magic. Time to dust off you wands, then! Right?
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: There is much you can do in this year. Establish your power and grow steadily.
- 2022 Blessing: Friends are with you. Your home becomes a blessing!
- 2022 Challenge: Debts and expenses may deplete you.
2022 Predictions for Aquarius:
I’m pretty sure you’ve felt it. The Era of Aquarius has begun. The power in you is growing steadily. 2021 was a year of many opportunities. Some have already brought results, some failed to satisfy you. However, the foundations have been set, and now, you are going to enjoy more the power of your choices, as the magic in you is more obvious day by day. Responsibilities may still go rough on you, but this forges your future greatness.
Your traditional governor, Saturn, is also the Lord of Karma. Choices you make have an obvious result right now. Thankfully, in the first half of 2022 you are going to enjoy advances in your possessions, as you set the basis for a prosperous future. Increase of income, or even a promotion are amongst the possibilities of the new year. Moreover, from June – October 2022 you will see your social circles expand, to include more friends, old and new ones. A year of many opportunities begins right now. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility!
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: Destiny is still unfolding before you. More power arrives. Be ready for greatness.
- 2022 Blessing: New house, new belongings, increase of income
- 2022 Challenge: Fatigue, tiredness
2022 Predictions for Pisces:
Last year was clearly not your favourite one. For starters, it seemed that all your creative forces had been locked along with good luck. What you didn’t realise though, was that good luck was there but in a not active and obvious way. You’ve been saved several times, whether you realise it or not. Thankfully, now things change. From the end of 2021 and until the end of May, Jupiter who also rules your Zodiac Sign, will help you a lot, bringing you all the power you need to re-start your life.
Saturn will still mess with your head. You’ve already seen how intense your thoughts can be. This power persists in 2022, but now you’ve got help. Moreover, the Axis of the Lunar Nodes changes, giving you space and time. Truth is that the past 18 months have been a roller-coaster with many unfortunate events and fallouts. Now, that’s coming to an end. Also, be aware of a golden window for you in April, especially April 12th.
- Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2022: Pressure decreases as things in your life become steadier. Luck arrives
- 2022 Blessing: Amazing opportunities, time to heal!
- 2022 Challenge: Your thoughts may become your prison!