Daily Predictions for Saturday 19 March 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General thoughts

The Moon forms two air trines to Mars and Venus today, so we can mostly expect positive outcomes and good fortune to result from the events of the day.

However, the trine that the Moon makes to Mars, as well as the upcoming trine to Saturn it will make tomorrow, will create obstacles that delay that good fortune.


The opposition that the Moon makes to your Sun today will create tension and conflict between yourself and any romantic partners. The Moon will also trigger any current challenges you are having with friends due to Saturn and Mars in your 11th house.

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But all hope is not lost – if you can work through these interpersonal issues without losing your cool or being impulse, then Venus in your 11th will reward you deeper relationships.


You have Jupiter and the Sun forming beautiful sextiles to your Sun today, sitting in your 11th house. You will continue to reap the rewards that you have seen within work and social life today.

The Moon activates Saturn and Mars in your 10th house – expect your work to be busy and active today, and potentially frustrating. With the Moon in your 6th house, be wary of overworking yourself.


Your Sun completes a grand air trine between the Moon in Libra and our three planets in Aquarius. Your precocious mind will abound with thoughts and ideas, and you will learn a great many things in partnership with others people.

Be mindful that you don’t let yourself get too overstimulated, as the Mars and Saturn trines can overexcite the strong nervous system of a Gemini Sun.


The Moon squares your Sun today from your 4th house, creating potential tension and discord within the home Cancerians love so much. The current Libran quality of the Moon will require more conversation and discussion with others than is normally comfortable for you.

You will, however, continue to learn and grow more through your studies as the Sun and Jupiter move through your 9th house. If you are travelling, you can expect success on your journey.


Leos will have a hard time today as Mars and Saturn get closer together in Aquarius and weigh down the bright Sun in Leo. This opposition from Aquarius becomes activated by the Moon transiting your 3rd house, so be on the lookout for tension arising between you and any of your siblings, relatives, or any friends that live near you.

Because the Moon forms a sextile to your sun, however, you may be able to resolve a lot of the longstanding issues you have had with people in your life today. This is a good day to face these issues head on, just like a lion.


This is a tense day for the Virgo Sun as the three planets in Pisces continue to oppose your Sun. Relationships will be testy. The Moon also forms a hidden square to the Sun in Virgo through the doctrine of contra-antiscia – more troubling waters.

Pisces and Libra require more connection and dialogue than Virgo is comfortable with. To overcome their troubles today, Virgos will need to drop their prioritization of logic and detached pragmatism and simply feel their feelings.


The Moon goes through your first house today, giving you a great opportunity to focus on yourself and take care of your own needs – something that may normally be uncomfortable for you.

Strong socialization is not recommended today, with the Moon activating Saturn and Mars in your 5th. You will find great success with personal creative projects, working a side-hustle, or anything else that you are doing just for “you.”


Scorpios will have a quiet day today. Trouble will be most prevalent at home, as Saturn and Mars become activated by the Moon in your 4th house. But Venus in your 4th will ensure a happy outcome here.

Lean into friendships and your social life. Don’t be afraid to let your guard down.


Sagittarius will find that their friendships and business relationships are most supportive today. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind, be direct, and put yourself out there both at work and at home.

Watch out for lots of obstacles if you are driving around town, running errands, or travelling to or from your office. You won’t find it easy to get small tasks done today.


Resources will continue to preoccupy your mind as Saturn and Mars conjoin in your second house. Don’t overextend or push yourself too hard – Venus here ensures that the resources will come without inordinate effort.

The Moon transiting your 10th will give you success with your career today. You will find new inspiration and ideas for climbing your own mountaintops arriving today.


With the Moon activating Mars and Saturn as they go directly over your Sun, this day will bring some challenges. Take care of your body and mind as you go through them.

The that that Moon forms still points to a positive ultimate outcome. I wouldn’t expect anything that arises today to stick around. Venus conjunct your Sun will also ensure that your experiences this day are fruitful long-term.


Good fortune abounds as Jupiter and the Sun move through this sign. Pisces will find developments happening to their sense of self and personal identity. Their health will also continue to improve.

Pisces should make sure that they don’t spend too much time alone today. Mars and Saturn in their 12th and Moon in the 8th indicate that solitude will not be helpful.


Matthew Kenney is a practicing traditional astrologer, a trained philosopher, and a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. He is a dedicated practitioner of astrological magic, meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Tai Chi.

As an academic and a scholar, he utilizes intellectual rigor to restore the worldview and astrological prowess of the ancient world and apply it to the modern day. As a spiritual practitioner and dedicated hermeticist, Matthew uses these techniques to guide his clients on their paths towards wholeness and spiritual flourishing.

Matthew runs the blog www.ancientastrology.org where he provides astrological predictions, as well as articles and webinars on astrology, philosophy, spiritual practice, and more. Matthew also offers natal, horary, and electional readings to his students and clients.

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