Daily Prediction April 12 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

The Moon perfects an opposition to Mars in Aquarius today. This can create strong disagreements and arguments between people. Verbal jousts are common and emotions can run high.

Fortunately, this doesn’t last too long, because the Moon moves into the sign of Virgo shortly afterwards. While here, she will invite us all to work with joy, purifying and clarifying our lives and gaining more control over our domains.

This is a good day for keeping up with small tasks, crossing a lot off your to-do list, and updating the material structures of your life in any way.

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Friendships will continue to cause you tension and discord as the Moon perfects her opposition to Mars in your 11th house. Things will blow over quickly though, and your energy will be redirected towards your work, job, and career as the Moon moves into your 6th house afterwards. This will be a very productive, but busy day.


Work and Career will cause a lot of stress and may even contain some volatile situations today as the Moon activates Mars in your 10th house. As you deal with the fallout, you will be able to transition gracefully from intensity into grounded, worthwhile creativity as the Moon moves into your 5th house.


Issues with learning, teachers, mentors, and travel will become more agitated and intense as the Moon opposes Mars in your 9th house. Your day may feel very high-strung and intense. Ultimately, the Moon’s transition into your 4th house of home and family will give you respite and calm.


The opposition that the Moon makes to your Mars in the 8th house will create a lot of anxiety and inner turmoil. You may be forced to let something go that isn’t helping you. Ultimately, things will wind down as the Moon moves into your 3rd house, putting more of a focus on communication and cultivating relationship.


You may find a lot of arguments and disagreements happening with loved ones today as the Moon moves into an opposition with Mars in your 7th house. Fights and conflicts are very common. Your attention will later be pulled away from this by more practical, grounded considerations as the Moon moves into Virgo in your 2nd house.


The Moon in your 12th house has activated an opposition to Mars in your 6th. Make sure to take care of your health today. Eventually, the Moon will move into Virgo and bring you a lot of grounded growth, helping you to focus on self-care and self-development.


You may find continue tension and disagreements happening with friends at get-togethers and social events with the Moon forming an opposition to Mars. Children can act up, and the creative process goes awry. You will prioritize solitude and alone-time today as the Moon goes into your 12th house afterwards.


The Moon goes into an opposition with Mars in your 4th house today, forming a T-square with your Moon in the 10th. Arguments and disagreements with others may happen at home. There can be a lot of discomfort with family members. Eventually, the Moon will move into your 11th house, and you will begin to benefit more from friendships and peer relationships.


The Moon forms an opposition to Mars in your 3rd house today, creating lots of tension and conflict within community and in your local area. Things will quiet down when the Moon moves into your 10th house in Virgo, but you be propelled forward in your career and may have a lot on your plate.


You may become irritable, agitated, and experience fears about money today as the Moon activates Mars in your 2nd house. This will blow over relatively quickly, and you will find yourself engaged in more research, development, and horizon-expanding situations as the Moon moves into Virgo in your 9th.


Issues with health and the body today may intensify as the Moon aligns with Mars in your 1st house. Once this aspect separates, you will find your life slowing down to an uncomfortably slow pace as the Moon moves into your 8th house. It may be harder for you to accomplish much today.


You may feel pretty wild and out of control at times today as the Moon opposes Mars in your 8th house. You will, however, find other people to ground you and stabilize your life today as the Moon moves into your 7th house. This is a good day for romance and relationships.

Matthew “Merlin” Kenney is a practicing traditional astrologer, a trained philosopher, and a translator of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. He is a dedicated practitioner of astrological magic, meditation, Hatha Yoga, and Tai Chi.

As an academic and a scholar, he utilizes intellectual rigor to restore the worldview and astrological prowess of the ancient world and apply it to the modern day. As a spiritual practitioner and dedicated hermeticist, Matthew uses these techniques to guide his clients on their paths towards wholeness and spiritual flourishing.

Matthew runs the blog www.ancientastrology.org where he provides astrological predictions, as well as articles and webinars on astrology, philosophy, spiritual practice, and more. Matthew also offers natal, horary, and electional readings to his students and clients.

Would you like to know more about what the stars have to say for your own destiny and life path? You can book a reading with Matthew by following this link : https://www.ancientastrology.org/purchase-reading/natal-chart-reading

Are you interested in taking your astrology practice a step further into practical realms? Sign up for the free course The Secrets of the Seven Stars to learn how to engage in astrological magic!


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