Navigating Emotional Intensity Under Scorpio’s Mystical New Moon

New Moon in Gemini June 6

Navigating Emotional Intensity Under Scorpio’s Mystical New Moon. The new moon commences her cycle swathed in Scorpio’s deep waters on November 13th at 9.27am GMT. It stirs emotional intensity as the Sun and Moon aligning ignites fresh potential, yet a mystical uncertainty lingers in Scorpio’s wake. As shadows and psyche mingle, ask yourself what wishes to be reborn? Set intentions while avoiding reactionary choices spurred by unease. Like the mythical phoenix, we rise renewed when feelings move through us, not dominate us.

The meaning of Scorpio Season

Scorpio season yearns for meaningful connection and cathartic release. Relationships lacking in vulnerability dissatisfy our desire for purification. Take care not to become swallowed in melodrama’s undertow. Instead harness courage to excavate wisdom from emotional darkness. Open to asking for support during this profound passage of growth.

A Fresh Start

The recent eclipses’ ripples will be churning within us, seeking integration for at least the next six months. Trust in divine timing of growth cycles even when clarity lags behind faith. Patience is alchemy’s catalyst. Avoid grasping for control amidst uncertainty.

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Strategic Mars, at home in penetrating Scorpio, sharpens focus for achieving goals. Financial flows demand particular discernment under these astrological tensions. Check unrealistic expectations regarding plans for prosperity. Though isolation’s temptation looms near, community sustains us through temporary scarcity. Avoid reactionary choices spurred by disquiet. Pace yourself gently through growing pains. This too shall pass.

Revelations and Secrets

Secrets arise for healing under Scorpio’s rays. Yet revelation leads to liberation. Honest inner work grants freedom where shadows once loomed. Ask what limiting patterns and fears still bind you? Then courageously honour the emotive wisdom within. No matter how uncomfortable, truth transforms and alleviates when brought into the light.

Mars, strong in Scorpio and moving fast, conjoined the Sun and Moon ignites potent individualism. Combined with Uranus, eccentric solutions to old issues can spark into life, yet guard against selfish impulses. Mars has been carrying something that needs cleansing and purifying.  What truth is coming through loud and clear that would set you free?

Breathe before reacting. Though intense energies tempt chaos, order arises by listening within first. From inner stillness, plant intentions for positive growth. Soften into what truly resonates with you. Attune to the greater good in all you do.

What the Sabian Symbol?

The Sabian symbol of a soldier resisting orders according to conscience suggests integrity guides us more than mere compliance when facing complexity. Follow your inner compass beyond conformity. Make empowering choices aligned with spirit. Discern when to forge ahead independently versus uniting with others.

Mars opposed Uranus tips volatility’s scales. It’s primal, urgent and can threaten our sense of security as earthquakes of all kinds are forecast from financial to structural. Beware emotional eruptions. Neither repress nor act out disruptive feelings. Instead find calm presence, then respond wisely. Sudden revelations mid-November demand adaptability, not alarm. Nature often renews through upheaval’s mystery. Chaos contains its own sacred order.

Uplifting our awareness

Neptune’s influence uplifts worldly sight to the cosmic scale. In Pisces, embed intentions in spiritual soil to manifest healthy harvests. Unity, not confusion, grows when imagination flows unimpeded, nourished by faith. Detach from obsessive undertows that distort the present. Align with divine will and higher purpose. Trine Sun, Moon and Mars those with artistic sensitivities find their creative juices cascading through in inspirational torrents.

The weeks ahead promise continued intensity as old structures transform. But fresh horizons emerge for those yearning liberation from limitation. Set intentions for rebirth during Scorpio’s prolific darkness. We rise renewed from dissolution’s ashes. Follow intuition’s light when the way ahead seems obscured. Newfound resilience awaits nightwalkers ready to illuminate shadow’s mysteries.

Just a phase…

Mercury’s wit reminds us – intense weather will pass. This is just the cosmic forecast. Stormy skies cannot dictate our inner response. We each have a choice over our reactions and where we focus our attention. Will lightning reveal higher ground or a descent into despair’s valley? Stay centred in the eye of passing storms.

Our Taurus axis offers solace in the balance. Lay foundations for security while releasing false anchors that create stagnation. Nurture body and spirit with earth’s comfort – savouring flavours, absorbing mineral springs, walking barefoot upon the ground. Where Scorpio plumbs emotional depths, Taurus reminds us to come back home.

Sun, Moon Mars opposed Uranus, in Taurus create fixed water, offering a mirror into the Self.  What’s been frozen within you? This new moon has the power to liberate you.  When flooded by unease, calm inner rapids through practices that soothe. Make time for retreats in nature, meditative movement, cooking nourishing meals. Take refuge in beauty’s restorative powers – light candles, enjoy a hot bath, play uplifting music. And call often upon our strongest medicine in these times of upheaval, community. You are not alone.

What this circle leads to?

Each lunar cycle, darkness gives way to light in perpetual renewal. Trust that challenges lead to wisdom. Nature abhors a vacuum; all loss makes space for rebirth. The deeper the excavation into shadow’s caverns, the higher our eventual flowering into the light.

Through eclipse aftershocks and astrological intensity, remain rooted in radical acceptance of the now. All conditions shift. It is expectation and attachment that causes suffering. Even disillusion’s arrival gifts opportunity to divest false securities and stand strong in spirit. Reframe breakdowns as breakthroughs in disguise.

The Scorpio New Moon

From November 8th to December 4th, benefic Venus dances through airy Libra, restoring the planet of love and beauty’s magnetic powers. Here she’s utterly at home, full of charm and the art of relating. Harmony and partnership take centre stage under her diplomatic currents. She reminds us to focus on what unites rather than divides. She builds bridges gracefully through social synergy. Listen with an open heart, speak with tactful care. Appreciate contrasting views, then find unity through compassion. Her socially savvy powers smooth relations, renew connections, inspire gatherings and awaken creative collaborations. Let beauty and love take the lead.

Scorpio’s new moon heralds’ catharsis. The chance to consciously evolve patterns etched long ago now rises. In sacred ritual, set intentions for releasing the outdated. Call upon galactic and ancestral guides to illumine inner sight. Then walk forward boldly, knowing you matter. Your presence, choices and creations influence the Universe and all beings within it in mystical ways. May we meet each other arising intensely yet gently in love.  Wishing you all infinite new moon blessings and love

In case it calls check out our answer to these times and join us for the Mesa of Alchemy live online retreat starting this December

Scorpio New Moon Ritual

On the evening of the New Moon, create sacred space with red candles to represent Scorpio’s transformative energy. Place pen and paper nearby to write down intentions.

Begin by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes and taking a few deep, grounding breaths. Set the intention to move stagnant emotional energy and plant seeds for rebirth.

When centred, light incense, palo santo or sacred smudge to clear heavy vibrations. As the smoke fills your aura, affirm:

“I release all that no longer serves my highest good.”

Let go of limiting beliefs, grief, pain or patterns you are ready to compost. When finished, extinguish the stick in a dish of earth or crystals. Trust this will fertilize new growth.

Write down or draw your intentions for this lunar cycle. What needs transformation in your life? What would you like to manifest? Pour your true desires into this vessel.

Now anoint your solar plexus and sacral chakras with cinnamon or myrrh essential oils to activate your inner power and sensuality. Place an obsidian stone over your belly to ground intentions.

Close your ritual by reflecting on death, rebirth and the phoenix rising. Say:

“I welcome renewal and rebirth under this Scorpio Moon. From the ashes of the past, I rise stronger in spirit.”

Over the weeks ahead, observe this symbolic death and rebirth mirrored externally. Have faith in the mystery. You are supported in the darkness. And remember – the light always returns.

So mote it be….

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