Seeking Expanded Horizons Under Sagittarius Skies – New Moon December 12th

New Moon in Gemini June 6

A dynamic and optimistic New Moon dawns on December 12th at 23:31 GMT. In adventurous Sagittarius, the Archer calls us to look to distant realms when planting seeds for the upcoming cycle.  The zodiac’s gypsy spirit forever asks “What next?” while bounding unrestrained between dimensions of the known and the unknown.  The Centaur’s wisdom emerges through experience fully lived.  Sagittarius carries the resilience to perpetually begin again. Eyes set faithfully on the horizon where reinventing oneself never ceases.

This Jupiter ruled gathering also hosts wild Mars whose primal theatrics suggest action and zeal snap at the Centaur’s hooves. Yet heed caution that over confidence does not ignore our more cautious kin that share the same trail. Express freely but pause frequently so brothers and sisters are also heard. Lead not by ego and tyranny but by your hearts inspiration’s. Reflect upon motivations before galloping ahead heedlessly. Ask yourself what you are allowing? Is there a limiting belief you can allow to change? Can you allow peace within?  Do you allow wonder and awe? A sense of freedom and joy? Ideas moulded mindfully are destined to physically sprout.

The Sun and Moon are trine the North Node activating our collective destiny.  The zodiac’s centaur bounds unrestrained between dimensions stopping briefly to survey the journey behind and the path ahead. What life lessons line the road already travelled? What have you healed? Where have you grown? Chiron stationing direct and trining the Moon suggests we brandish newly acquired wisdom, born from our fresh inner perspectives. From this vantage point you suddenly know how to step forward, to expand, to spread your wings.  Mind the self-judgment, Sagittarius’s shadow is opinionated.  To transcend rigid dogma, aim the Archers arrow higher – find the meta view.  

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Ever the optimist, Sagittarius lives to quest beyond the obvious, revelling in life’s delightful mysteries birthed at each new dawn. Yet heed Neptune in Pisces tight square to the Sun for ungrounded visions dissolve to nothing.  Neptune insists humanity’s current evolution involves a Spiritual context, dissolving the myth of separation and embracing the truth of unity consciousness. Capture inspiration’s ephemeral flashes and craft them into enduring earthly forms. Building castles upon solid intents gradually turns even sand into stone.  The secret of Time’s power is only fully known by persistent, undaunted world makers. When our yearnings lack such devotion, they remain unharvested fantasies.

The weeks ahead promise continued intensity as outworn structures further transform under Pluto’s exacting gaze. Once the worldly dust settles it reveals the jewels that truly matter. When old maps fail, retreat inwards and find the new routes.  Align your compass with the North star of your Heart. What visions fill your inner vista? Jupiter’s expansive gaze reveals no limits. Let your dreaming adventure far beyond convention’s walls. 

Ensure that hot blood cools, when necessary. Mars standing proudly alongside the Sun and Moon risks overinflating egos deaf to the greater good. Efforts are better served through humble cooperation.  Think before you share: will it raise the collective frequency or lower it?  Right action reveals itself from stillness within not fury without. When the intrepid honour stillness as a portal to the gods, revelation descends.

Venus in Scorpio until December 29th campaigns for intimacy through heart to hearts. In this domain the Love goddess knows that for relationships to sustain themselves, they must be willing to tackle the tough stuff. Leaning in to complicated feelings, uncomfortable truths and difficult conversations is the only way through.

Mercury loses his bearings turning retrograde at the New Moon until January 1st. A slow Christmas beckons, a deep intake, a reflective pause. Speak precisely what you mean and mean what you manifest for words wield creative custody once uttered aloud. Tie up any loose ends or last-minute festive arrangements before Mercury turns on Wednesday. In Capricorn honour your inner authority and play the long game. 

In a positive trine to Jupiter use this cosmic pause to find time for self-care, integration, and reflection on 2023. Observe the path you have walked and prepare for the cycle ahead. The clearer your vision for manifesting your desires, the easier it will be to ride the Dragon energies of 2024. Create not from fear but from joy and love. Jupiter says trust, jump, life will catch you. Do your homework and when Mercury stations direct on January 1st it will usher in the new year with scintillating clarity.

Rest easy! Dormant seeds grow fast once the storms pass. Nature’s rhythms cannot be rushed but suddenly, one morning, Spring bursts forth from the grip of Winter. All cycles serve us if we align to their eternally churning interplay. Let the currency of Love manifest faith in a better today. For inspiration I recommend watching “When only Love Remains” 

The Sabian symbol for this new moon is “A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses”.  

Since time immemorial we have used ‘pretend personas’ to inspire insights with the potential to reshape consciousness. Make-believe bridges worlds, dissolving divides we thought stubbornly set. So, indulge flights of fantasy. Let innocence play once more. Stay childlike, unlearn false assumptions and rush to where the courageous meet life; in the liminal spaces. Harness that irrational faith in an eternal reality far vaster than we can perceive.  But stay wary of the shadow traps of deliberate deception or the blind leading the blind.

With the current push/pull energy press the pause on all major new beginnings until the Capricorn new moon on January 11th.  Use the restless impatient frequencies to dream bigger than you’ve ever dreamed before.  There is no ‘one ring to rule them all’. An infinite array of possibilities for reality exists.  The more focus we give to the mainstream narrative the more we will cement it into place.  Where are you choosing to spend your attention? Consistency and coherence are key to manifestation. The world is not deaf it responds precisely to the language whispered. Starve the scary and feed the love as we ride the Dragon’s tail into 2024.  Wishing you all infinite new moon love and blessings.

Make 2024, Year of the Chinese Wood Dragon, your best year yet! Join us for the Mesa of Alchemy live online 4-month retreat uncovering your personal genius. Next intake begins February 18th 2024 

New Moon Ritual for the Winter Solstice 2023 – Illuminating the Inner Light


– A white or blue candle

– Pen and paper

– Cosy blanket or shawl

– A cup of herbal tea (Mugwort if you have it to aid your dreaming)

– Crystals (clear quartz and/or amethyst)

If in The Northern hemisphere decorate your sacred space with winter greenery, pinecones, and fairy lights. Invite the energy of the season with a few cinnamon sticks for a hint of warmth and/or vibrant Holly berries.

Light the candle with a match, feeling the ancient connection to fire as a symbol of transformation. As the flame dances, whisper: “In this cosmic dance, I ignite the Solstice flame within.”

Play meditative music that sings to your Soul and allow yourself to breathe, meditate and sink into your sacred space.

Wrap yourself in the cosy blanket, embracing the tactile sensations of warmth and comfort. Close your eyes, allowing the soothing sounds to transport you to an enchanted realm within.

Prepare your herbal tea with intention. As the tea steeps, inhale the aromatic notes and visualize the warm liquid infusing your body with rejuvenating energy. Feel a sense of renewal with each sip.

As you feel inspired jot down reflections on the past year. Capture moments of personal growth, challenges faced, and wisdom gained. Let your pen flow freely, and let the ink be your guide.

Finally hold the crystal in your right hand. Now visualise your biggest dreams for 2024 as you feel them grow in intensity of colour and feeling blow them gently into the crystal. The crystal will anchor these energies and magnetise them.  Keep it under your pillow or near your bedside.  Whenever you need to re-connect to your dreams sit and meditate with the crystal in your left hand….be open to receiving inspirations, insights or dreams on what next steps to take.

Conclude your ritual by gazing into the candle flame and saying: “As the solstice turns, I embrace the luminous path within and honour the celestial dance of light and dark.”  Safely extinguish the candle before leaving your sacred space.

So mote it be….

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