Unlocking Cosmic Harmony: Navigating Feng Shui Flying Stars in the Transition from Period Eight to Period Nine (2024)

Unlocking Cosmic Harmony: Navigating Feng Shui Flying Stars in the Transition from Period Eight to Period Nine (2024)

The tradition of Feng Shui flying stars is a profound aspect of Chinese metaphysics, delving into the cosmic energies that influence our environments. These flying stars, symbolic of specific qualities of chi energy, move through the compass directions, creating an ever-changing dynamic that directly impacts the chi (energy) flowing within our homes and workplaces.

Unlocking Cosmic Harmony: Navigating Feng Shui Flying Stars in the Transition from Period Eight to Period Nine (2024)

by Davina Mackail

Each period in Feng Shui spans 20 years, and the transition from one period to another marks a significant shift in the elemental influences. Period Eight, which reigned from 2004 to 2023, was characterized by the stabilizing and grounding Earth element. Now, as we step into the embrace of Period Nine, the elemental shift is palpable—a transition from Earth to the dynamic and transformative Fire element.

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From Earth to bright Fire

February 4th, the solar Feng Shui new year, is when this energetic transition begins.  Every year on this date the 9 stars fly to different compass directions bringing a shift in auspicious and inauspicious directions according to feng shui astrological theory. However, this year marks a major shift as we leave Period 8 behind which has governed the astrological chi for the last 20 years and step into the next 20-year period known as Period 9. This is a significant milestone in Flying Star Feng Shui because it is when the stars transition into their next Chi states, and when a whole host of new influences begin to take effect.

In Flying Star Feng Shui, there are 9 periods altogether; each one ties to a sector in the Lo Shu Magic Square, commonly known as the Bagua map in feng shui. Each period lasts 20 years and is governed by a number, with each number being associated with particular energetic qualities, giving us an indication of what kind of luck patterns any particular period will bring.

Each period takes on the characteristics of the Trigram that rules that period. Period 8, the period we are about to leave, is ruled by the Trigram KEN, represented by the Earth element, and typically bringing stability and growth. The coming Period of 9 is ruled by the Trigram LI. By contrast, this Trigram is represented by Fire, which brings brilliance and innovation, but also volatility and instability.


Make 2024, a pivotal year of seeding global transformation, your most magical year yet! Join us for the Mesa of Alchemy online 4-month retreat to discover and evolve your personal magic genius in an intimate group limited to 22 participants. Together we rise stronger! We begin February 18th 2024 – all the details and a FREE preview including a powerful shamanic journey can be found here:  https://www.naturalwisdom.co/mesa-of-alchemy  (PS For those that visited before and found the FREE preview link didn’t work that issue has been fixed so please do check it out ☺

The Year of the Wood Dragon

In addition, 2024 is also the Year of the Wood Dragon beginning on the Chinese lunar new year of February 10th. These two transitions together usher in immense transformational shifts, as the wood of the Dragon will fuel the transformative fires of period 9 suggesting big changes in the world and in the way we do things.  More than anything the next 20 years will see an ideological shift on the planet. Period 9 moves us from profit to purpose.  What does it mean to be human? And what is our purpose here on planet Earth?

from profit to purpose!

In period 9 the number 9 takes centre stage, governed by the element of Fire bringing fame, fortune, new opportunities and new wealth. While the number 8 continues to be an auspicious wealth-attracting number, it loses strength in Period 9 and can even start to manifest some of its negative qualities such as weak health and low vitality.

The number 9 meanwhile becomes super powerful and auspicious. As the number ruling the next 20 years, it replaces the number 8 as the Star of Current Prosperity, holding the power to steer you towards greater health, wealth and happiness. It is also the number of completion; the last single digit number after which everything comes back full circle, and the only one where every multiple adds back to itself, so unlocking its auspicious energies ushers in the luck of successful endings and auspicious outcomes.

Make number 9 your Friend!

Harness the power of 9, by incorporating it into your life in multiple ways. Have it in your phone number, car registration numbers and membership numbers. Arrange decorative items around your home in groups or sets of 9. Create a mandala of 9 crystals on your altar for example.

Fire-related industries can be expected to boom, this does not mean only those that deal with literal fire and heat. Any industry at the forefront of emerging technology such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain etc will all enjoy a major advantage in the next 20 years. These are the industries that ignite change, set new directions and pave the way for an entirely transformed way of living and working.

Because of the volatile nature of Fire, period 9 is also likely to be more tumultuous than Period 8. It will be a time of rapid purification and transformation, when things can change at lightning speed. While there is much to gain, the risk of loss can be just as great.

Fire is associated with passion, innovation, and the spark of inspiration. As we navigate this new period, the Flying Stars usher in a cosmic dance that invites us to embrace change, creativity, and the unfolding of new possibilities.

Practical Feng Shui advice for this year!

From February 4th until February 3rd 2025 be mindful of the following directions in your home and the powerful chi that is present there. As the new year dawns, certain areas of your home will be conduits of prosperous energies, while others may bring challenging influences.

How to: Wealth

To invoke fortune, enhance the Southwest – an excellent location for a home office this year. Strengthen this sector with bold metal accents and ample lighting. Adorn the space with a nine-rod hollow wind chime to beckon luck.

How to: Energy

The Northeast and North are also channels of auspicious chi. Activate these sectors by keeping them clean, open and active. Place fresh flowers, light candles and use uplifting decor to elevate the energy.

What to avoid

Use caution in the Southeast, Centre, South and West. Limit renovation or noisy activities here. If doors are located in these sectors, install soft-close hinges. Avoid slamming or excessive comings and goings. Where possible, divert entry and exit to more harmonious areas of your home.

On February 4th, welcome the new period with a ceremonial opening of doors and windows. In the first hours of Period Nine, let fresh chi flow in as the stale energy of yesteryear dissipates. Open all the doors and windows in your home for at least five minutes, visualizing the old sweeping out as the new sweeps in, carrying fortuitous blessings on its wings. At the very least open a window in the North East and invite in a new cycle of wealth and prosperity.

As we embark on the cosmic journey of Period Nine in 2024, the Feng Shui flying stars beckon us to align with the transformative power of the Fire element. Embrace the dynamic energies, navigate challenges with wisdom, and craft living spaces that resonate with the harmony of cosmic alignment. May this period usher in prosperity, creativity, and the fulfilment of your deepest aspirations by the embodiment of your purpose.

So mote it be…..

Make 2024, a pivotal year of seeding global transformation, your most magical year yet! Join us for the Mesa of Alchemy online 4-month retreat to discover and evolve your personal magic genius in an intimate group limited to 22 participants. Together we rise stronger! We begin February 18th 2024 – all the details and a FREE preview including a powerful shamanic journey can be found here:  https://www.naturalwisdom.co/mesa-of-alchemy  (PS For those that visited before and found the FREE preview link didn’t work that issue has been fixed so please do check it out☺

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