Venus in Libra: August 29 – September 22 2024

During the time of Venus in Libra (August 29 - September 22, 2024), we may find ourselves seeking balance and harmony in relationships.

Tonight’s magical transition of Venus from Virgo to Libra signifies a major energy shift from  self-controlled yet deep-rooted need for love and healing Virgo to the sign She rules and feels fabulous in, this is Libra of course. If there is a sign which symbolizes beauty, grace, balance and peace well then this is it. Obviously Venus in Libra is a harmonious and romantic placement. During the time of Venus in Libra (August 29 – September 22, 2024), we may find ourselves seeking balance and harmony in relationships. Because we probably experienced some chaos during the last retrograde phase of Mercury. So, Venus in Libra can inspire us to appreciate beauty all around us and especially in the hearts of others who surround us daily.

a new beginning in the World?

When Venus is in Libra, it can have a harmonizing and diplomatic influence on our burning world as a whole. Will this mean negotiations and peace after all?

Hopefully, during this time, there may be an emphasis on promoting peace, cooperation, and fairness on a global scale. Issues related to justice, equality, and partnerships may come to the forefront, with a focus on finding common ground and mutual understanding among nations and communities. This can be a time when people are more inclined to seek out harmony and beauty in their surroundings, leading to a greater focus on creativity, aesthetics, and the arts. As Venus in Libra can encourage a more diplomatic and cooperative approach to global affairs, we may see this Venusian energy promoting global dialogue, compromise, and unity among different countries and cultures.

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your body is a temple (for divine and/or passionate rituals)

Venus in Libra may have a positive impact on beauty, balance, and harmony in the body. This can be a good time to focus on self-care routines that promote overall well-being and aesthetics. You may find that activities like pampering yourself with beauty treatments or engaging in yoga and meditation to bring balance to the body and mind are particularly beneficial during this time.

Also, Venus is often associated with love, beauty, and relationships, while Libra is connected to balance, harmony, and partnerships. This combination can enhance spells and rituals related to love, self-love, relationships, and enhancing beauty. It’s a favorable time for spells that focus on promoting harmony in relationships, cultivating self-love and self-care, and attracting beauty and positive energy into your life.

👉 Who is Venus? She is the Great Goddess. The Love bringer. Also, Peace-maker, deal-binder, money-magnet. She is all of these and so much more. Aphrodite, the goddess of love is not someone to mess with. After all, her sacred animal is a lion!

Days to look for:

    • September 3: Venus aligns with South Node, creating a challenge in releasing past relationships with exes, friends, or individuals we’ve been casually dating. Focus on emotional attachments
    • September 15: Venus aligns with Jupiter brining an amazing opportunity for abundance

Venus in Libra: August 29 – September 22 2024

👉 In few words: Venus in Libra brings harmonious relationships and a focus on beauty and peace.

  • EXPECT: new romantic encounters, negotiations and partnerships
  • AVOID: feeling reckless

Who’s favored by Venus Libra?

  • ALL will receive a gift this month. But some signs will be extra favored.
  • Staring with Libra, Venus – your governor – brings all kinds of blessings to you. Love, friends, peace, money and possible lovers are all attracted to you. However, this attraction can also become a magnet for people who may try to drain your energy.
  • Gemini and Aquarius also receive powerful blessings during this transit. At the same time, this is still a favorable shift for Taurus, because your governor is exalted in a sign considered as secret friend.

Who needs to be more careful by Venus in Virgo?

  • During this transition of Venus into Libra, Aries may need to prioritize nurturing their relationships with heightened sensitivity, Cancer should pay closer attention to matters related to their home and family life for emotional stability, and Capricorn may find themselves needing to navigate emotional dynamics in their professional relationships with greater care.

Goddess’s Gift to Each Zodiac Sign for this month!

Now let’s proceed with the predictions to each zodiac sign. How will Venus bless the Signs?


During this period, there is a focus on partnerships and relationships for Aries, especially in the areas of love and harmony. Venus in Libra highlights the need for compromise and communication in their 7th solar house, potentially bringing new opportunities for balance and connection with others. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Aries may find themselves seeking beauty and harmony in their interactions, leading to a deeper appreciation for the importance of cooperation and teamwork. This period can bring about a renewed sense of romance or a desire to strengthen existing partnerships, ultimately fostering a more balanced and harmonious approach to relationships. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


During this time, Taurus may find a strong focus on their work environment and overall well-being as Venus transits through their 6th solar house. This period could bring opportunities for creative solutions and harmonious interactions with colleagues or employees, promoting a more pleasant and cooperative atmosphere in the workplace. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Taurus may also feel a heightened sense of appreciation for the importance of health and self-care routines, leading to a desire to create more beauty and balance in their daily work life. Overall, Venus in Libra can inspire Taurus to seek harmony and efficiency in their day-to-day routines, ultimately fostering a more productive and enjoyable work environment. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


As Venus enters Gemini’s 5th solar house, there is a strong emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and romance. This period could bring opportunities for Gemini to engage in artistic pursuits, explore new hobbies, or express themselves more freely. The influence of Venus in Libra may also inspire a desire for harmony and balance in relationships, leading to a more light-hearted and playful approach to love and romance. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Gemini may find themselves drawn to activities that bring joy and pleasure, fostering a greater appreciation for the beauty in life. Overall, this transit encourages Gemini to embrace their creative side, enjoy the journey of self-discovery, and cultivate more harmonious connections with others. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


With Venus gracing Cancer’s 4th solar house, there is a focus on family relationships, home life, and emotional security. This period may bring opportunities for Cancer to create a more harmonious and nurturing environment at home, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility within their domestic sphere. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

The influence of Venus in Libra could also inspire Cancer to beautify their living space, host gatherings with loved ones, or deepen bonds with family members. Emotions may be expressed more easily and lovingly during this time, leading to a greater sense of connection and understanding within the family unit. Ultimately, this transit encourages Cancer to prioritize emotional well-being, foster loving relationships with family members, and create a sense of harmony and balance in their personal life. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


With Venus gracing Cancer’s 4th solar house, there is a focus on family relationships, home life, and emotional security. This period may bring opportunities for Cancer to create a more harmonious and nurturing environment at home, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility within their domestic sphere. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

The influence of Venus in Libra could also inspire Cancer to beautify their living space, host gatherings with loved ones, or deepen bonds with family members. Emotions may be expressed more easily and lovingly during this time, leading to a greater sense of connection and understanding within the family unit. Ultimately, this transit encourages Cancer to prioritize emotional well-being, foster loving relationships with family members, and create a sense of harmony and balance in their personal life. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


With Venus gracing Virgo’s 2nd solar house, the focus is on values, finances, and self-worth. This period may bring opportunities for Virgo to reassess their relationship with money and material possessions, leading to a desire for balance and harmony in these areas. The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Virgo to cultivate a greater appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, prompting them to make practical yet elegant choices in their financial matters. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Virgo may also find themselves seeking out ways to increase their sense of self-worth and abundance, allowing them to attract more prosperity and positive experiences into their life. Ultimately, this transit encourages Virgo to prioritize balance in their material pursuits, cultivate a sense of worthiness and abundance, and embrace a harmonious approach to their financial well-being. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


When Venus graces its own sign of Libra, it brings a powerful emphasis on love, beauty, and harmony for those born under this sign. This period may enhance Libra’s natural charm and grace, making them even more appealing in their interactions with others. Venus in Libra encourages Libra to seek out balance and fairness in their relationships, fostering a deeper appreciation for love and partnership. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Libra may find themselves drawn to artistic endeavors, social gatherings, and activities that promote harmony and elegance. This transit can inspire Libra to embody qualities of peace, diplomacy, and aesthetic appreciation, ultimately leading to a greater sense of inner and outer beauty in their lives. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


As Venus enters Scorpio’s 12th solar house, there is a focus on introspection, spirituality, and emotional healing. This period may bring opportunities for Scorpio to delve deep into their subconscious mind, exploring hidden desires, fears, and emotions. The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Scorpio to seek inner peace and harmony through practices such as meditation, art therapy, or spiritual reflection. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Relationships from the past may resurface, offering a chance for closure and forgiveness. This transit encourages Scorpio to embrace vulnerability, release emotional baggage, and cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy towards themselves and others. Ultimately, Venus in Scorpio’s 12th house invites Scorpio to explore the depths of their soul, heal from past wounds, and find inner balance and harmony. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


As Venus travels through Sagittarius’ 11th solar house, the focus is on friendships, social connections, and humanitarian endeavors. This period may bring opportunities for Sagittarius to expand their social circle, forge new alliances, and engage in group activities that promote harmony and cooperation. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Sagittarius to cultivate meaningful and harmonious relationships with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared ideals. Sagittarius may find themselves drawn to humanitarian causes or community projects that aim to create a more harmonious and inclusive society. This transit encourages Sagittarius to embrace their role as a friend and ally, foster connections with a diverse range of people, and work towards common goals that promote peace and understanding. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


As Venus enters Capricorn’s 10th solar house, there is a focus on career, ambition, and public image. This period may bring opportunities for Capricorn to cultivate harmonious relationships with authority figures, colleagues, and professional contacts. The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Capricorn to approach their career with grace, diplomacy, and a sense of balance, leading to recognition and success in their endeavors. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

Capricorn may find themselves drawn to projects that promote beauty, elegance, and cooperation in the workplace, enhancing their reputation and status. This transit encourages Capricorn to embody qualities of leadership, professionalism, and aesthetic appreciation, ultimately fostering a harmonious and fulfilling career path. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


When Venus transits through Aquarius’ 9th solar house, the focus is on higher learning, expansion, and philosophical exploration. This period may bring opportunities for Aquarius to connect with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, engage in intellectual pursuits, and seek out experiences that broaden their horizons. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Aquarius to approach their quest for knowledge with a sense of beauty, harmony, and open-mindedness, fostering a deeper appreciation for different perspectives and beliefs. Aquarius may be drawn to philosophical discussions, spiritual practices, or travel experiences that promote a greater sense of unity and understanding. This transit encourages Aquarius to embrace their curiosity, engage in meaningful conversations, and cultivate a more harmonious and expanded worldview. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free


As Venus moves through Pisces’ 8th solar house, the focus is on transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. This period may bring opportunities for Pisces to deepen their connections with others on a profound emotional level, fostering a greater sense of trust and intimacy in their relationships. 👉 Read the Astrological Predictions of your Zodiac Sign for 2024 here (x)

The influence of Venus in Libra could inspire Pisces to approach issues related to joint finances, shared responsibilities, and personal boundaries with grace and harmony, leading to a more balanced and equitable exchange of resources. Pisces may find themselves drawn to activities that promote healing, spiritual growth, and psychological insight, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and others. This transit encourages Pisces to embrace vulnerability, release emotional baggage, and cultivate harmonious and meaningful connections that bring renewal and transformation. 👉 Check also your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign (ascendant) – click HERE (x) to find them for free

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