September Energy Calendar

September Energy Calendar

Welcome September. September Energy Calendar is here to guide you through the magical September’s days and nights of Power. Not quite as action packed as August (See here the August Energy Calendar) which means we are going to be able to breathe and be brought back into balance this month with the Autumnal Equinox.

September Energy Calendar

2nd September: Moon enters Aquarius at 21:06
5th September: Moon enters Pisces at 06:28
5th September: Mercury goes Direct …
6th September: Full Moon in Pisces at 08:03
7th September: Moon enters Aries at 13:01
9th September: Moon enters Taurus at 17:22
11th September: Moon enters Gemini at 20:29
13th September: Moon enters Cancer at 23:12
16th September: Moon enters Leo at 02:08
20th September: New Moon in Virgo 05:30
20th September: Moon enters Libra at 11:05
22nd September: Moon enters Scorpio 18:39
22nd September: The Autumnal Equinox/ Mabon 20:02
25th September: Moon in Sagittarius at 05:00
27th September: Moon enters Capricorn at 17:23
28th September: Pluto goes Direct
30th September: Moon enters Aquarius at 05:40

Please note that all of these times stated are UTC which is Universal Coordinated Time, and if you would like to know times for where you live, here is a fabulous world clock that will help you find out —->

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*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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