Wind Talismans to Celebrate Yule and the Gift Giving Trees

Wind Talismans to Celebrate Yule and the Gift Giving Trees

Traditions of the wind talismans on trees:

Most of us have seen a natural, or artificial fir decorated with lights and colourful ornaments, in order to celebrate Christmas, or the New Year. And this tradition is older and more worldwide than Christianity.

In many countries, a specific, or not, kind of tree was decorated, in order to honour nature, the spirits, or the Gods. Gifts were placed on its base, as offerings, while, in most cases, wishes were hanged on its branches, for them to come true. In most cases, this is a practise to celebrate the beginning of the year, or a special, or sacred day, or period.

The ancient Greeks would do so near the Winter Solstice to honour Zeus, or the Sun God. Later, Romans would adopt the custom to honour Janus, the God that actually gave his name to January.

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Of course, it is not only this period of the year that this custom takes place. In Japan, the Tanabata festivities use the same practise to honour the meeting of two divine lovers (or two stars, if you prefer). The Tanabata festival takes place during summer. In some northern European countries, it was a custom to celebrate Beltane and the resurrection, not of the Sun, but of the Nature.

In some cases, when trees are not very common, the custom takes place even without them. We can find one such example in the celebration of the New Year in Tibet.

In any case, if you intend to use a tree, use a green tree or a sacred one at least.

Understanding the magic behind the custom:

Now, let us decode this custom. In magical terms what is practised, in all these cases around the world and during all eras, is the creation of simple wind talismans.

The trees are symbols of the spirits, or Deities to be honoured, or even just the mediums to ascent our wishes from the material world to the spiritual, or divine one.

The gifts offered at their roots are symbols of our thanks-giving to the ones from whom we expect to fulfil our wishes. Finally, the decorations are the actual talismans carrying our wishes. So, let’s see some simple ways to employ the wind talismans for our benefit.

How to make and use your own Wind Talismans:

Write on a piece of paper, or cloth your wish and hang it. Use natural clothes, such as cotton and wool. Make a knot talisman for your wish and hang it. Or if you are skilful make some ceramic balls or plates and write your wishes on them, and then hang them. Other than those, use your imagination and creativity. By expressing yourself and your own believes, you will honour your Gods better.

The key factor is that the talisman should be able to decay due to rain, wind, and Sun light. This is necessary, for as it decays, the wish is carried to the Universe, in order to be fulfilled. Therefore, do not use metal, glass, or plastic. If you want your wish to be fulfilled during this lifetime, that is.

It is true that in some cases, it is the ink to be used that caries the wish. In those cases, the ink is what should be able to vanish, and not the actual talisman. But, this is a practise more common for water based talismans, rather than for wind talismans.

Now, leave the talismans on the tree until they will be sufficiently destroyed, if you use a tree in your yard. If you use a tree in the woods, then simply leave them there and go.

While offering your gifts, give your thanks to the tree (and the Deities). Then, while hanging your talismans, say a prayer for the fulfilment of your wishes. After that, trust the gift offering tree to make them true.

When to use the Wind Talismans and the Gift Giving Trees:

Of course, you can do something like this in any time of the year. But, the power of Yule in making our wishes come true is extraordinary. Therefore, even someone really inexperienced in magic can make it happen.

So, have fun, have a blessed Yule, and an even more blessed New Year!

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