10 Signs when Negative Energy is around

10 Signs when Negative Energy is around you and simple ways to remove it

10 signs when negative energy is around

10 Signs when Negative Energy is around you and simple ways to remove it

Negative energy is a very general term we use today to describe an unseen force which makes our lives harder to live. In some cultures, they will call it the evil eye, modern psychology may call it depression, medicine may call it fatigue non explained otherwise etc.

It is true that we do not have all the answers, but there is one thing for sure, sometimes we experience a wave of negative emotions, thoughts and experiences where our body, mind and soul reacts to it on a daily basis and usually we do not have an explanation for this.

We are going to see 10 signs that people usually experience when they have negative energy around them and ways to remove them. Of course this should not be prohibitive of visiting a physician or a mental health specialist, after all they are here to help if the problem lies elsewhere.

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Finally, negative energy may have plenty of sources of origin the important part is to be determined to clear the problem and take steps to rectify all possible underlying issues. We cannot change others but we can change ourselves.

10 signs when negative energy is around
With that in mind let’s see how to identify negativity:

  1. Cash do not flow easily, unpaid bills start to pile and you do not know where your money is going. Getting a stagnation in our prosperity is a sign that the path to growth is blocked even when we are earning enough money.
  2. You feel tired, exhausted and you get frustrated easily. You experience up and downs like a rollercoaster and you feel bad about yourself. Usually, we still feel exhausted after a good’s night rest and with a balanced diet.
  3. You feel stressed and unable to cope with every day activities, while before everything was fine.
  4. You are more prone to infections than normal and you start getting sick more often. Signs of a low immune system topped up with stress.
  5. Communication is affected, people seem to not being able to understand you and you feel that you don’t understand others.
  6. You find difficult to care for yourself and you cannot find any time for yourself.
  7. Your sleep pattern is affected with strange dreams and nightmares. Your subconscious mind tries to alert you that something is not right.
  8. Negative thoughts and emotions seem to surface every time you are trying to relax. What is worse is that the more you try to stop them the more resistant they become.
  9. Losing keys, money, wallets, clothes etc and having a difficult time to find them, even though most of the time they are around you and quite visible.
  10. Feel unable to concentrate as your mind tends to focus on random things while you experience a feeling of emptiness.

Ok if you experience more than 5 of these together then it is time to make a change and try and see how your magic can help you rectify the issue. See here how! 

Find out here how to Cleanse Negativity

and Banish the energy and the entities that keep you behind!

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