9 Ways to Cleanse Negativity

You must be wondering, there should be a way to cleanse negativity. Here we are going to present you 9 easy ways to banish and cleanse negativity.

how to cleanse negativity

Negativity is a pain in neck and every-time you try to accomplish something, negativity might block you. You must be wondering, there should be a way to cleanse negativity. Of course there is. 9 to be exact (if not more). Here we are going to present you easy ways to banish and cleanse negativity.

Is negativity around?

The First question you have to answer is “does negativity surround me?”. Well to answer this we have to go one step back. Here you can find 10 Signs (and symptoms) when negativity is around. Have you answered yes in more than 5 (out of ten) questions? Then, it is time to make a change and try and see how your magic can help you rectify the issue.

And here is how to get rid of Negative Energy and Cleanse Negativity:

  1. Setting the intention to get rid of all this negativity is step one. The stronger your will, the stronger your magic.
  2. Forgiveness. Simple acts of letting go and forgiving our selves and others have extremely healing properties. All we need to recognise is that everybody tries the best they know how and let things go.
  3. Using the power of water for its cleansing properties. Best solution is to prepare a hot bath, use some salt (or Epsom salts) and add essential oils of herbs with cleansing and healing properties such as eucalyptus, achillea, sage, myrrh and peppermint. Please remember to dilute and do not apply directly on your skin. Dive in and soak your body. Feel the cleansing properties of water removing all the debris from your body and aura and take deep breaths to allow the aroma of the oils replenish you.
  4. Ask assistance from your Deities, the Universe and any higher forces that you work with. The first step is to recognise that you need help, put your pride aside and ask for it. When you ask they will listen.
  5. Carry crystals which ground negativity and have protective properties such as onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline or tiger’s eye. Remember to cleanse them every so often as they all have storing capacities.
  6. Time for a good house cleansing. You can find more information on how to perform here! CLICK HERE
  7. Cast a purification and cleansing spell. More information is available CLICK HERE
  8. Cast a protection spell. Here is a suggestion CLICK HERE
  9. Use the upcoming ritual of the chalice and the athame (stay tuned for this one)

Always remember to take baby steps and keep going, asking for help is not a sign of weakness and whatever the situation you are stronger than you think and you can always surpass your expectations.

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