Capricorn Horoscope for 2018: Power is Your Hands now

Capricorn Horoscope for 2018: Power is Your Hands now

Capricorn Horoscope for 2018: Well this is a year you’ve been waiting for. You see, Saturn rules your sign and your strict governor has just got back home – to your zodiac sign. These are great news for you and you must have already realized what this means. The past 3 years were extremely tough for you making you feel isolated. You might caught yourself wondering if there is someone in the world who can help you escape the darkness of your feelings.

Capricorn Horoscope for 2018: the Time has come – Power is Here

Things are never going to be the same. Saturn is now in your Zodiac signs raising up the challenges but helping you get your power back. 2018 is not an easy year but it’s definitely a year of progress in all areas of your life. You are going to find solutions in almost anything you were looking for.

Especially until November 2018, Jupiter from Scorpio will give you the chance to have much fun and explore what makes you feel good. Jupiter will give you a boost of confidence and just a tat of good luck. Your social circle is expanding and you attract new interesting people in your life. These people in particular may also provide answers to what you needed all this time.

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Moreover, there is a very interesting change of events. You see, the past 7 years you felt the cold breath of Uranus making your family and home a source of troubles and anxiety. In May 2018 Uranus will stop bothering you and will give you 5 months break. But don’t worry. Uranus will ultimately change signs in 2019.

Capricorn Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight:

You should expect major changes during the new year. All parts of your life are going to be affected by this tremendous energy boost you receive from the universe. You now have the chance to build your future as you’ve always dreamed of.

Let’s see some more detailed features of Capricorn Horoscope for 2018.


You’ve just entered a very creative phase of your life. Although you might need to work more you are going to have the chance too prove your worth.


The time when you felt alone has past. In 2018 you will reach for more interesting people and you will are going to feel more attractive. The time of isolation has passed.

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Your magical powers increase rapidly. Saturn the Planet of the Witches is now in your sign. Moreover Jupiter will help you expand your knowledge in the Craft.


Although your income might receive a positive boost it seems that you cannot control your expenses. Be very careful around eclipses.


What bothered you in the past, now is time to find solutions. Find a way to relax and detox yourself from negative thinking. You are recovering from a long and difficult time. 

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capricorn-horoscope-2018-power-hands-nowWhat 2018 will bring to you. Capricorn Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight.