Pisces Horoscope for 2018: The Tides now Favor You

Pisces Horoscope for 2018: The Tides now Favor You

Pisces Horoscope for 2018: It’s true. You are probably the luckiest sign for 2018. Most of  the planetary influences favor you in all areas of your life. Amongst the most important news for the new year is that you career stops bothering you that much giving space for almost all other activities to become fruitful and fun! 

Pisces Horoscope for 2018: The Tides now Favor Now

Alright guys. This is your year. It’s very important to understand that in 2018 you have the chance to shine and succeed in most of your goals. But lets take things slowly and analyze all parts of your life. You see, the past three year Saturn’s position in Sagittarius drained your energy. You put up some great fight but you did not win in all. Amongst the things you’ve lost was part of your confidence and faith in humanity. 

However, now that Saturn is in Capricorn, a much more helpful position, you will understand that friends are gold. Your social circles will help you manifest your desires by either giving you a helping hand or showing you the way. 

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Moreover, Jupiter in Scorpio gives you a kick-start to evolve in unimaginable ways. You attract wise and powerful teacher-figures in your life. These people offer you their knowledge and their support. You may also travel a lot in 2018 especially abroad. Power and growth may also have to do with other countries or people from abroad. You education also seems extremely important right now. 

The good news don’t stop! Uranus new position in Taurus (for 5 months in 2018) will help you expand your horizons and attract interesting new people with who you can have so much fun. Amazing opportunities may wait for you in the most amazing places. Are you single? Time to meet this special someone! Are you married? Time to refresh your marriage and bless you home with laughter and smiles. 

Pisces Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight!

This is going to be a year to remember. Apart from brief periods you will have the chance to relax, have fun and achieve your goals! What else could you possibly want? 

Let’s see some more detailed features of Pisces Horoscope for 2018.


In 2018 you will manage to find a new balance in your work environment. Moreover, by the end of 2018 you will have the chance to get a promotion and expand your work-related horizons!


Yes you relationships are healing after a long time of isolation, sadness and misunderstandings!

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Still, the planet which governs your sign gives you a helping hand to explore your magical potential. Moreover, you will have the chance to apply your magic! 


Still you need to be careful how you spend you money. Unexpected expenses might get you out of track.


You are healing. This procedure might take some time but ultimately you will have the chance to feel alive again. 

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pisces-horoscope-2018-tides-now-favorWhat 2018 will bring to you. Pisces Horoscope for 2018 in Spotlight.