July Energy Calendar

July Energy Calendar

We have all made it through June and we have all been thrown straight into the very over powering energies that July has to offer. Sorry this is a few days late, it has been such a busy few days, but I hope this isn’t indicitive of how the energies are going to be all month long – busy, busy, busy.

Names of the Moon for July
* Colonial American – The Rose Moon
* Cherokee Native American – The Ripe Corn Moon
* Choctaw Native American – The Crane Moon
* Sioux Native American – The Moon of the Middle Summer
* Celtic – The Moon of Claiming
* English – The Rose Moon
* Neo-Pagan – The Rose Moon

The Birthstones for July
The Birthstone for the month of July is RUBY. The birthstones for the sign of Cancer include EMERALD, MOONSTONE, PEARL and RUBY. The birthstones for the sign of Leo include ONYX, CARNELIAN, SARDONYX, GOLDEN TOPAZ and TOURMALINE.

Now; lets get to the energy calendar.

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* 2nd July:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 02:23
– The New Moon in Cancer at 20:16

* 4th July:
– The Moon enters Leo at 04:19

* 6th July:
– The Moon enters Virgo at 05:25

* 7th July:
– Mercury enters Retrograde at 18:10 in Leo
– The Month of the Wren Ends (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
– The Month of Oak Ends (Celtic tree Zodiac)

* 8th July:
– The Moon enters Libra at 07:06
– Chiron enters Retrograde
– The Month of the Horse Begins (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
– The Month of Holly Begins (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

- The Month of Holly Begins (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

* 9th July:
– The Moon enters it’s First Quarter at 11:54 in Libra

* 10th July:
– The Moon enters Scorpio at 10:28

* 12th July:
– The Moon enters Sagittarius at 16:04

* 13th July:
– The Time of Anubis Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 14th July:
– The Time of Bastet Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 15th July:
– The Moon enters Capricorn at 00:04

* 16th July
– There will be a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 22:38
– The FULL MOON in Capricorn at 22:38

* 17th July:
– The Moon enters Aquarius at 10:18
– Ceres Leaves Retrograde

* 19th July:
– The Moon enters Pisces 22:18

* 21st July
– The Month of the Woodpecker Ends (Native American Zodiac)

* 22nd July:
– The Moon enters Aries at 11:02
– The Month of Cancer Ends (Traditional Zodiac)
– The Month of the Salmon Begins (Native American Zodiac)

* 23rd July:
– The Month of Leo Begins (Traditional Zodiac)

* 24th July:
– The Moon enters Taurus at 22:42

* 25th July:
– The Moon enters it’s LAST QUARTER at 02:17 in Taurus

* 27th July:
– The Moon enters Gemini at 07:28

* 28th July:
– The Time of Bastet Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 29th July:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 12:30
– The Time of Sekhmet Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 31st July:
– The Moon enters Leo at 14:18
-Mercury goes Direct at 22:57 in Cancer.

As always with my energy calendars, the times stated above are in UTC and you can check out www.timeanddate.com to convert this for your timezone.

*)O(* Rainbow Love. Light and Blessings *)O(*

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