August Energy Calendar

August Energy Calendar

We started August with a bit of a bang, didn’t we? The Black Moon (New Moon), a Sabbat – Lughnasadh in the Northen Hemisphere and Imbolc in the southen Hemisphere and the Lionsgate Portal is open and brigning some vey powerful energies into the world. I don’t know about you, but the energy has been all over the shop the last few days, and I know there are many out there who have been struggling, especially with the recent retrograde phase for Mercury.

The Birthstones for August.
The Birthstone for August is PERIDOT. Birthstones for Leo include: ONYX, CARNELIAN, SARDONYX, GOLDEN TOPAZ and TOURMALINE. Birthstones for Virgo include: CARNELIAN, JADE, JASPER, MOSS AGATE and SAPPHIRE.

Name of the Moon in August
? Colonial American – The Dog Days Moon
? Cheorkee Native American – The Fruit Moon
? Choctaw Native Ameican – The Woman’s Moon
? Sioux Native American – The Moon When All Things Ripen
? Celtic – The Dispute Moon
? English – The Lightening Moon
? Neo-Pagan – The Lightening Moon.

August Energy Calendar

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* 1st August:
– The ? New Moon ? in Leo at 04:11
– Lughnasadh – Northern Hemisphere
– Imbolc – Southern Hemisphere

* 2nd August:
– The Moon enters Virgo at 14:20

* 3rd August:
– The Moon enters Libra at 14:29
– The Month of the Horse Ends (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
– The Month of Holly Ends (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

* 5th August:
– The Month of the Fish Begins (Celtic Animal Zodaic)
– The Month of Hazel Begins (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

* 6th August:
– The Moon enters Scorpio at 16:31

* 7th August:
– The Moon enters it’s ? FIRST QUARTER ? in Scorpio at 18:20

* 8th August:
– The Moon enters Sagittarius at 21:34

* 11th August:
– The Moon enters Capricorn at 05:49
– The Time of Sekhmet Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)
– Uranus enters Retrograde at 18:10 in Taurus

* 12th August:
The Month of Horus Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 13th August:
The Moon enters Aquarius at 16:35

* 15th August:
– The ? FULL MOON ? in Aquarius at 13:29
– Mercury leaves Rx Zone at 01:53 at Capricorn

* 16th August:
– The Moon enters Pisces at 04:49

* 18th August:
– The Moon enters Aries at 17:32

* 19th August:
– The Time of Horus Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 20th August:
– The Time of Geb Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 21st August
– The Moon enters Taurus at 05:36
– The Month of the Salmon Ends (Native American Zodiac)

* 22nd August:
– The Month of the Bear Begins (Native American Zodac)
– The Month of Leo Ends (Traditional Zodiac)

* 23rd August:
– The Moon enters Gemini at 15:33
– The Moon enters it’s ? LAST QUARTER ? in Gemini at 15:55
– The Month of Virgo Begins (Traditional Zodiac)

* 25th August:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 22:05

* 28th August:
– The Moon enters Leo at 00:53

* 30th August:
– The Moon enters Virgo at 00:57
– The ? NEW MOON ? in Virgo at 11:37
– The ? Black Moon ? – The Second New Moon in August

* 31st August:
– The Time of Geb Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

Asalways the times mentioned here are in UTC/GMT but you can find a conversion for your timezone at

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