Is your Phone Number Lucky?

Is your Phone Number Lucky?

Numerology is an ancient Art of divination. It is based on the belief that this world is built on patterns. The power of Numerology comes from the fact that everything – and when we say everything, we actually mean EVERYTHING – is related to a number. Hence, as each number equals certain vibrations and energies, everything has its own numerical and vibrational signature, which can be auspicious or not. So “is your phone number lucky” means “is your phone number’s numerical vibration harmonic with you?”

Is your Phone Number Lucky?

So, as we’ve explained, whether your Phone Number is lucky, or not, depends on its ‘single’ numerical value. So, what we need to do first is to calculate the ‘single’ numerical value of your phone number. This comes after adding each digit individually.

  • For example. If your phone number is 5312516742 we need to add each digit first. So:
  • 5+3+1+2+5+1+6+7+4+2 = 36
  • We are not finished. As we need to conclude to a one-digit number first. So, your phone number’s numerical value comes from adding the digits first 3+6 = 9. Hence, 9 is the Numerical Value of this phone number. It means that this number vibrates like number 9. 

If your Phone Number results to 1:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 1? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of the Sun/Apollo, the Source of all Life and Light. This is a masculine number, dominant,  powerful and creative. Hence, this means that it’s a great number for directors, leaders, bosses… or, of course, if you like to be the number one. Moreover, it is an excellent number, if your work is related to show-business, or management. This is a number of power, glory and fame. It brings hope inspiration and “light”. Yes, light! Anyway, if you need attention, glory and social power then 1 is your number.

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If your Phone Number results to 2:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 2? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of the Moon/Artemis/Selene, the Great Lady of the Night. This is a feminine number, receptive, intuitive and magical. It is an excellent number, if your work is related to real-estate, cooking or hospitality. However, it needs attention if you need to communicate much, because you may be extremely seductive sometimes, or freakishly misunderstood!

If your Phone Number results to 3:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 3? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of Jupiter/Zeus, the King of Gods. This is a masculine number, projective and powerful. Hence, it’s important to remember that this number is associated with some kind of Good Luck, progress and opportunities – socially and professionally! Moreover, it bring out a sense of optimism and hope. With this number, a golden key follows you wherever you use it. Business cards too.

If your Phone Number results to 4:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 4? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of Mars/Ares and Uranus. This is a masculine number, projective and a bit unpredictable. Hence, this is a number which may bring sudden changes, for good or ill. Regularly, it is not considered auspicious. However, it is a very powerful number which can help you change your luck and overcome obstacles. Mars and Uranus will bless you with all the energy you need for major breakthrough. Hence, you phone number is associated with much – unpredictable power.

If your Phone Number results to 5:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 5? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of Mercury/Hermes, God of Communication and Swiftness. This is a versatile number, airy and popular. Hence, it’s a very important number for anyone who has an interest in commerce and transportation, of any kind. Moreover, it brings good luck and blessings to all who need to communicate with more people and network. However, please remember that things might get weird when Mercury is Retrograde!

If your Phone Number results to 6:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 6? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of Venus/Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Peace! This is a feminine number, fertile and sensual. Hence, it’s a very important number for anyone who has an interest in cosmetics or anything related to beauty, healing or even teaching. Moreover, it radiates charms and harmony so it’s excellent for romance as it works like a magnet. This number makes it perfect for anything relationships related from flirting to marriage.

If your Phone Number results to 7:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 7? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of the Moon/Artemis/Selene and Neptune/Poseidon, God of all Seas and hidden treasures.  Therefore, this is a number of intense magical power and wisdom. Hence, it is not considered to be that auspicious for all, but only for anyone who works in professions associated with healing, medicines, chemistry, academics, and also for mysticists and researchers. Please remember that your communication is affected by the Phases of the Moon (be extra careful in Full Moon and New Moon).

If your Phone Number results to 8:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 8? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of the Saturn/Kronos, old God of time, father of Zeus/Jupiter.  Therefore, this is a number of intense power, patience, endurance and wisdom. Hence, it is not considered to be obviously auspicious as it is related with responsibilities, loneliness and patience. However, it is a number which can help an individual overcome ALL obstacles, by bringing much awareness, self-realization and magical awakening. Hence, this number offers what all other numbers cannot. True power, which comes in time, when the individual is ready.

If your Phone Number results to 9:

Are you wondering if your Phone Number is Lucky, if it results to 9? Well, your phone number vibrates in the spiritual vibes of the Mars/Ares and Pluto/Hades, God of the Underworld, powerful brother to Zeus and Poseidon.  Hence, this is a number of instinctive power and transformation. Although, this number brings to the individual the ability to endure in all possible jobs, it also blesses him/her to evolve and reach higher social and professional status. Therefore, it seems that good luck is by your side but not in an obvious way.

Is your Phone Number lucky, especially for you?

In any case, a phone number that happens to result to the same one-digit number as one of your own important numbers, it will be lucky for you. These numbers are:

  • The one-digit numerical value of your birthday. To find this number you only have to add all digits of your birthday, until you end up with a one-digit number, more or less, the same way you’ve added the digits of your phone number.
  • The one-digit numerical value of the name you usually use. This might be your first name, a shortened, or altered edition of it, or another name you use for yourself, in every day life. You can calculate the numerical value of that name, in the same way you’ve calculated the numerical value of your magical name, here.
  • The one-digit numerical value of your full name. This is the name that appears in your legal papers, including every given name and your surname. To calculate its value, use the same method as for the name you usually use.

If your Phone Number equals any of the above, then, even if it’s a difficult number, you’ll experience mostly, if not only, its auspicious effects.

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