February Energy Calendar

February Energy Calendar

Good Morning February!

This month is always a busy one for the RoaRW HQ with five birthdays, and this year I have another three hospital appointments to make this February even busier. As with all of the Energy Calender this year they will come from the Ramblings of a Rainbow Witch 2019 Almanac which can be found on Amazon. I will also add a link to a site where you can find out the tie conversion for your little corner of the world.

The Birthstones for February include: AMETHYST for the month of February. GARNET, AMETHYST, OPAL, MOSS AGATE, and SUGILITE for the sign of Aquarius. AMETHYST, AQUAMARINE, MOONSTONE, BLOODSTONE, JADE, ROCK CRYSTAL and SAPPHIRE.

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The Moon names for February include:
* Colonial American – The Trappers Moon
* Cherokee Native American – The Bony Moon
* Choctaw Native American – The Little Famine Moon
* Sioux Native American – The Moon of the Racoon
* Celtic – The Moon of Ice
* English – The Storm Moon
* Neo-Pagan – The Snow Moon

February Energy Calendar

1st February:
* IMBOLC in the Northern Hemisphere
* LUGHNASADH in the Southern Hemisphere
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 00:46
* The Time of Amon Ra Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

3rd February:
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 13:02

4th February:
* The New Moon in Aquarius at 21:03

6th February:
* The Moon enters Pisces at 02:01

8th February:
* The Moon enters Aries at 22:13

11th February:
* The Moon enters Taurus at 01:28
* The Time of Amon Ra Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

12th February:
* The Moon enters it’s First Quarter at 22:26 in Taurus
* The Tiem of Geb Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

13th February:
* The Moon enters Gemini at 09:31

15th February:
* The Moon enters Cancer at 14:02

17th February:
* The Moon enters Leo at 15:20
* The Month of the Cat Ends (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
* The Month of Rowan Ends (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

18th February:
* Pallas Athene enters Retrograde
* The Month of the Snake Begins (Celtic Animal Zodaic)
* The Month of Ash Begins (Celtic Tree Zodiac)
* The Month of Aquarius Ends (Astrology)
* The time of the Otter Ends (Native American Zodiac)

19th February:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 14:46
* The Full Moon in Virgo at 15:53
* Mercury enters Rx Zone at 08:19 in Pisces
* The Month of Pisces Begins (Astrological Zodiac)
* The Month of the Wolf Begins (Native American Zodiac)

21st February:
* The Moon enters Libra at 14:17

23rd February:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 15:55

25th February:
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 21:19

26th February:
* The Moon entersit’s Last Quarter at 11:27 in Sagittarius

28th February:
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 06:47
* Neptune enters Rx Zone at 13:55 in Pisces
* The Time of Geb Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

I do hope you have a fantastic february, and this energy calender is beneficial.

Here is a link to www.timeanddate.com to find out time-zone conversions for your ara of the world.

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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