Food Cravings & Magic. What Does it Mean if you crave for Sweets (etc)?

Food Cravings & Magic. What Does it Mean if you crave for Sweets (etc)?

It’s no wonder that Magic has answers in most of our questions. After all, it’s a tradition old, as human race. From India to Greece, from Japan to the Celts, Witches, Alchemists and the Magi searched and keep on searching for answers that bother our brains. For example, we’ve already been through on why do we repeatedly wake up on certain hours at night. This might mean that some of our meridians need attention. The same applies with Food Cravings. When we often need something so much to eat, there might be a reason behind it. 

NOTE: Before we start we should note that this ‘symptom’ is something that you need to talk with your medical doctor. There might be a health issue behind this. However, here we are going to give an alchemical approach to such a condition. 

Five Elements and Food Cravings

There are many correspondences in the ancient texts regarding many things in our life with spiritual and alchemical archetypes. In one of them are the Food Cravings and tastes. It seems that our body can signal in multiple ways. Thus, when our aura needs something, one way to get it is by food cravings. Here we are going to see what is missing and how to deal with it! 

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Now, it seems fair to repeat the Magical foundation of this article. Well, according to the ancient Chinese Sages and Alchemists, the five Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal) play a significant role in stability and the balance of this world. The same applies to the balance and health of our bodies.

So let’s move on. 

Do you Crave for Sweet? 

According to the Ancient Chinese sacred texts, craving for sweet (along with dairy, fruits etc) is a message of Lack of Earth. We actually crave for the element of Earth. The Spleen Meridian is activated demanding attention. 

  • Sweets
  • Fruits
  • Milk and Dairy products

What does it mean when we crave for Sweet? It means that we are probably very worried & ungrounded.  The ‘Spiritual’ message is that we cannot find stability in our lives and through this craving we desire for more Earth – more stable ground. Another possible reason is that our relationship with our mother (through craving for milk) is somehow troubled. We need to be more nurtured and loved by her. Probably we need to heal this relationship.

Magical Exercise: Grounding

Do you Crave for Spicy? 

According to the Ancient Chinese sacred texts, craving for spicy food is a message of Lack of Metal. We actually crave for more element of Metal. The Lung Meridian is activated demanding attention. 

  • Adding more spices in food
  • How sauces
  • Chili peppers and Jalapeños

What does it mean when we crave for Spicy? It means that we are probably very sad and stuck in an endless grieving thought pattern.  The ‘Spiritual’ message is that we cannot disperse all this mood-swings that strike again and again in our hearts. Just like acid dissolves the impurities from metals, spicy food can dispel the grief from our emotions. This is why we crave for it. 

Magical Exercise: Self-Love Ritual

Self Love ritual - Magical Kiss
Self Love ritual – Magical Kiss

Do you Crave for Lemony / Sour? 

According to the Ancient Chinese sacred texts, craving for sour food is a message of Lack of Wood. We actually crave for more element of Wood. The Liver Meridian is activated demanding attention. 

  • Citrus fruit like tastes 
  • Lemon sour creams
  • Vinegar

What does it mean when we crave for Sour? It means that our thoughts are cloudy, we feel frustrated and angry. The ‘Spiritual’ message is that we cannot let go of anxiety, irritability and anger. What we need to do is calm down and let go of this excessive stagnant energy. Sour food helps wood dissolve this resin-like ’emotional’ stains on our aura. 

Magical Exercise: Meditation

buy the rings of the four elements
Get the Rings of the four Elements – exclusively in our Magical Shop

Do you crave for Bitter? 

According to the Ancient Chinese sacred texts, craving for bitter food is a message of Lack of Fire. We actually crave for more element of Fire. The Heart Meridian is activated demanding attention. 

  • Coffee
  • Cocoa 
  • Any bitter tasting food

What does it mean when we crave for Bitter? It means that we are in desperate need for Joy & Love. Fatigue bothers us. The ‘Spiritual’ message is that we need to find quality time for ourselves and we are drowning in a sea of responsibilities and demanding working schedules. We need to find things that bring joy to our hearts. Our vitality is depleted. Bitter tasting food helps Fire burn brightly in us – thus waking us up to search for Joy and satisfaction! 

Magical Exercise: Hatha Yoga Breathing Exercise

Do you crave for Salty? 

According to the Ancient Chinese sacred texts, craving for salty food is a message of Lack of Water. We actually crave for more element of Water. The Kidney Meridian is activated demanding attention. 

  • Salty food & drinks
  • Pickles
  • Cheese

What does it mean when we crave for Salty? It means that fear and anxiety is very intense in us. Kidney meridian and the element of Water is linked with our survival instincts. Thus, the ‘Spiritual’ message is that we need to find a way to fortify our aura with faith. Faith is what Water element needs to be activated. Fear has bothered our aura and we lost our self-confidence. Moreover, what we fear must be healed. 

Magical Exercise: Exorcism and Banishing 

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