Home Protection with the power of Elements

Home Protection Spell with Elements

The Elements are the base of our World. Everything that has ever been created in the physical plane consists of 4 Elements, the Earth, the Air, the Water and the Fire. Each of this Elements possess diverse magical properties which can be incorporated in all magical works. All together are used in this Home Protection Spell. 

Connect with Elements

Here in Magical Recipes Online we have given you the Very First spell to activate your elemental powers.

Once you’ve started to recognise the Elements you may begin your magical journey to cast Elemental Spells. Each Element has separate magical properties but remember that there are spell which combine all elements together in order to give the Mage/Witch the power to do or undo something.

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This Spell combines all Elements in form of Herbal Magic in order to cleanse your home and hearth. You need equal parts of Cardamon (for Water), Cinnamon (for Fire) , Sage (for Earth), Lavender (for Air).

Here is the tricky knowledge few possess. When combined, some herbs tend to radiate more Elemental Magic of a separate Element than usual. Cardamon has more Water and Fire qualities but when combined with Lavender, Cardamon tends to radiate more Watery energy and Lavender more airy.


Home Protection Spell with Elements

Now, once you’ve got the Herbs, pulverise them all together in order to create a fine powder. Light a charcoal in the middle of the night. Face the East and call upon the holy Angels of the East to assist you. Something like “I call upon the Angels of the East to assist and guard me. Blessed be!”

Now face South and ask for the holy Angels of the South to assist you.

Now face West and ask for the holy Angels of the West to assist you.

End your circle by facing North. Ask for the holy Angels of the North to assist you.

Now pour few herbal powder on the charcoal and chant 9 times…

Smoke of Air, thickness of Earth, Cleanse and Bless, this home and hearth! Water cool and clear, Fire bright and dear, drive away all fear,  only Good may enter here!

Try to stay focused. You are summoning all the Elemental Powers to help you! Feel the Air, feel the Earth, feel the Fire and the Water. Feel the Elements cleansing your room and home. Once you’ve done Air your Room.

Turn to the East and thank the Angels. “Thank you holy Angels of the East for helping me. Blessed be!”

Turn to the South and thank the Angels… “Thank you holy Angels of the South for helping me. Blessed be!”

Turn to the West and thank the Angels…  “Thank you holy Angels of the West for helping me. Blessed be!”

Turn to the North and thank the Angels…. “Thank you holy Angels of the North for helping me. Blessed be!”

Thank your Guardian Angel with words which come from your heart and ask Him to guide you every day and night.

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