There is no such a thing as a ‟Blue Monday” if you live in magic!

There is no such a thing as a ‟Blue Monday” if you live in magic!

So, it is official: Today is the most depressing Monday of the year. It has even got its own term, namely “Blue Monday”.

The very idea of a most melancholic, depressing and gloomy day of the year seems to have been introduced by a PR company. And the whole concept is around since 2005. As we read in the Wikipedia article about this day:

“This date was published in a press release under the name of Cliff Arnall, at the time a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, a Further Education centre attached to Cardiff University. Guardian columnist Ben Goldacre reported that the press release was delivered substantially pre-written to a number of academics by public relations agency Porter Novelli, who offered them money to put their names to it. The Guardian later printed a statement from Cardiff University distancing themselves from Arnall: “Cardiff University has asked us to point out that Cliff Arnall… was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February.””

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In recent years, the whole concept is annually circulated in social media. And it is presented as a fact: this is the day of the year we feel the most down. Period.

Scientifically backed-up? Not really!

But what are the arguments that support this claim? As a matter of fact, certain scientists put forward a number of mathematical formulas, like the one below (retrieved by this Sun article):

This seems persuading. On the other hand, many serious scientists believe this is much ado about nothing. Some of them insist that the mathematical formula proves absolutely nothing, and it is simply pseudoscience. Others just point out that there is much marketing business behind the whole buzz. This article is quite suggestive of how the whole story popped up and established itself. And once again, unfortunately, it is a consumerism thing.

A self-fulfilling prophecy!

Is then the Blue Monday theory a hoax, as it is said? Well, yes and no. It is quite obvious that January is not the most entertaining month of the year. Christmas time has gone, we ran out of money, the weather is gloomy and there is no immediate perspective of a journey. On the other hand, when social media try to persuade us that we have to be sad, because…Blue Monday is what philosophy calls a self-fulfilling prophecy. This means that if we accept and believe that Blue Monday will be gloomy, then it will be one.

“Blue Monday” is what we make it be

First of all, being blue is not always something to worry about. Even if this is a melancholic period, just accept it and embrace it. It is sometimes good to step down and just reflect. And this time may be a good one for us to become a bit more ponderous. You see, even a bit of pessimism may be helpful as long as it is not getting depressing. But this is what a well-rounded personality can manage. It can make it through positivity and negativity and get the best from both sides of life.

But then, you can also make the so called ‟Blue Monday” a blissful one. You can happily relax, read a good book or go out for a long walk. Or meet up with friends or watch a film. You can plan your summer holidays or just enjoy a serene evening. In fact, there are endless possibilities. And life is what we do with it, right?

And since we are a community where spirituality and magic are crucial, get more practice. Read our article about attracting positive Magical Energy in your life and make it happen!

I am sure that our ‟Blue Monday” is a good Monday!


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