Pluto Goes Direct (April 22 – October 1 2018)

Pluto Goes Direct (April 22 - October 1 2018)

This is a major energy shift. Since April 2018 Pluto messed with our lives. But now its over. Pluto Goes Direct!

Pluto Goes Direct – thus ending 5 1/2 months of Emotional Manipulation, Struggles and Bad Luck!

Equinox is over yet another gift came from the above in the form of one more powerful planet going direct! This is Pluto and from now on, things that happened since April 2018 are going to get better, or at least we will have the power to try to!

Pluto retrograde played with fire. And not just any fire. He played with the Fire of Hades. Therefore, we went through hell and back. Why? Because we needed to go there in order to now grow towards the heavens. 

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Predictions for Aries:

It did hurt you a lot. Retrograde Pluto brought much anxiety and depression in your career and your professional status. It made you question your choices and brought quarrels between you, your co-workers and of course your supervisors. But now, all this is over and you will have the chance to make things right. Better days are coming in your career, in this or another job.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Taurus:

Since April 2018 you’ve went through chaos, as the God of Death and Rebirth, made you realise what has to die in order to make room for something fresh and interesting. If I was telling you this in April you would not understand what I was talking about. But now you know. Voluntarily or not, you’ve went through hell, but now your hope and optimism are reborn. You are ready to conquer every goal of yours.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the Gemini:

This was not an easy time for you my dear. That’s for sure. Since April 2018 bad luck was haunting you and every move you made seemed to make everything worse. What you could not understand back then, is that this was just a test. A hard, karmic and sometimes pretty sadistic test. But now it’s over. Your instincts will gradually relax and your sense of danger will fade away as you are going to receive the good influence of Pluto from now on.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Cancer:

With Pluto in retrograde motion right across your Zodiac Sign things were far from easy – at least since April 2018. All kinds of relationships were test – both personal and professional. Bear in mind also that the retrograde shadow began some weeks before that. Therefore you can now realise what in God’s name was happening. However, All this tension, all this imbalance was absolutely essential for you to break free and reach for your dreams. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Leo:

With all this negativity stuck in your 6th house, your everyday life turned upside-down while also some health issues might have been presented. However, now that Pluto has ended his rough retrograde motion, you are going to have the time to make things right and re-store your energy levels along with your hope and your optimism. Your daily habits have been affected but now you can find new and more interesting ones. What do you have in mind?  Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Virgo:

Since April 2018 a great and dark influence was haunting your back. It was Pluto and he was messing around with nearly everything that could bring joy to your life. He really messed you up a lot. Everything fun or romance related was cancelled , delayed or in general was a source of discomfort and disappointment. However, now things change and Pluto may become a source of the greatest happiness you’ve ever experienced.   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Libra:

For more than 5 and half months, Pluto created an unbearable situation in your home and family. You could not easily rest, you could not easily find peace or invest precious and quality time to yourself. However, now things are about to change. Although Pluto’s position is still pretty rough, you now have the chance to move forward and change what poisoned your home and family. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Scorpio:

Do you felt isolated? Or maybe you’ve felt that you wanted to stay away from people you love because you actually wanted to try something, or you just got disappointed by them. Well, this was one of the possible effects of Retrograde Pluto in your 3rd house along with accidents in transportation and other problems related with friends, commerce and education. Thankfully, now the worse part is over. You can get back to communicating with your friends and fix the bridges that held you together. To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for Sagittarius:

The God of Death and Rebirth made you realise that money is not the essence of Life. Therefore, he wanted to give you a very good lesson regarding your financial status and your belongings. Remember, Pluto wants you to be rich – very rich. However He doesn’t want you to be a slave of money. This is why He brought all these trouble and turbulence. Now things are starting to become better and you will have the power to fix the money flow. Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Capricorn:

With Pluto walking your sign in Retrograde motion things did not go smoothly. Let me please remind you that Saturn was almost simultaneously going retrograde also in your sign. These months was a hard test. Whether you failed or succeeded it doesn’t matter because in karmic terms, whatever happened can actually be changed now. You’ve been given some very interesting power and now that these planets went direct they also left you with a gift. The gift of Awareness. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for Aquarius:

Something extremely weird and powerful was messing with your head and your heart for at least 5 and half months. Since April 2018, you went through an emotional hell, with a lot of mood swings and probably depression. If you did, please  – oh please  – consult with your doctor. Now, from today, Pluto will stop giving you such a hard time and he will help you break free from the voluntary or involuntary isolation you’ve been through. Better days are coming! More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for Pisces:

Troubles with your friends, troubles will your social life and most of your relationships – especially the newest ones. Education and travelling were also affected along your fiery passion to break free from what held you back all this time. This need for liberty affect your judgement and brought quarrels around. Now, Pluto will stand by your side and give you the power you need to make things right, and breath the air of freedom, you thirst for! Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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