Herbal Magic of Lilac

lilac magic

It is spring and I am sure you have smelled its sweet fragrance in the air and spotted its purple (lilac) flowers.

Yes Lilac is here to remind us that life is a gift.

Lilac (Sci. Name: Syringa Vulgaris) is a bush/small tree with amazing protective properties and it is the reminder of life. In folk medicine lilac flowers were used to treat kidney disease and the smell is widely used in many perfumes. The tree is well respected and honored by the Orthodox Christians and its Greek Name “pashalia” derives from the word “Pasha” which in Jewish means “passage”.

Herbal Magic of Lilac

Lilac’s most noticeable magical quality is that it can drive away ghosts instantly. The tree is linked with reincarnation and life and one of the secrets and wonders of Lilac is that its flowers do not fade under hot water.  If you suffer from ghost haunting then try this: Decorate your house with its flowers or even better plant some bushes in your garden. I can guarantee you that you will have no ghost problems once the flowers and their smell are in your house. Be aware that it will constitute a short-term solution and if you are facing serious haunting problems I recommend a house cleansing and a home blessing. You can add some of the flowers in these rituals for extra potency.

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Use Lilac in spells/rituals (magical properties):

  • To remove ghosts
  • For protection
  • To bring positive energy
  • To explore past lives
  • To remind yourself and others the divine gift of life
  • For blessing the life passage (birth and death)
  • That aim to bring you the pleasures of life

“Forget me not as I am there to ease the pain, to mend the heart”

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