Daily Predictions for Saturday 27 October 2018

Daily Predictions for Saturday 27 October 2018

Daily Predictions for Saturday 27 October 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Gemini squares the Retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

So, this is not going to be a very pleasant day. Balancing our emotions, though, and cleansing our aura and consciously keeping our focus on positivity can help us make it much better.

Scorpio and Capricorn will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Gemini and Pisces will be the ones facing the most stress.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Avoid reading too much in what people are saying and especially your friends and other close to you people. They may be in a foul mood, or simply they may use the wrong words.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is probably the wrong day to spend money. Even more so as you are feeling insecure or unhappy about your financial situation. So, instead try to find ways to reduce your expenses. Also, internet based business can face some issues.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

There is a generalised stress in you, today. This can be even greater if you are running you own business, or you are feeling insecure about your career and career plans. Also, “scandals” can be in danger of being revealed.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Your rational thinking, your intuition, your insecurities and your imagination are all mixed together. In most cases this won’t be a major issue, but if it is for you, try to calm your mind and take a more objective look at the situations.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your social circle can disappoint or dissatisfy you in some way. In other cases, situations can keep you away of your friends and acquaintances against your will. Also, advertisement, money management, web design, and similar jobs can be a bit stressful.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Business partners, colleagues and possible your superiors can cause you some stress. They can also set some obstacles in your path. Of course, this doesn’t mean they actually intend to make your life difficult, even if this is exactly what they do.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Work can be quite stressful. Much more if it’s of the mind, or it has to do with water. Also travelling is inauspicious today, so do avoid it if you can. Finally, health, today, can seem worse than it really is. Nonetheless, ask the opinion of a health specialist.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Sexual energy is not in balance. This affects your sexual life, of course, but also your self-esteem and your seductiveness. Also it can attract unfulfilling sexual partners, if you are looking for one (or some).

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Those in a marriage or a steady relationship may face a few challenges today. Things can become tense, many a time without a good reason. In some cases the parental couple is the one who will experience the problems.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Health can be a bit sensitive today. Legs and the urinary system are the most sensitive parts. In most cases resting and relaxing are the best remedy, as stress is the main cause. Nonetheless, ask the advice of a health care practitioner, if you don’t feel well.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Going out and having fun it’s a good way to spend your day, but achieving that can be more difficult than it looks like. Also, avoid spending money in luxuries today.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

There is a general stress in you. Family can make this unpleasant mentality a bit stronger. In some cases family can be the main cause of your stress. Also, home can demand your attention.

Astrology and Magic:

Grounding, chakra cleansing and similar procedures are quite advisable for the day.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day!

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