Astrological Predictions for 2019 – a Witch’s Sneak Peek into the Future

Astrological Predictions for 2019 - a Witch's Sneak Peek into the Future

The Dawn of 2019 will soon arrive. Oh, what an interesting year will this be! There are so many things to catch up with. Well, this is why we need the Astrological Predictions for 2019. A Witch loves to sneak a peek at the future. Although we do not depend on the Stars, we love to consult them, because, then, we feel more secure about what is going to happen. My advice is, do what you want, but always know the ways of the Stars. For example, let’s say you want to go out for a drink. Won’t you look at the weather channel to know if it’s going to rain? I mean, you will hit the bar, but you may also want to bring an umbrella, wouldn’t you?

Astrological Predictions for 2019 

Now back to 2019. The Year of the Pig. This is actually a calmer and more sensual year than the intense year of the Dog, which was the last one, 2018. Well, taking that for granted, I should also warn you that – some of – the mess that has occurred will be repeated, although it won’t be equally strong, and we are also prepared, because we’ve already faced some of it. 

a Witch’s Sneak Peek into the Future

Uranus is what changes the planetary scenery of this year. Now, and for the next 7 years, he is going to affect our relation and dependence with the material world. Money and the economic system is going to get through a lot this year, as things we take for granted will collapse before our eyes. What is really interesting is that this energy is only predicted through our occult texts and the Witches’s archives of the Star Magic. Therefore…

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No one can really predict this intense effect of Uranus on Earth. Natural phenomena will appear changing things we hoped will never change. Hence, in 2019 the Shift will be obvious. Yet, in 2020 Uranus will be pushed further by his son Saturn, shaking the Material Realm as we know it.

Let me remind you that Saturn (Kronos) is actually the son of Uranus and they never actually had a good relationship, according to the Greek Religion. But this will happen the next year. Let’s get back to 2019.

Saturn in Capricorn / Jupiter in Sagittarius – perfect Balance 

The Good news come from the perfect balance created by Saturn and Jupiter who are both currently hosted at their favourite signs. In other words, this alignment will give us all the opportunities we need to change our reality and build a stronger base for our future. All zodiac signs are favoured, as Jupiter will give help to Fire and Air, while Saturn will stabilise the hard work of Earth and Water. 

Aries Predictions for 2019: A better Year 

It has begun on the Winter Solstice of 2017 when Saturn entered Capricorn changing your professional life forever. This position cannot easily let you breathe because responsibilities keep on multiplying. Like the Hydra, the legendary monster, when you manage to ‘cut’ one head, two new ones are sprung instantly. Therefore, your vitality levels seemed to be dangerously low in 2018 and, unfortunately, in 2019, too, for Saturn continues his journey in Capricorn. 

However, this position is not all bad. It certainly gives you a lot of opportunities to work with and evolve in your career. Although there are also some issues in your family and home, you will have the chance to change this status and establish peace. Moreover, Jupiter’s position in Sagittarius certainly helps you a lot, providing you with all the emotional feedback you need to aim higher and higher, as you see your life changing towards a better direction. 

In a few words, 2019 is going to be a much better year than the previous one, and you will have the chance to solve the issues that have been created, as well as build a steadier future for you and your career. 

Taurus Predictions for 2019: Winds of Change

You’ve already felt it, haven’t you? I bet you have, as you are amongst the most intuitive signs. The Winds of Change have started blowing towards you, even from last year, when Uranus, the planet of Changes and Independence, came to show you his way, yet just for few months. Now, from March 2019, he will remind you that change is not all bad. I know, I know! You hate changing, but what if this time you see it as a chance for actual spiritual and physical freedom, and not as a change?

Either way, be very careful, because these opportunities won’t be easily repeated. Uranus will give you the chance to banish what holds you back, but you have to be ready for it. The opportunity won’t last long because that’s exactly the nature of this planet. Moreover, Saturn will make things easier for you as his stabilising influence will help you create a fruitful destiny. 

In a few words, 2019 is a year of changes and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to create an amazing and satisfying future.

Gemini Predictions for 2019: Help comes from Others

It has certainly been a very tough year with many difficulties, as Saturn has ‘camped’ in your 8th solar house, making your life a bit miserable, along with your professional life. Unfortunately, this influence will go on in 2019, making you want to be reborn from the ashes of your past dreams. However, this time, help has arrived. 

This help has a name, and it’s called Jupiter. It feels like your prayers have been answered, and others are attracted by your aura’s vibrations. Anything you know so far may change in the blink of an eye, as your relationships become a source of creativity, inspiration and abundance. Get ready to receive the gifts of joy and pleasure from other people, who are here to help you cope with any problems you might face. For all the single ones out there, better days are coming and you might even get married with your soul mate. For all in an existing relationship and/or marriage, there are great opportunities to ‘revive’ your love and passion, which will ultimately change your entire life towards a better direction. All legal issues are also favoured, along with new co-operations. 

In a few words, 2019 is still going to be exhausting, yet, there are much better influences, right now, which can actually create a matrix of happiness and inspiration around you. 

Cancer Predictions for 2019: Nothing stays the same

It has definitely been a very tough year for all of you and, yes, the tough gets going. However, nothing feels the same this year. A major energy shift will occur in March, changing your life entirely. If you recall, your problems, and your intense mood swings have started around 2010 right? Well, this was caused by Uranus in Aries, who certainly was not very good with you. 

In his new position, he will help you broaden your social circles and meet new and interesting people. This intense energy over your professional life will certainly decrease. For eight years, nothing seemed to be stable in your home and your professional life. Now things are slowly getting better. You are getting ready for an extreme makeover, yet Saturn, for one more year, will pressure your relations and your co-operations. The new position of Jupiter, thankfully, changes your everyday life, making it happier and more optimistic. 

In a few words, 2019 will put an end to your suffering, which has begun in 2010. However, this change will not happen instantly and you will have to be careful with your relationships. 

Leo Predictions for 2019: Active Balance

You are not that fond of changes. Although you try to look like there’s nothing too shocking for you, everything that started happening from spring till autumn of 2018 has already left you speechless. Soon, Uranus, the planet of changes, will re-enter Taurus, a position pretty tough for your zodiac sign. From there, your career will receive a heavy yet powerful boost. Sure there will be amazing (and sometimes once-in-a-lifetime) opportunities, but, also, many things you thought were certain, are not, any longer. 

However, the cosmic balance is restored by the benevolent presence of Jupiter in Sagittarius. From this position, and for a whole year, Jupiter will help you open yourself to love and happiness. Affection and satisfaction are back to your life and smile is restored on your face. If you are single, get ready to mingle with interesting people and, possibly, attract the love of your life. If you are married, this is a chance to re-light the fire in your relationships. 

In a few words, 2019 is the beginning of a very powerful era. Expect changes and challenges, yet please keep an eye on amazing opportunities. 

Virgo Predictions for 2019: Entering a new & better Era 

There are three major planetary aspects which seem to deeply affect you. For starters, Uranus’s new position will bestow faith in your destiny again. You feel – till now – that you were trapped in a self-made prison. Maybe the time between spring till autumn of 2018 you felt that there is hope. And yes, there certainly is! Uranus, will blow the Winds of Change and Liberty. You will soon feel that you are free from all the troubles and mess of your previous life. However, this sudden change can, sometimes, take important things to oblivion, so make sure you get the best out of it. Well… you have 7 years to do so! 

Moreover, the new position of Jupiter will help you improve your life in your family and home, making it more sparkling and cosy, at the same time. Fun and happiness come back to your home life, along with good and satisfying sex. Finally, Saturn’s position in Capricorn may make things a bit serious, but it’s definitely a good position. 

In a few words, 2019 will help you get out of a pretty miserable yet productive 7-year-long period. Now, you are sure that good things are coming towards you. Have a little more patience and, soon, all will manifest. 

Libra Predictions for 2019: Better and profitable relations are coming! 

There are so many things going on in your life. But, to get through with the 2019 predictions, we have to make three stops. Stop number one. Since December 2017, you are going through a very challenging and demanding (energy-wise) phase in your life. Unfortunately, this effect is still active for all 2019. It feels that the main cause of this troubling situation is your home and your family. You cannot easily find peace and satisfaction there. Moreover, your energy levels are continuously in very low levels. 

Stop number 2. Jupiter is now by your side. Although last year clearly helped you a lot putting your financial status in a creative direction, now, the King of Gods will help you attract new interesting people and be more inspired and creative. Anything that has to do with transportation and communication is favoured and can be profitable. Stop number 3. The new position of Uranus, from the spring of 2019, will help you breathe after 7 years of intense changes with your co-operations and your most important relations.

In a few words, yes, 2019 is clearly so much better in so many ways than 2018 and the last 7 years has been. However, you still need to be careful, especially with your home and family. 

Scorpio Predictions for 2019: Stronger Together? 

A new year will begin in only a few days and you’ve already felt what is about to happen. The most important news will come from the new position of Uranus, the planet of Changes and Liberty. However, this new position affects all your relationships, including the most important ones, too, along with all your co-operations. Therefore, everything related to your co-workers, your supervisors, your marriage and, in general, all your personal and professional relationships should be considered sensitive. 

Furthermore, the new position of Jupiter affects  your financial status. Although you might spend more money, you may also discover alternative sources of income. What do you have in mind Scorpio? Finally, by the last month of 2019 Jupiter will pass in a much luckier position for you, affecting not only December, but the whole next year of 2020. 

In a few words, you are entering a 7-year-long phase when your relations become challenging and demanding. Keep calm and find a clever way to deal with them. It is time to liberate yourself from the past.

Sagittarius Predictions for 2019: Welcome Growth and Inspiration

Yes! What you’ve been waiting for years has finally come. 2019 found you all with Jupiter in your Zodiac Sign, an omen of growth, success and inspiration. Although not everything will feel like heaven, it certainly makes the difference. Jupiter will give you the optimism you’ve forgot you had. This is actually your most powerful weapon, and it’s time to get this benevolent attitude back. Moreover, your personal agenda, your wishes and your goals can be promoted. Aim higher, but always keep your feet on the ground. This effect won’t last forever and you should make the best out of this transit. It will happen again after 12 years! 

For three more months, you can actually use the energy of Uranus to make changes and banish negative thoughts from your mind and your heart. From spring of 2019 and for the next 7 years to come, you will experience changes regarding your habits, your everyday life, your career and your vitality. Use the power of Jupiter to initiate a profitable and creative status. 

In a few words, the power of Jupiter will be intense and will probably change your life. Make sure you keep an eye on opportunities which usually are once-in-a-lifetime ones! 

Capricorn Predictions for 2019: With great Power comes great Responsibility 

It’s true. You’ve felt it since the Winter Solstice of 2017. Saturn, your cold but fair governor, is in your Zodiac Sign but this is not necessarily a bad thing. With so much power, you can create a whole new universe for you. However, there is a catch. You have to work harder and harder, till you achieve it. Yet Saturn will eventually give you what you need and, trust me… once he gives it to you, he will make sure you’ll always have it. 

For the next 11 months, though, Jupiter’s energy will be ‘locked’ under the spell of your 12th solar house. This confides the benevolent and lucky effect of Jupiter. Frankly, it may feel like good luck has disappeared. But that’s not true. Jupiter right now works for you in a subtle yet creative way, changing the way you feel and dream, making room for what is coming on December 2019. Finally, Uranus’ new position will help you attract happy times and satisfaction, for the next 7 years! 

In a few words, your next year is all about hard work yet success is also predicted as Saturn will make anything possible to give his children (you) a long-lasting gift. 

Aquarius Predictions for 2019: A Non-boring year! 

If I could write one thing about 2019, is that you will not get bored, not even for one minute! Let’s see why. First of all, from spring 2019 and for the next 7 years, Uranus, your bright and restless governor changes signs, affecting your home and your family. This will create a series of events which alter the way you feel about the space you are living. You might get married, you might move to a new house and in general, for the next 7 years, nothing will feel the same, regarding your home. 

On the other hand, Jupiter seems to be by your side, expanding your social circles and attracting new and interesting people to you. A teacher may get closer to you, ready to pass his/her wisdom and inspire you. However, due to Saturn’s position in your 12th house, you feel kinda weird, as if no one can possibly understand you. It’s not that there are actually new circumstances, yet you feel isolated and lonely. Let me tell you that this is only a state of mind. We are all connected. But why I am telling you this? You’re the ones who taught us this lesson! 

In a few words, your mood-swings that began from December 2017 will go on yet now Jupiter is about to give you a helping hand and expand your social circle. So, bury the hatchet and let go of the past pain! 

Pisces Predictions for 2019: Full of Possibilities 

It’s definitely a year of powerful possibilities, amazing opportunities and traps! That been said, let’s begin our journey to this amazing year! First of all, the effect of Neptune in your Zodiac Sign will certainly make it hard to tell what’s good and what’s bad for you. However, due to the stabilising effect of Saturn, you will have the chance to save yourself from unsuccessful choices. All you have to do is try to look at things, not as you wish they would be, but as they actually are! 

Furthermore, now, with Jupiter in your 10th house, it feels like you are in heaven, with endless possibilities in your career and your professional life. But this is not necessarily true. Indeed, Jupiter will give you the chance for growth, but choices are need to be made with a clear mind. Finally, Uranus’ new position in Taurus will give you a helping hand, to decide with a brighter mind and a touch of good luck! 

In a few words, yes, this year will feel amazing, but you need to be more careful when making choices, which can affect your destiny! 

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