Predictions for the New Moon in Aquarius – 24 January 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Predictions for the New Moon in Aquarius:

On January the 24th, at 21:42 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Aquarius, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is also the end of the influences of the Eclipses, the Chinese New Year, and, also the beginning of a period where there are no retrograde planets. This is a rare occasion and it won’t last for long (until the 17th of February), so do make the best out of it, regardless any stressful aspects.

During this waxing Moon period, only Mercury changes its zodiac and enters Pisces, on the 3rd of February, and Venus enters Aries, just a day and a half prior the Full Moon, on the 7th of February. So, overall, the planetary scenery remains as is. Its energies, though, clear up and things are getting more balanced. There are, of course, some inauspicious aspects influencing the period, but, still, I’m expecting a much easier period than the ecliptic one.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

The Sun, from Aquarius, is in a square with Uranus, in Taurus. The accurate square took place on the 23rd of January, but it will remain active until the 2nd of February. Thankfully, Mercury’s square on Uranus stops acting the day of the New Moon. So, no too many and too hard to deal with difficulties are to be expected. Uranus moving forward, now, helps, too. Nonetheless, some extra attention and effort on things concerning the internet and high-tech equipment is advisable.

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Also, Venus, from Pisces, forms a square with Mars, in Sagittarius. This square will be accurate on the 27th of January, but it’s already active and it will be active until the 16th of February, when Mars will enter Capricorn. Venus, as we’ve seen, by the will be in Aries. This square calls for some extra care in health matters. Cosmetic surgery, too, should be avoided, if possible. Of course, love and sex receive some stress, from this square. In fact, as Mars is in a square with Neptune, too, all emotional matters need more patience and understanding. This square will be accurate on the 28th of January, it’s already active, and it will remain so until the 14th of February.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Venus, from Pisces, is in a hexagon with Jupiter, in Capricorn. This hexagon was accurate on the 23rd of January and it will be active until the 2nd of February. Maybe the 3rd. Enhancing beauty and health, promoting the arts, and artistic creativity, as well as supporting love matters and love finding are some of the blessings this hexagon can bring forth.

Venus also forms a hexagon with Pluto and another one with Saturn. The former will be accurate on the 2nd of February, and active from the 25th of January until the 11th of February. The latter will be active from the 26th of January and until the 13th of February, and accurate on the 3rd of February. Both these hexagons promote love, love magic, all magic, health and, the arts – performing ones, even more so – cosmetics, pharmacology, etc. Regarding love, relationships with a significant age difference, as well as relationships where you feel like you are learning from, teaching, or both, the other receive even more support. Anti-ageing beautification also receives more support than other forms of it (although all receive much, anyway).

Also, Venus is in a conjunction with Neptune. Accurately so on the 27th, but the conjunction will be active until the 5th of February. This will help love matters even more so. Friendships, too. In fact, all kind of heart-bonds, as well as healing such bonds, healing emotional problems and things like those. Magic and especially love magic, and all kinds of astral and etheric works also will be benefited.

Mercury, from Aquarius, is in a hexagon with Mars, in Sagittarius. This can give us some mental clarity, a blessing much too valuable, since Mars is in a square with Neptune, as we’ve seen. Mercury’s input promises us that if we don’t act and react impulsively, we can find the best solutions. It also gives us much energy and enthusiasm to do whatever we need to be doing. Maybe too much, at times. Try to avoid this trap, as it can lead to exhaustion. The hexagon will be accurate on the 25th, and active until the 4th of February.

Saturn’s and Pluto’s conjunction, which will be active all year, is still very strong, and, on the 31st of January, starts joining the game. Jupiter’s addition won’t be strong during this waxing Moon, but it brings some optimism in the fields the two other planets conjunction affects. Furthermore, it empowers all magic and spirituality, even more, and it helps wish manifestation, via such means. Even more so if you work your magic and your best in the mundane world.

Jupiter is also in a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon will affect the whole year, but now is in a period of greatest influence. The accurate phase will take place on the 20th of February, and this first extra strong period of its influence will last until the Spring Equinox. If magic wasn’t strong enough, this would make it so you can imagine how much more powerful now it gets.


Overall, this is a much calmer and much more easy-going period than the Ecliptic period. There are slightly more stressful aspects than during the Ecliptic, but now Uranus is in direct motion, and the stress on Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter has gone

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money obligations and, maybe, expenses can still be stressing your wallet, but the New Moon and the waxing Moon period strengthen your finances. Income is not very likely to increase, significantly at least, but things are getting in order. Regarding significant purchases, as well as purchases of technological goods, or contracts for services of that kind, if possible, wait until after the 2nd of February, but at least until the 26th. Your mood and emotional condition need some support and caring. Try to not let things influence you more than they need to.

Other than those, this is a mostly good period. Work, business and career matters receive much support. Advancing in your current place of working, or finding a new, better job, are both possible. Studies and social life, too, receive very good energies.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Money handling needs some prudence and wisdom, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Impulsive expenses should be avoided, as much as possible. Your income, though can have a pleasant development. Therefore, not anything regarding money is bad. Business and career matters receive some stress, mostly until the 2nd of February. If you are trying to start a new business, or find a new job, things won’t be as easy, until then. In this field, too, things aren’t all bad. There are some good vibes, too. Some job opportunities may come to you, on their own, too. Your social circle can also play a role to it.

On the other hand, studies and social life receive quite good energies. Promoting yourself and your business via social media can produce nice results.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Business partnerships can have some challenging period, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. If things are good, in general, then this won’t be anything more than a slightly more difficult and stressful period. Where significant problems exist already, then things can become more serious. Relationships with colleagues and bosses can also follow a similar pattern. Also, studies receive some stress. Spiritual schools, groups and studies receive this influence more intensively.

Nonetheless, this is a mostly good and successful period regarding work matters. It can also become quite profitable, or the foundations of a more profitable future to be established. Also, social life receives quite pleasant energies, especially regarding your important friends, rather than acquaintances. Love life, too, receives some subtle support.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

The internet and high-tech equipment can cause you some trouble. Especially until the 2nd of February. Jobs and projects based on such means can also encounter some challenges. Furthermore, purchasing new such equipment need some caution. That being said, this New Moon and this waxing Moon period are more auspicious for such activities than the Ecliptic period that has just ended. Work and studies, too, receive some stress, but the beneficial influences supporting those are much stronger, so expect some difficulties, but much more progress.

Your most important relationships, though, are the ones receiving the greatest focus of the influences of this period. And it is a beneficial focus. This, of course, affects and supports love life, too. Finding a new love is also possible. Finally, health receives quite supportive energies.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Love life can become a bit tricky, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. It’s not bad, per se, though. Try to avoid reacting hurriedly to the situations, as you may regret your actions, in the cold light of day. Also, those searching for love and sex partners should be a bit more careful, health-wise, too. Warming up your relationship, relighting the fire in it, overcoming problems and clarifying misunderstandings and misconceptions are also possible happenings. Therefore, in most cases, good relationships will become even better. New good relationships can also be formed. Just act wisely and you’ll avoid any problems.

Work also receives mostly good energies. There may be some tension and some problems in your relationships with your business partners, bosses and colleagues, but this influence loses power by the day, so, things are getting better and better. Finally, health receives mostly good and healing energies.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work receives a little stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. It receives, though, much more support. Therefore, expect some difficulties, but a lot of progress. Also, love life can be somewhat more challenging for those in a long-standing relationship, or a marriage, but it will be good, overall. Those in a relatively fresh relationship and those seeking one will hardly experience the stressful influences, though.

Social life also receives quite good and pleasant energies. Your friends and your acquaintances can help you with whatever you want to achieve, too. Socialising and having fun can bring forth more good fortune, even if you can’t directly see the connection. Finally health receives healing energies and health related professions receive more support than the rest.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health needs some attention, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Keep in mind that, if you do offer it the proper care and attention it’s mostly good. Healing, too, receives much support. But, it’s easy to overestimate your condition, or your capabilities. So, rest well, avoid, if possible, dangerous activities, or be extra careful while performing those. Also, plan not-necessary operations on days that Mars doesn’t receive stress by the Moon. Even better, when Venus and Neptune receive support. Love also receives some stress. This can be the after-effects of declining problems, though. If not, in most cases, no serious problems will occur, now.

Work can experience some difficulties, but it receives much more and much stronger beneficial influences. Therefore, despite the challenges, things there are mostly good. Money, too, receives support.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family can cause you some stress under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Nothing too serious should be expected, though, in most cases, and this influence loses power by the day. Your other half, too, can cause you some stress, but love receives majorly good energies, so your relationship with them is more likely to become better and it will be, overall, happy. Those in a relatively new relationship and those seeking one will experience mostly, if not only, the beneficial energies.

Social life, as well as work receive quite good and productive energies. Money needs some attention. Especially regarding your expenses. Cut down the unnecessary ones, and things will proceed smoothly. Finding a new job is possible and starting a new business receives auspicious energies, too.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work can be somewhat troublesome and difficult during this period. Its demands can be more than you can easily take care of, too. In most cases, though, it will be profitable, too. Money, in general, receives beneficial influences. Raising your income, or finding additional sources of income are both possible. Home and family can also stress you, somewhat, and distract you from what you’d rather be doing. Some sense of order, though, is entering this field and things – not without effort – are getting better. Health issues of family members receive good energies, too. Your health, on the other hand, although not bad, needs some better care and attention.

Love and social life receive some healing energies. Clearing up misunderstandings, healing problems in your relationships, as well as realising whom you should be keep close and whom you should keep your distance from are all possible to happen.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

The New Moon and the waxing Moon period call for some attention regarding your finances. In most cases, avoiding excessive luxury expenses will be a good help. Some, though you probably won’t be able to avoid. Also, your mood needs some support every now and then.

Other than those, though, this is a mostly good, supportive and pleasant period, for you. Love and social life receive very good and lucky energies. New, interesting people, romantically and not, can enter your life, too. Your personal goals and projects receive some boosting, as well. Social interactions can help this influence manifest, too. Also, your other half can have some pleasant developments regarding their work and their finances. Your work seems to proceed mostly in order and, most probably, easier than you’d expect.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Money needs much attention during this period. Not all the energies it receives are stressful, but most of them are. There is some support, though, too, so if you are as wise and careful as you can possibly be, things won’t go out of your control. Family and people you consider as family, or their acquaintances can also give you some support, on the matter. Whether it will be in the form of a loan, or an advice, or something you need, or in any other way, depends on your individual case. But family can also cause you some stress and some discouragement. As much as you can, don’t let this affect you.

Work and business matters receive mostly good energies. Productivity is strong, too, and you are achieving more than you’d expect. Also, spirituality is rather strong for every one, but even more so for you.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Work, business and career matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Starting a new business, or finding a new job can encounter more difficulties than you’d expect. This doesn’t mean they can’t happen. Only that more effort and more clear thinking will be needed. Some people, though, may try to discourage you. Don’t let them achieve that, but do pay attention to any possible read advice they have to offer. Your mood, too, is not at top condition, but it’s getting better and better by the day.

Your productivity is actually quite good, and this can help you overcome any difficulties regarding your job, or your personal goals and projects. Social life, although not purely pleasant, it’s mostly good, active and productive, too. Party like events and social media engagement can also help you, achieve some progress in your job and projects.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic and spirituality are rather strong under the influences of this New Moon and this Waxing Moon period.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period!

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