2021 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs

2021 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs

This is it. 2020 ends. A New Years begins. Hope prevailed. The New Solar year’s omen in the previous equinox was extremely potent and clear. Nothing will ever be the same. As we’ve told you so many times even in 2019, the past (along with the coming months) will change our reality. The Grand Conjunction on the night of the Winter Solstice gave birth to a new reality, one that will grow to live in the years to come. So here they are, 2021 predictions for All Zodiac Signs. What changes?

The Era Of Aquarius! 

Due to my personal estimation something, or someone very important was born in the Solstice of 2020. Hence, the Era of Aquarius officially begins. EVERYTHING changes. And we mean it. Nothing will look the same. 2020 was a very intense year, its energy was unprecedented. Remember what we’ve told you in the past annual predictions right? 2020 was a bomb, but its ripple effect will continue to shake the foundations of this realm and change our reality and how we perceive the Cosmos. What changes? 2 major (& simultaneous) energy shifts occurred, right before the Dawn of the new year:

  • Right before the beginning of the new year (December 17-18) Saturn left its sign of total dominion – Capricorn and passed in another Sign (which also rules), Aquarius.
  • The same happened 2 days later, on December 19-20, when Jupiter followed Saturn, and entered Aquarius, marking a new era for the Air signs. So, let’s answer few Questions before we proceed in 2021 Predictions.

Is Jupiter in Aquarius Lucky for the World?

No. It isn’t. Jupiter in a Saturnian sign is not expressed in the best way possible. Although Jupiter gives opportunities and promotes growth, Jupiter in Aquarius is limited in most of his aspects. However, in Aquarius, hope kicks in! Hence, regardless of how things look this year, instead of seeing limits we’ll also see opportunities. In other words, we may live similar situations in 202,1 but we will not experience them in the same way. This is a much different year.

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Furthermore, as we’ve said, now Jupiter is running fast. Because of that, Jupiter will spend two and a half months (May 13 – July 28) in Pisces, which is under Jupiter’s rule.

Is Saturn in Aquarius Lucky for the World?

Yes and no. This feels like a heavy position – still – but at the same time, humanity is awakened. But, I’m sorry to disappoint you as this nightmare is not over yet. We’ve got to experience more challenges in 2021. However, we are on the right track, and we will get out of this darkness. Soon!

So how will zodiac signs experience all this ?

2021 Predictions for Aries:

All right. I know what you are going to say. “Give me some good news, at last!”. Well, I truly got some after many years! The hard past seems to be over, for good. Saturn played tricky games the past 3 years in your professional life. You’ve been challenged. Moreover, you’ve been doubted. You’ve even doubted yourself. But things, now, change. You are free from this heavy, heavy influence. However, look how much you’ve achieved.

Now, this new year promises new opportunities in your social status. You seem to attract new, important and interesting people. Something about you, something in your aura, perhaps, calls them to you. These people will play the role of a teacher for you, and you will choose a new path in your life. Can you hear the spirit’s voices singing for a new beginning? They are singing for you. Welcome the Light in your heart.

  • Cheat-sheet Advice for 2021: Make sure you welcome new people in your life. However, don’t get attached to them. They are the messengers.
  • 2021 Blessing: the promise of new beginning in your heart.
  • 2021 Challenge: to let go of all drama.

2021 Predictions for Taurus:

This is a new start for you dear Taurus. A new, important, strong and powerful beginning in your life and your social status. You see, two major planets, the two great Teachers, are on the highest possible point of your Zodiac Circle. This is the Midpoint, an omen of total transformation in your Social status. It seems that, after several shocks, you come out, with an aura – impossible to be ignored by anyone. Magnetism, like a magic dust on you, changes the way you interact with others, and how others see you.

Others are attracted by you, as you radiate power and spiritual dominance. Hence, if you want to show your work, become famous, or achieve greatness in your professional path, this is your chance. You’ve got all the power you need. At the same time, you will also be affected by more sex and a powerful sexual life.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Organize your life in a way that it will be impossible to miss all these opportunities that await.
  • 2021 Blessing: progress, promotions new opportunities in your career.
  • 2021 Challenge: tense relationships with supervisors.

2021 Predictions for Gemini:

Destiny’s calling dear Gemini. This is a year you will remember. There are many reasons why. First of all, the past 3 years were extremely challenging for you, making you question your very self. At the same time, people around you saw a different part of yourself. You’ve actually surprised them (in a good and in a not-so-good way). It seems that you’ve been reborn into something new. However this new you, isn’t exactly new for you, as this part has always been waiting for the right time to bloom. And this incubation period was from the end of 2017 until the end of 2020.

Now, a new destiny awaits for you dear Gemini. Anything that has to do with your education, long-distance travelling, as well as anything that has to do with your spiritual and your professional evolution now receives all the cosmic energy. Hence, this can be a year in which you will set new goals, and reach for your dreams. Moreover, you will see  and create the new foundations, for the rest of your life. Also, please make sure to avoid all the Retrograde Mercury phases for major decisions. Those are the following: January 30 – February 20, May 29 – June 22 and September 27 – October 18.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: your new Life starts right now. In 2021 destiny will call out for you. The only question is, will you be ready?
  • 2021 Blessing: travelling, education.
  • 2021 Challenge: tense relationships with supervisors.

2021 Predictions for Cancer:

The new year has just begun for you dear Cancer. However, it is impossible to ignore what has already happened from 2017 to 2020. As the past three years were actually a very long labour time, which ultimately gave birth to a new you. Hence, the past three years, you’ve felt so many changes regarding your personal and professional relationships. Many people you believed they would be forever around you and supporting you, have chosen otherwise. At the same time, other people, unexpectedly, have shown up and stood by your side this whole period.

Now, two major planets, Saturn and Jupiter, have entered your eighth solar house, which means that a great change is happening right now, in you and in the most secret parts of yourself. Moreover, there is much power gathering in your professional life, which will, ultimately, affect your everyday life and, surprisingly, your sexual life. It is not uncommon for you to fall in love with someone you work with.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: A chance to transform yourself and your professional life begins in this year.
  • 2021 Blessing: unexpected money, a better romantic life.
  • 2021 Challenge: strong emotions, which can fuel your passion or shock you.

2021 Predictions for Leo:

Dear Leo, the last three years were not exceptionally easy for you. Saturn, the planet of witches, was in your sixth solar house. This means that you felt so many changes in your everyday life. Some actually involved your vitality and your physical health, along with your mental and emotional balance. Thankfully, this time is over. Now, the energy status is changing, and more power is gradually (since the end of December 2020) gathering in your relations.

Therefore, all kinds of relationships, both personal and professional, are going to be affected by this major aspect. In other words, this means that you are going to attract and develop important, interesting and, in many ways, challenging relationships, which are going to play a very important role in your life. You may get married (again) or your may engage in a professional activity which requires you to work with someone else – hand by hand.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: let your heart open again. The key is love. What has happened is in the past. The dawn of the new year is certainly more hopeful.
  • 2021 Blessing: you are magnetic. You are attracting new and interesting people. Marriage (?)
  • 2021 Challenge: possible legal issues, troubles with important people.

2021 Predictions for Virgo:

On the Winter Solstice of 2020, a dark era for your heart has come to an end, dear Virgo. This was the time which brought to you heavy and challenging experiences, which ultimately wounded your heart. Although Jupiter did his best to bring new opportunities in this area, the truth is that it was not an easy job. Saturn, after all, dominated most of the last year’s cosmic energy in this part of your life. However, this has just changed.

Now, these two planets moved in your sixth solar house, affecting your everyday life and your job. In other words, now things are going to change, in this part of your life, as you are going to have increased responsibilities (regarding your job), spend more time for your professional evolution and, of course, get more tired. Hence, it is advised to maintain the appropriate balance between your professional life and securing some quality time for yourself to rest and have fun. Also, please make sure you avoid all the Retrograde Mercury phases for major decisions which are the following: January 30 – February 20, May 29 – June 22 and September 27 – October 18.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Time to spread your wings and achieve your goals in your job and your everyday life.
  • 2021 Blessing: Promotion, a new job, opportunities to make your life more interesting.
  • 2021 Challenge: Take better care of yourself and your body.

2021 Predictions for Libra:

A new era dawns for you dear Libra. As the past three years were exceptionally difficult for you, regarding your home and family life, affecting at the same time your professional life and your performance in this area, things now change. At some point, what has happened in the past years was really brutal. Especially the fact that you could never feel that you have rested enough.Thankfully, this chapter of your life now closes.

Hence, the new year begins with many promises. You will experience changes regarding what brings joy and happiness in your life. Lust for life kicks in, dear Libra. You need to experience more, and live in a different way than before. Moreover, you want to spread your wings and fly, overcoming all the past drama that actually wounded you. You may give birth to children, or to an idea which is going to bring new opportunities for happiness and satisfaction.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Time to acknowledge what brings joy and satisfaction in your life.
  • 2021 Blessing: Flirting and enjoying the moment.
  • 2021 Challenge: Mental limitations may not let you get the best out of this year. Get rid of those!!!

2021 Predictions for Scorpio:

The past three years were exceptionally difficult for you, regarding friends and people you love. At the same time it was really difficult for you to flirt and engage in joyful activities, regarding romance and friendships. In other words, the past three years you’ve mourned the loss of friends and other people who made you feel good. Now, the stars have changed, and the energy moves inwards.

2021 is going to be a year in which you will experience a series of changes regarding your home, your family life and all your real estate properties. Although things are going to be pretty unstable during the following months, in this area, you will, eventually, experience a growth in these parts of your life. Hence, keep an eye on opportunities as your material properties may grow. Remember to make sure you’ll have some quality time for yourself!

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Your home and your family may become a source of tremendous power.
  • 2021 Blessing: Redecoration, finding a new home, buying new property.
  • 2021 Challenge: Possible troubles with your family members, exhaustion.

2021 Predictions for Sagittarius:

2020 was not the best year for you. However, one may wonder for whom can this be considered a good year? Either way, you experienced limitations, as if your good luck had abandoned you. This is why this year is a major reboot for you. Not because everything will magically heal and change. But because the major clue here is that your Governor, Jupiter, has undergone a very difficult time, minimizing your opportunities and help, and now this has started changing.

Although not dramatically, things will gradually begin to change, and you are going to receive blasts of optimism. The New Year finds you ready for major changes. First of all, hope kicks in. Moreover, your finances will gradually stabilize. And of course, something important changes in your social status. You will receive both pressure and help by people you love. Hence, please remember to stay calm, as these situations will probably derail your emotions.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: your new Life starts right now. In 2021 destiny will call out for you. The only question is, will you be ready?
  • 2021 Blessing: important people stand by you and support you
  • 2021 Challenge: drive safely, careful with communication and transport

2021 Predictions for Capricorn:

Last year was a major year for you, dear Capricorn. As three major planets (Pluto, Jupiter and your Governor, Saturn) were in your zodiac sign, you felt obvious power changing your life rapidly, without hesitation and without notice. It is nearly impossible not to have felt all this power we were actually talking about since 2017. Moreover, this power climaxed in the end of 2020 with a grand conjunction. This gave birth to something new in your heart and your life. A new beginning. The dawn of a new era.

This new year however is much different than the previous one. Hence, in 2021 you will experience the importance of your finances, as there are many opportunities to increase your income and maintain a healthy balance between your expenses and the money incoming flow. Also, you may find great opportunities to increase your material possessions, as in buying a new house, or anything that has to do with real estate.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Your life except for your finances becomes more stable with less surprises and changes.
  • 2021 Blessing: Important chances to increase your income and expand your material possessions
  • 2021 Challenge: Better management of your expenses.

2021 Predictions for Aquarius:

Yes, dear Aquarius, 2021 is the year we’ve been talking about during all the previous ones. Due to my estimation, this is the year, the Era of Aquarius begins. Actually, this happened on the Winter Solstice of 2020, when a Grand Conjunction occurred, in your sign. Hence, you’ve probably already felt this power coming towards you. And, believe me, this power is only going to grow stronger, in you, and gradually change your life and set the foundations of your new destiny.

Furthermore, you are going to realize that there is nothing to hold you back, except from your fears and your inner limitations. Saturn, your traditional governor, in your zodiac sign is going to teach you a valuable lesson about power. Along with Jupiter also being in your zodiac sign for the most of the year, the whole year is going to increase the opportunities to understand and perceive how much you can actually achieve.

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: This is probably the most important year of your life. Your destiny unfolds.
  • 2021 Blessing: Empowerment, glory, success, fulfilment.
  • 2021 Challenge: Responsibilities may exhaust you.

2021 Predictions for Pisces:

Everything made the past three years feel as if it was the cosmic way to tell you that you need to filter the people you allow in your life. This is because every person has their own magnetic field which can naturally interact with yours and your aura. This, of course, has its implications and its traps. Therefore, you’ve experienced, the past three years, how some people can drag you down, or others inspire you and lift you up. Furthermore, you lost some “friends” because of their behaviour, yet, simultaneously, for others you seemed distant, or even coldhearted.

2021 changes all this. Both Saturn and Jupiter in your 12th Solar House make it impossible for you not to feel that something important inside you has been awakened. This is going to be a year when the Cosmos will try to give you hints, in order to awaken your magical powers. This is going to be a very important year for you, as your emotions will lead you, through your intuition and magical currents. Hence, I’d say that this year is a year for Magic!

  • Cheat-Sheet Advice for 2021: Your magical powers are awakened. This is a very important year to recognize, or even discover your full spiritual potential.
  • 2021 Blessing: Magic, intuition, vision for the future.
  • 2021 Challenge: Possible illusions and very intense emotions.
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