New Moon in Scorpio – 04 November 2021

New Moon in Scorpio

General Predictions for the New Moon in Scorpio:

On November the 4th, at 21:15 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Scorpio, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is the beginning of Ecliptic period. The coming Full Moon will be a Partial Lunar Eclipse, after all.

This New Moon, strongly stresses the Retrograde Uranus, and somewhat Saturn. Due to this, Saturn’s and Uranus’ square, which becomes stronger and stronger, might feel more intense than it should, during this fortnight, making us feel more restrained. Health needs some better care, too. And, also, new beginnings and significant changes in our lives might be more difficult to achieve than what we expect.

Furthermore, two planets are changing their zodiacs, during the waxing fortnight, and on the very same day, to boot. Mercury enters Scorpio and Venus enters Capricorn, on the 5th of November. When this happens, Scorpio will be well charged, with three planets in its zodiac. Water will have a total of 4 (and when the Moon passes through Pisces, 5) planets. Therefore, Scorpio and the water signs should make the most out of this fortnight. Three days after the coming Full Moon this changes, so don’t waste time.

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At the same time, a period of power starts for Capricorn. Venus will remain there until the 6th of March, 2022. Until then, at least two planets and a maximum of 4 planets will be in Capricorn. Not everything will go smoothly. Retrograde Venus and Retrograde Mercury will happen there, but, overall, this is a very supportive 4-months period for those born under the zodiac of Capricorn. Those having their ascendant, their natal Moon, their natal Venus, or have a strong Capricorn in their natal chart, will also enjoy this support.

Retrograde activity is low and it doesn’t change during this fortnight. Venus and Chiron are slowing down a bit, though, and Neptune slows down a little more. Normally, none of this would cause any concern or issue, but as the energies of the Ecliptic are also in the game, there might be some extra tension and some extra stress all around. Avoid risk taking, as much as possible.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is now strong enough, again. As we’ve said, this is a years-long aspect and it won’t completely cease affecting us until January 2023, so we comment on it when it’s strong enough. Also, as we’ve seen, this New Moon, unfortunately, powers up the effects of this square. Therefore, we can experience a lack of freedom.

Also, Mercury’s and Pluto’s square is still active and it will remain so until the 8th of November. Now, though, as Mercury enters Scorpio, on the 5th of November, its effects will be much calmer. Nonetheless, our rational thinking might still be a bit clouded.

Mars, too, squares Pluto. This square became accurate on the 22nd of October and is affecting us since the 7th of October. It will continue doing that until the 10th of November. This square makes our physical health more sensitive. Sexual health even more so. Some extra caution is advisable, if you need to change your medication, too. Furthermore, magic receives some stress and especially so Fire magic and whatever has to do with spirits and other planes.

Also, the Sun squares Saturn. This one became accurate on the 30th of October. The square is active since the Full Moon and until the 9th of November. Amongst else, this square, too, can stress our health. Furthermore, our projects might face some extra difficulties. Make sure to not take on too many tasks and the like.

Furthermore, the Sun opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the day of this New Moon, the 4th of November. This aspect is active since the 27th of October and it will remain so until the 14th of November. Due to the New Moon’s input though, we might feel some of its influences until the Full Moon of the 19th of November.

Amongst else this opposition stresses our high-tech equipment, as well as jobs depending on it. Usually purchasing new such equipment, without it being absolutely necessary (for some might need replacement) wouldn’t be recommended under the influences of this aspect. Even less so now, when we are under the influences of the Ecliptic period.

Mars squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 10th of November. The square, though, is active since the 27th of October and until the 27th of November. Health needs some extra attention, under the influences of this square. Especially so for the zodiacs of the Fixed Cross: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo. Also, turning plans to reality will, most probably, need some extra effort. Avoid unnecessary quarrels as much as possible, too, but some might be unavoidable.

Similarly, Mercury, too, squares Saturn. This one will also be accurate on the 10th of November, and active from the 5th of November and until the 17th of the month. Amongst else, trade can have a more challenging period, under the influences of this square. Our social interactions, too, need some extra care. Therapies, and especially energy ones and meditative ones, can feel like they are stagnating, or moving backwards, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Nonetheless, consult you therapist, or doctor if you face any issues.

Also, Mercury opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the 13th of November. The aspect will be active from 8th of November and until the 19th of the month, the day of the coming Lunar Eclipse. Trade, online businesses and, also, our social activity – especially so, online one – receive some stress from this aspect. Once again, purchasing high-tech equipment, if not necessary, is not advisable, while existing one might need repairs, or replacement. Backing up your important files is advisable.

Mars, too, opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the 17th of November. This aspect will be active from the day of this New Moon and until the 1st of December. This aspect can also stress online businesses, and also electronic and electric devises can be challenged.

Furthermore, the Sun squares Jupiter. Accurately so on the 15th of November. The square will be affecting us from the 6th of November and until the 26th of the month. Depending on good luck is not advisable, under the influences of this square. Avoid spending money you consider “as good as yours” before you actually receive it, too.

Similarly, Mercury squares Jupiter. This square will be accurate on the 20th of November. It will be active, though, from the 15th and until the 27th of the month. Trade and international trade, even more so, can face some extra challenges, under the influences of this square.

Finally, on the day of the coming Full Moon, Mars, too, will start squaring Jupiter, but we’ll see this in the Lunar Eclipse’s article.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is slowly getting weaker, but it still has enough strength. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Mercury’s triangle with Jupiter became accurate for the third time on the 1st of November, and it will remain active until the 7th of the month. Amongst else, this triangle supports trade and international trade, even more so. Also travelling and whatever has to do with people from other places receives support. Studies of all kinds, too. Even more so spiritual and religious ones.

Also, Mercury is in a hexagon with Venus. This became accurate for the first time on the 17th of October, when Mercury was Retrograde, and it will remain active until the 20th of November. It will become accurate for the second time on the on the 6th of November, a day after both planets will have changed their zodiacs. Amongst else, this aspect can help us with our love and social life. It gives us a motivation, and some opportunities, to meet new people, too. Also, the arts, both creating them and gaining money from them, receive support.

Mercury, since the 31st of October, is in a conjunction with Mars. The aspect will become accurate on the 10th of November, when both planets will be in Scorpio, and it will remain active until the 20th of November. This conjunction, amongst else, can support our social life, and especially those who are trying to expand their social circle, or find new clients and the like. Keep in mind that around the time this conjunction is accurate it can add some tension in our communications and interactions. Furthermore, now, when both planets will be in Scorpio, it can also strengthen magic.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Jupiter. This was accurate on the 28th of October, and got activated on the 19th of October. It will remain active until the 8th of November. This aspect can support love life, social life and, also, the promotion of all business and services and especially whatever has to do with health, beautification and the arts.

Furthermore, Venus forms an imperfect hexagon with Mars. This hexagon is already active and it will remain so until the 24th of December. Now is already quite strong and it will reach its strongest period from the 17th of November and until the 4th of December. During that period it will be almost perfect, with a deviation of less than 2 degrees, and a minimum of less than 1 degree. Amongst else, this hexagon can support love life, and all our efforts regarding it. As Mars is in Scorpio and, even more so, during the coming fortnight, when Pluto and Neptune will be supporting this hexagon, love magic, too, receives support.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Pluto. Accurately so on the 16th of November. The aspect will be active from the 7th and until the 27th of the month. This aspect, too, can support magic. Also, it can also support all healing procedures.

Mercury forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 18th of the month. The triangle will be active from the 13th and until the 24th of the month. This triangle can help us solve issues and problems in our personal relationships. Make good use of this blessing. The energies of the Eclipse will handicap it, but it will still be there to support our efforts.

Similarly, the Sun forms a triangle with Neptune. This one will be accurate on the 12th of the month. It is active since the eve of this New Moon and it will remain active until the 22nd of November. This triangle, too, can help our personal relationships. It can also help us heal past traumas.

Furthermore, Mars, too, forms a triangle with Neptune. This one will be accurate on the 29th of November. It will be active from the 15th of November and until the 14th of December. Amongst else, this triangle can help us expand our social circle. Some caution is advisable, because of the energies of the Eclipses. At the same time, though, these energies can boost the effects of this triangle.

Venus forms a triangle with Uranus. This triangle will be active from the 9th of November and until the 3rd of December. It will become accurate on the day of the Lunar Eclipse, on the 19th of November. This triangle can help love life, as well as finding a new love. The Eclipse affects it, neither too strongly, nor too weakly, and both beneficially and stressfully so. Therefore, in some cases, this triangle can produce extraordinary results. Not necessarily as promising as they look at first sight, though. Nonetheless, the triangle is a beneficial aspect, so something good will come out of them.

Finally, Mercury conjuncts the Sun. This aspect will become accurate on the 29th of November, when both planets will be in Sagittarius. Nonetheless, it will start affecting us on the 13th of November, while both planets will be in Scorpio. The aspect will cease its activity on the 17th of December. By then, Mercury will be in Capricorn. This conjunction can support, trade, all kinds of communication and, also, all kinds of business. It’s an important blessing as it will calm down some of the effects of the Eclipses, too.


So, this will be a difficult New Moon and waxing Moon period. Nonetheless, the period has the potential to become very productive, or otherwise beneficial. There are enough challenges, but we also have the strength to overcome them, if we put on the effort we need to. Reducing tasks and obligations to the necessary ones, prioritising wisely and resting as much as possible will help a lot. Especially so, as the energies of the coming Eclipse will be becoming stronger by the day.

This is a kind of a cleansing and healing period. Literally and metaphorically, get rid of garbage and whatever holds you back, or consumes your time and energy without serving you. This way, you can open “space” for new blessings to come. At the same time, make good use of your resources and avoid spending needlessly.

Also, magic becomes strong, again, during this fortnight, but, still, it’s not without challenges. Therefore be cautious with it.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Finances receive much stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and they need a wiser handling. Avoid any unnecessary expenses and be extra careful with contracts, deals and your investments. After the 9th of the month things are getting a bit easier, but don’t drop your guard. Then on, income receives some support, too. Work won’t be unchallenged, but most work, career and business matters receive supportive energies. Much progress and successes there are feasible and attainable. Probably, with some more effort than you expect, though.

Healing, both emotional and physical one receive support. Emotional healing even more so. Moreover, this is a helpful period for realising what makes you happy and what doesn’t, what keeps you going and what holds you back. Take notice and dedicate more time and energy to whatever supports you. Love and social life are not bad. In fact, they receive more help than stress. A cleansing, there, though can happen. Problems in your friendships and relationships can become more obvious. Use this to heal the relationships that are worth healing and, maybe, decide which relationships are not good for you.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Colleagues and business partners can be part of the reason. Legal issues can also add to this. Your productivity, though, is good, so some progress is happening, regardless the stress. Starting a new business can be more challenging than you expect, too. On the other hand, job interviews and applications receive some favourable influences.

Love life receives some stress, but there are plenty of beneficial influences supporting it. Be wise, don’t make any situation worse than it is and things will be mostly good. Social life, too, receives mostly supportive energies. Important friends can stress you, or worry you, at times, but you are receiving more joy than stress from your friends. Also, this is a good period for expanding your social circle. Especially so your online one. Taking care of and promoting your web pages and social media accounts receive support. Personal pages and accounts more so than professional ones, but they both enjoy these blessings to a degree.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Physical health, too, seems sensitive. Psychosomatic symptoms and issues are more problematic than purely physical issues. Needless to say, consult your doctor if you are facing any health issue. Healing, though, is strong and, with proper care, existing issues can have quite good developments. The next New Moon will be a Solar Eclipse in your axis and this can stress your health, while the coming Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which can challenge your emotional condition. Therefore, dealing with these issues as soon as possible will make the coming days easier. Especially for the period between the Full Moon and the next New Moon, when both Eclipses will be in effect.

Work, career and business matters, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies. Much progress and many successes, there, are feasible. Not everything will proceed without some stress and some unpredictable changes, but you’ll manage to achieve what you want, or more. Finding a new job is also possible, although this isn’t this New Moon’s trump card.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Love and social life receive on of the main focuses of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Both stressful and beneficial energies affecting them, and both in abundance. After the 9th of the month, the beneficial influences will be noticeably more, than the stressful ones, so things can be better. Nonetheless, throughout the fortnight, be patient, keep an open mind, don’t rush the situations and avoid unnecessary quarrels. Also, online social activity and flirting need some more caution, than in-person ones. Overall, though, these fields of your life can become quite pleasant, if you handle them well.

Your creativity is quite good, although it needs some encouragement. Productivity might need some more encouragement. Find ways to motivate yourself and you can achieve quite a lot. Furthermore, colleagues and partners can be more agreeable than usual. It’s also a helpful period for job applications and interviews. Hiring personnel, too, receives support. As the energies of the coming Eclipse, though, are in the game, be more careful with that.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Some things you consider as good as done, might not happen, or happen in a very different way than you expect. Changes in your schedule can also occur. Also, colleagues and partners can be less cooperative than you’d like. Day-to-day work, though, is proceeding relatively easily. Long term plans, too, can proceed, but not easily and, as we’ve said, not necessarily exactly the way you want them to do so.

Home, family and your other half can cause you some stress. In most cases, though, not much, as the supportive energies affecting those parts of your life seem stronger. Nonetheless, long-standing relationships, might need some more caution and care. Health issues in the family can have good developments. Also, your health seems mostly good and your healing is strong, so, with proper care, existing issues can get much better.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives much stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and needs much attention. That’s true for your mood and your emotional condition, too. After the 9th of the month things will be easier, but, even then, don’t drop your guard. Reducing your work load, resting enough, relaxing a lot and supporting your mood can help you maintain a good health and, also, make more progress with work. Work, too, receives some stress, and some things might not follow your schedule, but progress, there, is achievable, as your productivity, your creativity and your communicational abilities are strong, and they support it.

Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual nature receive better energies. Artistic jobs and hobbies, too. Even more so after the 9th of the month. Also, social life seems pleasant and, probably, more active than usual. Love life, too, receives beneficial energies. Making a new relationship is not impossible, but it might need more and better effort, but existing relationships will have a mostly pleasant fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Money receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Avoid unnecessary expenses, as much as possible. Some unexpected ones, though, might occur. Obligations and, mostly, social ones can also produce more expenses than you expect. Nonetheless, income receives quite a few beneficial influences. It’s also a helpful period for finding additional income, or other means of financial support. Work, too, proceeds mostly well. Furthermore, purchasing necessities is not ill advisable. On the contrary, it’s advisable. Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

Social life, love life and sex life can feel less satisfactory and pleasant than you hope and expect. Family, though, and people you consider as such can play a pleasant and supportive role in your life. It’s a good period for healing and nurturing such relationships, too. It’s also a good period for small scale renovations and repairs at home. Furthermore, health is not unchallenged, but it’s not too sensitive, while healing seems strong.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Your other half, too. Love, for existing relationships, though receives some support, too. Therefore, with some patience, an open mind and with proper discussion, most problems can be resolved. Relatively new relationships, on the other hand, as well as love hunting, receive mostly supportive energies. Furthermore, finding a new love interest is possible. Social life, too, receives some stress, but it’s overall pleasant. It’s a good period for rewarming friendships, catching up with your friends and, also, for finding new friends.

Your productivity and your creativity are quite good and capable. This is a helpful period for achieving progress with all your projects, as well as for starting new ones. Make sure you won’t start more than you can easily handle. The Ecliptic period has started and the first Eclipse of the 19th of November is happening in your axis, so don’t stress your schedule more than you need to, even if, right now, you feel you can do it.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health, both physical and emotional one, receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, and need better care and some support. Driving needs some extra attention, too, and, in general, be more careful when you are outside. Also, supporting your mood can benefit your physical health, too. Assuming, of course you listen to your doctor’s advice and do what is needed to be done. Work, too, can be stressful – quite so, at times – but progress, there is happening. Income, in particular, and finances, in general receive supportive energies.

Reckless money spending is not advisable during an Ecliptic period – well… never, actually – but purchasing what you need and want is advisable for you. Be wise with those purchases, but you don’t need to get too stingy. Try to make your important purchases as soon as possible, for the energies of the Lunar Eclipse are getting stronger by the day. The Solar one, on the next New Moon will happen in your zodiac, so, at the very least, try to make your important purchases before then.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Finances receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Expenses and obligations can get out of your control easily, so, pay attention, avoid unnecessary expenses and don’t spend money you haven’t yet received. Income is unlikely to be affected, in most cases. Trade and similar businesses, though, can be less profitable than you’d expect. Overall, though, trade receives supportive energies. More so, after the 9th of the month. Your productivity and your creativity are quite good, too. Therefore, work proceeds mostly well and you can achieve much progress with all your personal and professional projects. It’s a good period for starting new projects, too, but don’t start to many of them.

Social life seems mostly pleasant. It will have its challenging moments, and it would be wise to deal with them calmly, without making things worse. Given that, though, it’s mostly pleasant. It’s a good period for expanding your social circle, too. Similarly, love life receives mostly pleasant energies. Existing relationships can enjoy these almost entirely. Those in a search for a new relationship, or in the process of making one, though, might need some more caution and effort.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can need more of your time and energy, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. They might discourage, or distract you from what you should be doing. At the same time, it’s a helpful period for solving issues within the family.

Work, career and business matters, too, receive some stress. That can be truer for those working from home, with family members, or those who are trying to achieve a significant new beginning, or change in their work, or line of career. Nonetheless, things are advancing, there, and progress and successes are feasible. Prioritise wisely, don’t take on too many tasks and things will be easier. Also, finances receive mostly supportive energies. Income, in particular, receives better energies. it’s also a good period for investing – wisely – money in your business and career, as well as for making and correcting plans for your future moves.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. More than just some, in many cases, actually. Supporting your mood is highly advisable, for, if you manage that, this can become a mostly pleasant and beneficial fortnight, for you. Travelling is not advisable. If you need to travel, try to schedule the trip as far away of the Eclipses (19th of November and 4th of December) as possible. If this is your case, expect the trip to be more stressful than it should be.

Friends, occasionally can stress, or worry you, but, overall, they play a mostly pleasant role in your life. Social activity, including online and offline one, can be more active and productive than you expect. Your own productivity, too, seems strong and capable, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Starting new projects receives help, but don’t start to many. Instead, try finishing the ones you have already started.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is strong throughout the fortnight, but some extra caution is advisable. Use kind of spells you feel comfortable with and make sure you state your wishes clearly and correctly, for might get what you ask for rather than what you meant to ask for.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.


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