Full Moon in Virgo – 07 March 2023

Full Moon in Virgo

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Virgo:

On March the 7th, at 12:40 UT, the Moon, from Virgo, accurately opposes the Sun, in Pisces, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as the Worm Moon.

During this waning Moon period, Saturn permanently enters Pisces, 55 minutes after the exact moment of the Full Moon. Later, on the 16th, Venus enters its home, Taurus. Then, on the 19th, Mercury enters Aries. Finally, on the 20th, the eve of the New Moon, the Sun, too, enters Aries, making that day the Equinox.

Therefore, although the planetary scenery doesn’t change much until two days before the New Moon, it changes significantly. Saturn entering Pisces initiates a new era that will last until the 14th of February 2026, when it will permanently enter Aries. Although, during 2025 it will make a short visit, there.

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The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Mars squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 14th of March. The aspect got activated on the 15th of February. It will remain active until the 6th of April. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some tension in our personal relationships. Our emotional balance is more sensitive, too. Also, our emotions can cloud our logic.

Also, Mars squares the Sun. Accurately so on the 16th of March. This square is active since the 28th of February and it will remain so until the 5th of April. By then, both planets will have changed their zodiacs. Amongst else, this aspect can make us more impatient and easier to get irritated. Try to avoid any unnecessary quarrels and the like.

Mars also squares Mercury. Accurately so, on the 17th of March. The aspect will be active from the 11th of March and until the 23rd of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some tension in our social interactions. Work related social activity needs more attention. Also, driving needs more caution.

Finally, Venus squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 16th of March, few hours before Venus enters Taurus. The aspect, though, will be affecting us from the 9th of March, while Venus is still in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. It will continue doing so until the 25th of March, when Venus will be in Taurus and Pluto will be in Aquarius. Amongst else, this aspect can stress our emotional condition. It can also challenge our love life.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto has started getting stronger. As Pluto is slowing down, while Neptune is in full speed, relatively fast too, for two slow-moving planets. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too.

Also, Venus conjuncts Jupiter. The aspect became accurate on the 2nd of March, and started affecting us on the New Moon of the 20th of February. It will remain active until the 12th of March. Amongst else, this aspect can help love and social life. It can also support careers of artistic nature, as well as those related to beauty and health.

The Sun forms a hexagon with Uranus. The aspect became accurate on the 6th of March, and got activated on the 25th of February. It will remain active and until the 16th of March. Nonetheless, as the Full Moon strongly affects this aspect, we might feel its influences lasting until the coming New Moon. Amongst else, this hexagon can support our efforts to achieve desired changes in our lives. It also supports work and money matters. Jobs depending on the internet, or technology receive more support.

Similarly, Mercury, too, forms a hexagon with Uranus. This one will become accurate on the 11th of March. The aspect will be affecting us from the day of this Full Moon and until the 17th of March. This hexagon, too, supports jobs depending on the internet, or technology. It also supports advertisement and online social activity. Offline, too, but not as strongly. Furthermore, this is a good period for purchasing computers, smartphones and the like.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Mars. Accurately so, on the 11th of March. The hexagon has been blessing us since the 28th of February and it will continue doing so until the 25th of March. Amongst else, this aspect can support love and social life. It can also support our efforts for finding a new love, or for expanding our social circles.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune. Accurately so, on the 15th of March. The aspect, though, is active since the eve of this Full Moon, and it will remain active until the 26th of March. Amongst else this conjunction can bring some light in our emotional condition, and our personal relationships. A much needed help as Mars is currently stressing Neptune. And the Sun, of course. Furthermore, magic receives an extra boosting from this aspect.

Similarly, Mercury conjuncts Neptune. Accurately so, on the 16th of March. This conjunction will be active from the 12th of March and until the 26th of April. This aspect can also counter some of the effects Mars’ squares with Neptune and Mercury produce, as it will help us keep a more clear mind and better understand the situations. It can also support emotional healing, as well as it strengthens magic.

Obviously, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 17th of March. The aspect will be active from the day of this Full Moon and until the 27th of the month. Amongst else, this conjunction can support social life. It also supports all work and money matters.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Saturn. Accurately so on the 17th of March. The aspect will be active from the 9th of March and until the 27th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can support emotional healing, and the healing of our personal relationships. It can also support love life, the arts and meditation.

Mercury forms a hexagon with Pluto. Accurately so on the 19th. The aspect will be active from the 14th of March and until the 24th of the month. This aspect, too, strengthens magic. It can also help with all health and money matters.

Similarly, the Sun forms a hexagon with Pluto. Accurately so on the the 20th of March, just before the Sun leaves Pisces, and Pluto will be in Capricorn. The hexagon, though, will be active from the 11th of March and until the 31st of the month. By then, the Sun will be in Aries and Pluto will be in Aquarius. Amongst else, this hexagon, too, can support financial matters. It can further strengthen magic.

Finally, Mars forms a triangle with Saturn. The aspect will become accurate on the 30th of March, when Mars will be in Cancer and Saturn will be in Pisces. Nonetheless, the triangle got activated on the 2nd of March, when Mars was in Gemini and Saturn was in Aquarius. The aspect will remain active until the 23rd of April. Those two difficult planets cooperating in the most harmonious way is a great blessing. The triangle can raise our motivation and determination and it can help us achieving our goals, or making a significant progress on them. Moreover, it supports health, healing and creative visualisation.

As Mars receives much stress during this fortnight and this triangle won’t be very strong, we might not experience its blessing strongly, but it will be there. During the next fortnight, though, when Mars’ stress will be far weaker, while this triangle will be around its strongest point, its blessings will be much more noticeable.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Virgo:

Although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be a challenging one, too. Mars receives much stress and this can make us impatient, careless and more irritable. It can raise the tension in our surroundings, too. Moreover, Pluto is hyper active again. Mostly beneficially so, but it does receive some stress, too. Always a hyper active Pluto can challenge our emotional condition and health. More so when it’s stressed. Therefore, supporting our mood and our emotional condition can be an important factor that will colour this fortnight for us. Pay some extra attention to your mood when the Moon, too, affects Pluto and, even more so, when it stresses Pluto.

Nonetheless, as we’ve said, this is a mostly beneficial fortnight, and it can help us achieve much progress with our goals. Meditation and visualisation are strong and they are only getting stronger. Also, magic is getting stronger day by day, as the fortnight is leading us to one of the most magically powerful Equinox we’ve experienced. That’s because the Equinox falls on the eve of the coming New Moon and, on the moment the Sun enters Aries, there are many aspects that strengthen magic either at their peak, or very close to their peak. Therefore, make sure you create the desirable miracles on that day.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Aries is strong, with two planets in it. And even though Venus will leave your zodiac on the 16th, Mercury and the Sun, in conjunction, will enter it. The former on the 19th and the latter on the 20th. On top of that, there is little direct stress affecting your zodiac, while there is enough support. More than enough until the 12th. Add to this that most of the planets are in the Easter part of your zodiac. Therefore, everything is possible. The most significant challenges are coming from the Pluto – the only planet in a stressful alignment – who directly stress your zodiac during this fortnight, bringing some challenges in work, career and business matters.

Also, Mars, the ruler of your zodiac, although in a beneficial alignment, receives much stress. This can bring problems in your personal relationships and challenge your social life. Also, your mood and your emotional condition need some support. Despite the challenges in social activity, social life receives much support. It’s also a helpful period for expanding your social circle. Just keep your temper in check and your mind clear. Also, your productivity is quite good. Along with a strong self-confidence and self-motivation, you can achieve anything you try to achieve. Finally, your spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

This is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for all and even more so for you. There is no direct stress affecting your zodiac, throughout the fortnight, and there is no planet in a stressful alignment, as Saturn move from a stressful alignment to a beneficial one, on the day of this Full Moon. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become four on the 19th and three, on the 20th. But, on the 16th, Venus, the ruler of your zodiac, will enter Taurus. Venus, though, is also your Health Planet and it receives some stress, so don’t take your health lightly. Also, your mood and your emotional condition are quite challenged during this fortnight. Make sure you support them sufficiently. The better you support them, the better the fortnight will be, overall.

Expenses need a wiser consideration, and financial issues might feel more pressing. Nonetheless, money, in general, and income, in particular, receive mostly beneficial influences. Therefore, with proper care, finances should become better. Also, work, career and business matters receive quite supportive energies. Your productivity is quite good, too. Also, social life can be quite active and productive. Work related social activity receives even better energies. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are quite capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, but they’ll become three, on the 19th, and finally two, on the 20th. On top of that, Mars, in your zodiac, receives much stress, while Mercury, the ruler of your zodiac, is in a stressful alignment, until the 19th. At the same time, though, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become one, on the 16th, then two, on the 19th and, finally, three, on the 20th. Therefore, although this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be quite challenging for you, at times. Health needs a better care. Make sure you rest enough and well and you take a good care of yourself. Also, social life, can be less satisfactory than you expect.

It is likely to be quite active and mostly pleasantly so, for the biggest part, and even more so until the 12th, nonetheless. Make sure you deal with any challenge with a calm and clear mind, and you’ll reduce the effects of the stressful influences. Also, work, career and business matters, although not stress-free, receive mostly beneficial influences. Starting a new business, or making a significant new start, or change in this field of your life can face more challenges than you expect. Nonetheless, progress and successes are achievable. Your productivity is quite good, too. Also, studies and the like receive better energies.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can become quite challenging for you. There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of the Full Moon. They’ll become two on the 16th, three again, on the 19th, and four on the eve of the New Moon, the 20th. At the same time, though, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become six on the 16th, then again five on the 19th, and finally four on the eve of the New Moon. Therefore, things might not be too easy, but they are mostly good. Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress and need much support and very good care. Emotional and mental health issues can act up, too.

Also, colleagues and partners can cause you some stress. Other work, career and business matters might not be stress-free. Nonetheless, there is more than enough support affecting this field of your life. Therefore, significant progress and successes, there, are achievable. Studies and all occupation and avocation of intellectual, spiritual or artistic nature receive even better energies. Also, social life seems pleasant. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

On the day of this Full Moon, there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac. They’ll become two, on the 16th. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become two, on the 16th, then three again, on the 19th, and four on the 20th. Therefore, this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Your Health Planet, not only receives only beneficial influences, but also moves out of a stressful alignment, but your Health House receives some stress. Therefore, health and your physical condition should feel better, but they still need some care. Especially so, if there are active issues. Also, your emotional health and psychosomatic issues might act up a little. Hence, take good care of those.

Finances need a wiser handling. Nonetheless, there is more stress and pressure about them, than there are actual problems. So, make sure you see the situations clearly and objectively. Also, work, career and business matters receive quite good and supportive energies, and much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Social life might not be as satisfactory as you’d like, but it’s mostly pleasant. Also, love life receives some support.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

There are five planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become four, on the 19th and, finally, three, on the 20th. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment, and they’ll become three, on the 16th. Therefore, although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be quite challenging for you. Although neither your Health House, nor your Health Planet receive any stress, health needs some extra care. Make sure you rest enough and well, and you take good care of yourself. Work, career and business matters can be quite demanding and stressful. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Also, this isn’t a helpful period for making new partnerships. If you need to, be extra wise.

Despite the stress, though, much progress and many successes can be achieved in this field of your life. Finances, too, receive some support. It’s a helpful period for solving problems of financial nature. Also, love and social life can be less satisfactory and more tensed than you’d like, but most of the energies affecting this areas of your life are beneficial ones. Therefore, with a calmer approach they can be quite good. Furthermore, your magical abilities are more capable than usual.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

This is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, but it can be quite challenging for you, at times. There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of the Full Moon. The ruler of your zodiac is amongst them. They’ll become two on the 16th, when Venus will move to a neutral alignment, and then again three on the 19th and , finally, four on the eve of the New Moon. On top of that, most planets are on the Western part of your chart, so things might feel out of your control. Health, both physical and emotional one need a good care. Healing, though, is strong. Also, family can your other half can cause you some stress.

Despite those difficulties, though, most things proceed well. Work, can be challenging and tiresome, but much progress and successes, there, are achievable. It’s a helpful period for putting your life in order, too. Similarly, although love is not stress-free, it receives much support. Those in a search for a new love can have some good developments, too. Also, travelling receives quite good influences, whether it’s for work, or for pleasure. Furthermore, your creativity is quite good.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, and it will be even better for you. There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, and they’ll become two, on the 16th. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become four, on the 19th, and three, on the 20th. Therefore, things should be pretty good for you. Nonetheless, your Health House receives some stress, and your Health Planet much of it. Therefore, health needs all your care and attention. At the same time, though, healing is strong and it is a helpful period for improving your health and physical condition. Just make sure you don’t challenge your limits.

Also, work can be quite demanding, but much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Your creativity and your productivity are quite good, too. Also, love and social life are mostly pleasant and somewhat lucky. A wiser handling of the situations might be necessary, at times, though. Your House of Joy receives much focus, for good and ill, but mostly for good. Therefore, this is a helpful period to better understand what makes you happy. At the same time, keeping a smile and a good mood can bring much luck in all areas of your life.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are five planets (six, including the Moon) in a stress-free alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, but they’ll become four, on the 19th, and then three, on the 20th. At the same time there are two planets in a beneficial alignment, and they’ll become one, on the 16th, two, on the 19th, and thee, on the 20th. Therefore, although this is a mostly beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be quite challenging for Sagittarius. Health needs some extra care and attention. Also, finances receive some stress. Try to avoid any unnecessary expenses. Home, family, love and social life, too, can face some challenges.

Despite those, though, home, family, love and social life receive mostly beneficial influences. This is a good period for taking care of your home, family and their needs. It’s also a good period for searching for a new home, or moving in to one. Also, with proper care, love and social life are mostly pleasant. Those in a search for a new love can have some interesting developments. Furthermore, your creativity and your productivity are quite good, throughout the fortnight, and even more so until the 12th.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

On the downside, there are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become one, on the 16th, two on the 19th and finally, three on the eve of the New Moon. Moreover, Pluto, in your zodiac, receives some stress from Venus. Nonetheless, it receives much support, too. Also, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, including the ruler of your zodiac. They’ll become six on the 16th, and then five again, on the 19th, and four on the 20th. In fact, Saturn will remain in a beneficial alignment until 2026, with a small break during 2015. On top of that, during this fortnight, it receives only support, and much of it, and no stress.

Therefore, despite the stress, this will be quite a good fortnight for you. Health needs much care and attention. Healing, though, seems strong. Also, home and family can play a significant role in your life. Most, but not all, of it is a beneficial one, too. Health issues in the family can have good developments. Also, your productivity and your creativity are quite good. Finances, too, receive support. Work, despite the difficulties, progresses. Furthermore, love and social life are mostly pleasant. Quite active, too, in most cases.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, and it might feel even more so for you. There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, and there will be two, after the 16th. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become two, on the 16th, then, three, on the 19th, and four, on the 20th. Moreover, Saturn leaves your zodiac on the very day of this Full Moon. Therefore, things, in general, are mostly good and pleasant. More easy going, too. Your mood and your emotional condition, though, need some extra care and support. Also, manage your expenses well. Money receives mostly beneficial influences. Hence, if you control well your expenses, finances should be good. In fact, they can become much better.

Your creativity and your productivity are quite good and capable, too. It’s also a good period for starting new projects. Furthermore, love and social life can be quite pleasant and somewhat lucky. Those in search for a new love, or new friends can have some interesting developments. Relatives and family can also play a mostly supportive, or pleasant role in your life.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

This is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for most, and it can be even more so for you. Nonetheless, at the same time, it can be quite stressful. Indeed, although there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, it causes much direct stress to Pisces. Despite that, there are four planets in your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become three on the 19th and finally two on the 20th. Also, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment, and they’ll become three on the 16th. Moreover, most of the planets will remain in the Eastern part of your chart throughout the fortnight. Therefore, despite the stress, most things proceed well.

Expenses and important financial dealings need a wiser consideration, but money matters receive much support. It’s a helpful period for raising your income, or for finding additional sources of income, or sponsors and the like. Home and family can cause you some stress, too, but it’s a helpful period for healing family relationships and solving problems at home. Keep in mind that support, too, is coming from there. Also, social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so. It’s a helpful period for expanding your social circles, too. Furthermore, your productivity is quite good, throughout the fortnight, and it’s a good period for starting new projects.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is quite strong during the whole fortnight, and it gets stronger and stronger as we are approaching the Equinox and the New Moon. Not just because of the Equinox, too. Also, meditation and visualisation are very capable throughout the fortnight.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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