Predictions for the New Week, March 18 – 24, 2019

Predictions for the New Week, March 18 - 24, 2019

General Predictions for the New Week: The Week is one of the most important weeks of the year. Why? Because on Wednesday, two magnificent events align. The Equinox coincides with the Worm Full Moon making this week EXTREMELY powerful for all kinds of actions, physical and magical. The forces of nature are about to be awakened! 

STAY TUNED. Many more magical news are coming for both the Worm Full Moon and the Equinox. We will try to help you get the most out of it! 

Uranus in Taurus

From March 06, 2019 until July 07, 2025 Uranus in Taurus will change many things in our lives including the whole Material Plane because Taurus symbolises the Earth and Ecology. See here more about this life-changing Astrological phenomenon.

Retrograde Mercury

On Tuesday, March 05th at 18:19 UT Mercury stopped at the very edge of Pisces, in order to turn retrograde. Many of us have already had a glimpse (or many more glimpses than just one) of this upcoming event. Those born under the sighs of Pisces, Virgo and then the rest of the zodiacs of Water and Earth, probably, felt it more clearly than the rest. The process is going to be long – for entire month – although most of us have already felt the influence of March’s Retrograde Mercury. See more how Retrograde Mercury affects your Zodiac Sign in a detailed article here. 

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Mars in Taurus

The new position of mighty Mars helps the Earth Signs pass through the obstacles of their everyday life. In fact all this fiery energy, activates their inner passion and their will to evolve. Moreover, it changes our focus towards a more materialistic point of view, taking further care of our health, our habits and our material belongings. However, dues to the rather harsh effect of the Red Planet, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius should definitely learn how to handle so much power. 

Chiron leaves Pisces, enters Aries

The most energy-sensitive of us may have a feeling that something changes, or has changed. This is actually true. For about nine years now, Chiron was in Pisces examining and re-examining our deepest fears, regrets, sorrows and other wounds, since our born. (Well, unless you are over 100 years old.) Now, from Aries and until 2027 it will encourage us to move forward, heal these wounds quickly and permanently and, even, if this is what we need, to regenerate ourselves. Even if we don’t feel this change right away, we’ll see it happening in the next nine years. So, yes, something is changing. And because this subtle yet significant change happens in “the same time” with a more intense one, Sun’s change of signs, we may realise it right away.

Predictions for the new Week – Aries:

The time has come. Power is about to wake up Mother Nature and banish the illusions from you. Sun is about to enter your sign and you already feel that in your bones. Although many things are about to happen you feel more secure as you’ve been through so much the past weeks. This one, is a week for empowerment. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Taurus:

A New week is about to give you plenty of new experiences. You’ve already felt the awakening. However, you must always remember that sometimes the Awakening is far from pleasant experience and you should learn to deal with it in the most creative way possible. With Mars in your Sign you feel the power running in you yet you should learn to let the power run freely. Unblock your chakras. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Gemini:

This is another week with issues in your communication and your relationships. Moreover, you may feel that since your Governor began his retrograde course, many of your plans have delayed a lot. However, this is not the whole truth. Mercury helps you find some time for things you’ve neglected like yourself and your sanity. Try to relax and meditate. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Cancer:

The new week seems to uplifts your spirit in many ways possible. Therefore, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to broaden your horizons and see how the world really looks like. Expect proposals or new interesting experiences. Try to keep calm and manage this stimuli in the most creative way. Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Leo:

Let go of fear. This is the universal message you should learn this time of your life. You see, there are things that even you scare a lot, and it’s ok to admit it. However, although admitting it is the first step you should learn how to dismantle this time-bomb. Trust the universe and let the healing come from above.  Need more convincing? Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Virgo:

Just one more week with many issues in all your life’s spectrum. However, this is truly a very important lesson you should learn. Mercury tries to help you see what’s hidden from you and to do that it requires a step back. You cannot proceed successfully unless you solve these long-lasting issues. Trust yourself and move forward with faith in your magic!  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Aphrodite and her worshippers

Predictions for the new Week – Libra:

The new week promises new opportunities in many parts of your life especially your relationships. However, the more you hang on to the current situation the less inclined you’ll be to embrace the change and work with them. Please, let go of the past and open your mind towards the new infinite possibilities that are waiting for you this week. Only this way you’ll gain the most out of it.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Scorpio:

You seem to be amongst the ones who get the most out of the opportunities of this New Week. Thankfully, the Full Moon will help you alter your daily schedule towards a more interesting agenda. It’s time to work more with yourself. Time to make room for something new and great.  To help you more, you can try Your Daily Tarot Card.

Predictions for the new Week – Sagittarius:

The New Week promises new experiences as it inaugurates a new era for your life. The Worm Full Moon coincides with the Equinox signifying the beginning of Spring in Nature and in your Life. Although Retrograde Mercury is indeed slowing down your plans while messing with your head, hope survives and blooms.  Well, your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Capricorn:

Compared to the other signs, you are the one who is going to feel this intense energy in your life. The combination of the Warm Full Moon with the Equinox creates a unique opportunity for Rebirth. Let anything that bothers your die, and make room for something new in your life.  Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Predictions for the new Week – Aquarius:

The Energy is already gathering in the skies and you can feel it in you rising. From this moment on, your magnificent spirit will start glowing from inspiration. Although you may be undergoing through a tough time of your life, this energy boost can really help you overcome more of your problems, or at least fuel your passions enough to fight back!  More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.

Predictions for the new Week – Pisces:

It is overwhelming indeed. The energy of this week is so intense you can cut it with a knife. The Full Worm Moon coincides with the Equinox and as the Sun is already in your Sign, you are the first who already sensed it. For the next days and nights open your eyes and see for possible opportunities as the week promises thrilling and rejuvenating experiences. Are you ready?   Your Tarot Card of the Day can reveal so much more. Check it here for free.

Astrology and Magic:

Changing your love karma receives much support this week. The same goes for your appearance although you need to proceed with caution. 

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your week!

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