Daily Predictions for Monday 25 March 2019

Daily Predictions for Monday 25 March 2019

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Scorpio squares Venus in Aquarius. Then, from Sagittarius forms a triangle with the Sun in Aries.

So, this day is going to have its good and difficult points. As it proceeds, the good ones are getting stronger.

Sagittarius, Aries and, probably, Leo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Scorpio and Aquarius will be the one receiving the most stress.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Love and sex life can face some difficulties, or challenges, today. On the other hand, work seems to be quite pleasant. Jobs of the mind receive even stronger support.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Spiritual and magical abilities receive a boosting, today. Reversing bad luck and creating good luck, are both very promising. Career and business matters, as well as your business partners, tough, can stress you, a little.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Work receives both auspicious and inauspicious influences. The inauspicious ones are getting weaker, though as the day proceeds. Jobs that need and innovating thinking will feel the negative influences more than the rest, but them, too, will enjoy much more the good ones.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Love seems to be more stressful than pleasant, today. Your kid’s love life can also stress you, somewhat. Work and career, on the other hand, receive mostly, if not only, good influences and support.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Family still seems to cause you some stress, but things are calming down. Your spouse, or love, can be the centre of it. Nonetheless, love becomes much more pleasant, as the day proceeds. Business partnerships also receive some good influences.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Health can be a little sensitive, today. The skin and the respiratory are the most sensitive parts. Also, it’s not the best day for a cosmetic surgery. Health related professions also receive some stress. Other than those, though, the day is mostly pleasant and productive. It’s very good for resting, psychological and emotional healing and for cleansing negativity.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Money can still be a little stressful. Most probably, less so than yesterday. Work, on the other hand proceeds nicely and, as the day goes on, work gets more support. Also, your friends can make your day an even better one.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family can cause you some unsettlement. Changing your place of living, as well as renovating your current one can also be more troublesome than you’d expect. On the other hand, work and money matters receive much support and some good luck.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

There may be some stressful thoughts troubling your mind, today. In many cases without an actual external cause, or because of some minor one. Regrets can be the main subject. Try healing them rather than indulging in them. As the day proceeds, though, your self-esteem gets stronger and you are becoming happier and luckier.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Big and risky purchases should be avoided, today, whenever this is possible. Think twice before proceeding to one, when postponing it isn’t possible. Home and family can both be pleasant. It’s a nice day to rest and relax and a good day to strengthen your bonds with your family, or to ask for their support.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

There still is some stress about your career and business matters, but things are turning good, as the day proceeds and the auspicious influences overwhelm the stressful ones. Trade, in particular, receives much good luck.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and emotional condition may still need some support. Focusing on your work and career can help a lot. They receive some good and lucky influences, and they can help your mood. Money also seems quite lucky, today. There is some gambling luck, too. As always, do remember the stars don’t guarantee your winning, though.

Astrology and Magic:

Reversing bad luck, as well as healing finances and karma are quite promising, today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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