Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Tuesday, 3 October 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon from Pisces will conjunct the retrograde Neptune, and will form a triangle with Pluto in Capricorn. It will also oppose both Venus and Mars in Virgo. Also, Venus today forms an accurate triangle with Pluto.

This will be a much more active, and probably a more stressed day than yesterday. There is a peculiar influence that can manifest both in a good way or in a bad way. Pluto is empowered by the Moon, Mars, and Venus through triangles. Therefore Pluto’s triangle with Mars and Venus should be even brighter. But Venus, Mars and their conjunction is stressed by the Moon, and this stress comes in their triangles with Pluto. So, it is unclear whether this aspect will manifest auspiciously, inauspiciously, or even, both ways. What is certain, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces receive a great amount of focus and energies.

Under this clarification I will say that the luckiest zodiacs are Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo in this order and the unluckiest zodiacs are Virgo, Pisces and Capricorn, in this order. Yes, the same zodiacs, reverse order.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

A very work oriented day. There are too many energies there. Make the best use of them to have a good and productive work day. Your magic and intuition are also strong and mostly clear, so it is a good day to take decisions, divine the future and cast spells for these matters. Your mood, though, is a little, or more than a little, unstable.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

A very good day for meeting people. New people can come your way, too. Love life receives many energies, both beneficial and the other kind, so there is much focus there for good and bad. You may meet possible love interests as well, but whether they will be good for you or not, this is an other issue. Social media, internet activity and meeting people through internet for personal and professional reasons is also a strong aspect, and mostly in a good way. Mostly.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Career and family fight against each other for your attention. This can be stressful on its own, and time consuming too, but the situations themselves can be less than stressful. Try to organise things, and prioritise your tasks so that you’ll be able to do more and better. Sex related jobs are mostly lucky and less stressed than the rest.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

You may have a more active social life than you want to. Too many people want to talk with on the phone, face to face, or otherwise. Co-workers, classmates and the like are not an exception. You special someone, also wants much of your time. This both makes you happy and stresses you.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

All matters concerning work and money receive too many energies today. This will be your main focus. Health is delicate. Sexual health even more so. Sexual opportunities may come your way. Be careful. They may not be as good as they seem at first glance. Magic is raised for all subjects. Cast your spells!

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

A very good day for love matters. This aspect of yours receives most of the energies of this day, and mostly beneficial influences. Things can be less than clear, but luck seems to be by your side. Your self confidence, though, is not as good. Jumping from “I’m the king of the world” to “I’m a piece of sh… ehm… trash” and the other way round, without profound reasons and causes can be a habit of yours today. Control it.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Take good care of your mood and your psychological health today. Rest as much as possible and find time to take care of yourself. Work is demanding, and so is home and family. Too many energies there, and not all of them good. So, unpleasant things may happen, but even if they don’t, the pressure alone will be stressful enough.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Very social, very communicative day, and mostly for joyous reasons. This doesn’t mean that all the scheduled joy will be as happy as you think. Peculiar luck can interfere in more occasions than “normally”. Be flexible in your schedule and in your reactions. Try not to have too many things to do, as you may end up leaving many people displeased. Love also receives a good amount of energies, and also of fog. So, walk carefully and decide slowly.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Socialising is neither strong or lucky today. You want to be in home and with yourself or family all day long. Being with family, though, can also be stressful. Or joyous. Try for the latter option. Financials and career goals are focused. Both of them positively and negatively. Financials more positively, probably.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

You may find yourself spending too much time on the phone, sending e-mails or doing similar things. They probably are more necessary than they sound, but you may feel you are unproductive. Keep in mind why you are doing what you are doing. Students may be a little more stressed than the rest members of the sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Money, money, money, sex and money. The energies are focused there, your mind is focused there, your acts are focused there. Everything about these subjects comes in mind. Even “ancient history” type of mistakes or successes can resurface. Lucky events are more possible than unlucky ones today, but a feeling of poverty or dissatisfaction, financial or sexual/romantic, is present.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This day gives you plenty of energies and boosts all your dreams. Including your nightmares, so focus on the good ones. I’m not talking about the ones you are seeing during sleep, of course, although they can be a little more vivid than usually, as well. Your relationship with your life partner, or business partners, or both is also in focus, but there is a tendency to pay more attention on the negatives. Focus on the positives. Internet business and personal activity are mostly favoured.

Astrology and Magic:

Magically speaking, the energies are too strong, yet too chaotic, so use very calm methods, unless you know very well what you are doing. Yes, love magic is strong even today, and will remain strong until the 22nd of the month, but even on this subject, the energies are a little chaotic today.


That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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