5 Reasons Why Your Magic is blocked & how to Reverse it

5 Reasons Why Your Magic Does Not Work & how to Reverse it

Magic is all around us. It’s the vital force of Cosmos that unites us all. Moreover, it’s our birthright as human race. We’ve all been born with Magical Powers. Some natural born witches already feel the signs of their magic (click here to read the signs of natural born witches). Why some realize and use them more easily than others is a great debate. Of course, cultural circumstances and karma play the most important roles. So if we are all born with powers, why do you feel your Magic Does Not Work? We are about to see the most important reasons.

1. Your Magical Powers are Bound

Unfortunately this can be true. Although no one can really bind your powers, a binding spell can make you believe you can’t actually cast spells or work your magic in any way. This deception might actually be so strong that could even transcend lifetimes.

  • Why Would someone Bind my Powers?

Well for many possible reasons. Someone could actually be/were jealous of you. Furthermore, your Family might have engaged – or even lost – in past Witch Wars. As a consequence, the ones who won would ‘bind’ the powers of your lineage. (See here if you descend from a Line of Witches). Moreover, your own spirit could sometimes ‘bind’ your powers to protect you from abusing them.

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  • A sign of Bound Magic Powers. 

As talked in the article of palm signs of Born Witches, the Magical or Psychic Triangle is a very important sign of Bound Magical Powers. A pyramid like – triangle shaped sign on the ring finger is the Psychic Triangle. Look closer, this sign may not be that obvious. The palm signs might be pale and hard to notice.psychic triangle

This is the psychic triangle means bound magical powers. Do you have it? If yes then your powers are bound. You need to awaken them again. You are also advised to go back to your past lives and look for signs why this happened at first place. Which brings us to reason number two! …

How to reawaken your powers:

  • Provide yourself all the reason why you’ve neglected so far to work with your magic. Find the blocks in your mind.
  • Decide that this pattern no longer serves you and now it’s time for you to rise up again and reawaken your powers. You may have done some mistakes. That’s ok. We all did at some point. But now we are more mature and we call back our powers and use them for the bettering of ourselves and humanity, respecting free will!
  • CALL BACK YOUR POWERS! Do that before Full Moon or even better (and more intensively) before a Lunar Eclipse! Cast the Power Awakening Spell! 

2. Bad Karma 

Have you ever wondered what would you do if you had Magical Powers? Sometimes, our very spells prevent us from using our potential to avoid harming our karma. But this can also be a fear. This is why we need to establish moral rules – exactly in the same way we use rules when we learn martial arts etc.

Your soul is a like an Ocean. To see the bottom of the ocean, requires peaceful waters and no turbulent waves. Hence, when you are enraged, your emotions are blurring the waters and you cannot ‘feel’ the depth of them. You cannot control your spells successfully, without tapping into your truest potential which are your emotions. To do that requires discipline and practice of course. This is why Witches meditate… like a LOT!

  • So this bad Karma can be reversed? 

Yes! You can actually clean your bad magical Karma with this spell. The spell doesn’t magically wipe the karma but it sets a new beginning. In fact, it’s extremely essential to begin your practice in magic by doing that spell. This will help you abolish the burden of bad history. It’s also a statement to the universe, that you are fully aware and responsible of your power.

3. You Give Mixed Signals to the Universe

As we have discussed on the article “why sometimes spells don’t work”, we ALWAYS get what we ask. The question is what do we ask.

  • Even the strongest witches may find it difficult to outbalance endless hours or even years of negative thinking with 5 or 10 or 100 minutes of magical spellcasting. A witch is a witch always. Not for only 5 or 50 minutes of spell casting.

  • You may feel that Magic Does Not Work but the truth is that Your Magic Always Work. Your magic may brought you to what you now live!

To achieve that, you need to change your way of thinking. You need to make a statement to the Universe and actually MEAN IT! Be firm and strong and powerful. A statement like “whatever I was thinking in the past, now I’ve changed. I Now strongly wish to do…

From now on, all your actions should be aligned with your Wish and Desire. Show the universe that you are focused. Negative thinking should be neutralized and replaced with your burning desires.

  • There is nothing you cannot Achieve! 

Don’t ever believe that others are more powerful than you. They might been luckier, being born in a family which may have helped them develop their powers or attracted wise teachers. Nonetheless, you can now begin your Magical Endeavor.

4. Wrong Circumstances 

Probably the word ‘wrong’ is wrong. We may should use another term like ‘unfitting’ circumstances. Magic is more challenging when the following circumstances dominate the majority of your daily routine. Do you cast spells when:

  • You work so much you actually have ‘burnt out’? 

  • Or maybe you face some health issues? 

  • Are you undergoing a depressing period? 

  • Is Magic a desperate move? 

  • Do lack of privacy?

If these situations bother you, then magic is more challenging and this is a reason why your magic does not work. However, some people may actually work more creatively under pressure. Others may not.

5. Influenced by Other People

Are people around you judging you about your wish to develop your magic? Of course they are. The real question is WHY DO YOU CARE?

  • Just be yourself. Unless you can be a Witch. Then Always be a Witch! 

Others may be afraid of the powers you might develop. What we don’t understand might scare people. Advice like ‘magic is stupid’ or ‘why do you mess with this devilish stuff’ are not doing any good.

Be true to yourself. Even they continue to judge you don’t let them affect you.

Your magic does not work probably because you put more faith to others rather than you. Magic is an expression of who you are. You can actually see here reasons why magic is sometimes blocked! 

Believe and feel your potential and everything else will be presented to you. You are a powerful Witch!

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