June’s Energy Calendar

June's Energy Calendar

Can you believe that it’s June already? It’s been quite a year already, and we haven’t even had the heat of the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. I know the Southern Hemisphere is now entering their Wintery phase of the year, but either way there is a lot of energy sweeping around us right now.

Birthstones for June include PEARL for the month of June. AGATE, CHRYSOPRSE, CITRINE, MOONSTONE, PEARL and WHITE SAPPHIRE for the month of the Gemini Star Sign. EMERALD, MOONSTONE, PEARL and RUBY for the Cancer Star Sign.

Names for the Moon in June include:
* Colonial American – The Rose Moon
* Cherokee Native American – The Green Corn Moon
* Choctaw Native American – The Windy Moon
* Sioux Native American – The Moon when the Berries are Ripe
* Celtic – The Moon of Horses
* English – The Dyan Moon
* Neo-Pagan – The Planting Moon

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Lets get down to the energies that will be with us this month.
June’s Energy Calendar

* 2nd June:
– The Moon enters Gemini at 12:47

* 3rd June:
– The NEW MOON in Gemini at 11:01

* 4th June:
– The Moon enters Cancer at 17:16

* 6th June:
– The Moon enters Leo at 20:15

* 8th June:
– The Moon enters Virgo at 22:44

* 9th June:
– The Month of the Seahorse Ends (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
– The Month of Hawthorn Ends (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

* 10th June:
– The Moon enters it’s FIRST QUARTER at 06:59 in Virgo
– The Month of the Wren Begins (Celtic Animal Zodiac)
– The Month of Oak Begins (Celtic Tree Zodiac)

* 11th June:
– The Moon enters Libra at 01:28

* 13th June:
– The Moon enters Scorpio at 05:02

* 15th June:
– The Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:02

* 17th June:
– The FULL MOON in Sagittarius at 09:30
– The Moon enters Capricorn at 17:13

* 18th June:
– The Time of Seth Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 19th June:
– The Time of the Nile Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

* 20th June:
– The Moon enters Aquarius at 03:00
– Mercury enters Retrograde Zone at 12:11 in Cancer
– The Month of Gemini Ends (Traditional Astrology)
– The Month of the Deer Ends (Native American Zodiac)

* 21st June:
– Neptune enters Retrograde at 04:56 in Pisces
– The Month of Cancer Begins (Traditional Astrology)
– The Month of the Woodpecker Begins (Native American Zodiac)
– LITHA – Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere at 16:54
– YULE – Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere at 16:54

* 22nd June:
– The Moon enters Pisces at 15:01

* 25th June:
– The Moon enters Aries at 07:37

* 27th June:
– The Moon enters Taurus at 14:31

* 28th June:
– The Time of the Nile Ends

* 29th June:
– The Moon enters Gemini at 22:08

As always with my Energy Calendars the time listed above are UTC/GMT and you can find out what the times are for you by converting these times using www.timeanddate.com


*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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