Daily Predictions for Saturday 30 January 2021

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Leo, opposes the stationary Mercury, in Aquarius. Then, from Virgo, it forms a triangle with Uranus, in Taurus. Furthermore, from 01:53 UT, until 08:03 UT, the Moon will be void of course.

Also today, Mercury turns in to Retrograde motion, at 15:51 UT.

So, this day will start more stressfully, but it gets better, later on.

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Virgo and Taurus will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Leo and Capricorn will be the ones receiving the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Social and love life receive some stress, today. Productivity and creativity might have to overcome some challenges, too, but things will be much easier after the void of course Moon period. Work and money, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Work receives some stress, today. Not work-related obligations might add to this stress. On the other hand creativity is quite good. Love and social life seem mostly pleasant, too.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Travelling and transportations receive some stress, today. Means of transportation might also misbehave. Home and family, on the other hand, can play a mostly pleasant role, in your day. Healing, too, receives quite good vibes.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Money receives some stress, today. Some alertness in any kind of financial transaction would be advisable, too. Productivity seems good, though. Social life, too, seems mostly pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Dear friends and your other half can cause you some stress, today. Colleagues and business partners, too, can play a similar role. Nonetheless, work, career and business matters mostly receive supportive energies.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Health seems a bit sensitive, today. Work can also be somewhat stressful. Jobs that depend on intuitive and inspired thinking, though, are more likely to have a fruitful day. Also, social life seems pleasant. Studies, researches and the like receive support, too.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Love and social life receive some stressful energies, today. Productivity and creativity are not looking very good, but once you focus your mind on what you want to achieve, things are getting much better. Also, magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong, for you, today.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, today, but things are getting better as the day proceeds. Your own productivity seems good and, also, cooperative tasks can proceed nicely if you manage to avoid misunderstandings and the like. Love and social life, too, seem mostly good.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Travelling and transportations receive some stress, today. The same is true for the means of those. Also, social life can be somewhat tensed, but not too much so, in most cases. Work, career and business matters, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Finances receive some stress, today. Purchases and orders of a significant cost need some extra wisdom. Investments and loans need some prudence, too. Love and social life, on the other hand, seem mostly pleasant. Creativity is quite capable, too.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Love and social life receive some stress, today. Think clearly and calmingly before reacting, and things will be better. Home and family, on the other hand, can give you some support and joy. Small scale repairs at home receive auspicious energies, too.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Health seems sensitive, today. Work, too, receives some stress. Your productivity, though seems good and things are more likely to proceed well, despite the stress. Also, love and social life are mostly pleasant.

Astrology and Magic:

Road opening spells receive a boosting today.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your day!

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