New Moon in Aries – 12 April 2021

New Moon in Aries

General Predictions for the New Moon in Aries:

On April the 12th, at 02:31 UT, the Moon meets the Sun in Aries, forming the New Moon.

During this waxing Moon period, Venus enters Taurus, on the 14th, and, then, the Sun and Mercury, too, enter Taurus on the 19th of the month. From then on, and until the 4th of May, Taurus will host 4 planets in total. Mars, too, changes its zodiac and enters Cancer on the 23rd of April. Finally, on the very day of the coming Super Full Moon of the 27th of April, Pluto turns Retrograde. The latter will affect us more from the Full Moon and afterwards for five and a half months, but we might feel some of its influences even now, as Pluto is almost stationary throughout this fortnight, and especially so from the 14th onwards.

So, the planetary scenery changes a lot during this period. The mass movement of the planets on Taurus, along with Mars’ moving into Cancer will benefit a lot the zodiacs of Earth and Water. On top of that, the Moon will produce two short-lived “Grand Triangles”. The first will be on Earth, and from the 22nd until the 24th of April, while the second will be on Water, and it will occur during the days of the coming Full Moon, from 26th, until the 28th of April.

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On the negative side, although the planets from Taurus will produce a lot of beneficial aspects, they will also start squaring Saturn, in Aquarius. Those squares will add to the stress Uranus’ square with Saturn produces. As now Uranus is very blessed, we might see only hints of this square, but from early May, this blessing will decline significantly, and cease soon after. On top of that, by then Saturn will have slowed down considerably and will be turning retrograde on the 23rd of that month. Therefore, keep those in mind, and make the most out of this period.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius, this lack of freedom might be more lax, objectively, but in a personal level we might experience it more intensively. Especially for a month before and after this aspect becomes accurate. The first time this happened was on the 17th of February. Now this square is heading towards its weakest point of the period (which will still be very strong). As we said, during this fortnight, both additional stress and additional blessings will affect this square. Overall, it might feel lighter, but, at times it can feel much harsher.

Mars squares Neptune. This aspect became accurate on the 9th of April and it is active since the 23rd of March and until the Super Full Moon of the 27th of April. This aspect might bring some emotional conflict, both in the inside and at the outside. Our inner fears, bitter feelings, guilts, etc. can surface. Issues with friends, lovers and other people, too, can become more apparent and feel more pressing. Try not to react, or act hastily. Healing of those issues should be our first priority, and this healing should come form the inside out, too, in most cases. Some things might not be in our control, and, sometimes, actual conflict might be unavoidable. Nonetheless, try to keep those to a minimum.

Also, Venus squares Pluto. Accurately so on the day of this New Moon, the 12th of April. This square is active since the 4th of April and it will remain so until the 20th of the month. This might bring some difficulties in love life and in our friendships. As Venus is in a very good mood during the whole period, it’s more likely that this square will make existing problems more apparent, rather than causing such problems to appear where there aren’t any. It might impact Taurus’ and Cancer’s love life a bit more strongly, though. Also, this is not a good period to experiment with your diet, your medication, or health supplements. Of course, if your doctor advice you to make such changes, make them, but if it’s just your opinion, it might not be what you need right now.

The Sun, too, squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 16th of April. This square is active since the 7th of April and it will cease activity on the 26th of the month, the eve of the coming Super Full Moon. Amongst else, this square can challenge our emotional condition and our optimism. It can also cause a reduction of motivation.

Furthermore, Mercury squares Pluto, too. This square will be accurate on the 17th of April, and it will be active from the 13th and until the 22nd. During this period magic can be more difficult to cast. Also, our mood can be affected much easier, by other people. As Pluto is super active, with enough stress on it, to boot, our mood and emotional condition need much care during this fortnight, anyway. On the bright side, as the days proceed, the stressful aspects affecting Pluto will turn to beneficial ones.

Venus squares Saturn. Accurately so on the 25th of April. This aspect will be active from the 17th of April and until the 3rd of May. All matters of the heart can be affected by this square. In most cases, some extra attention and alertness will be enough to help us overcome most of the challenges, though, for Venus receives much support, too. Health issues, too, receive some stress. Also, art related kind of jobs can have a more difficult period.

On the same day, Mercury accurately squares Saturn, too. This square will be active from the 21st of April and until the 30th of the month. This can produce some lack of good judgement and some misunderstandings. Also, trade and all jobs depending on good communications and on transportations can have a more difficult period.

The Sun, too, squares Saturn. This square will become accurate on the 3rd of May, but it will be active from the 22nd of April and until the 14th of May. This can bring a bit more tension and some bad luck in all the affairs the rest of the Saturn’s squares produce. Finances, too, receive some stress and some wiser handling is advisable.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is, slowly, gaining even more power, by the day, as it is slowly closing up to its strongest point of the year, which will be in late June, right after Neptune turns Retrograde. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. As the hexagon will be much stronger from May to July, some greater progress, then, is expected.

Mars forms a triangle with Jupiter. This triangle was activated on the 24th of March and it will remain active until the 8th of May. By then Mars will be in Cancer. It will become accurate on the 17th of April, though, while Mars still is in Gemini. This triangle can help us manifest our wises in an mundane way. It supports and empowers all our efforts. It can also make us reckless and impatient. Watch out for these negative side effects and avoid them. If you want to make some kind of expansion happen, this is a good period. Once again, though, try to not overdo it. Proceed courageously, but wisely.

Also on the 17th of the month, Mars will be in an accurate hexagon with Mercury. This hexagon will is active since the 10th of April and it will remain so until the 24th of the month. This can also help our projects and dream manifestation. Especially whatever needs other people’s cooperation and whatever has to do with our social life and activity. Dating – whether it’s serious, or simply sexual – can become more active, too. Enjoy it, but don’t get reckless, or impatient.

The Sun conjuncts Venus. This conjunction became accurate, in Aries, on the 26th of March, but it has been blessing us since the 28th of February, when both planets were in Pisces, and it will remain active until the 4th of May, when both planets will be in Taurus. Amongst else, this conjunction can bring good luck in love matters and love searching.

During this long period Venus will be forming other aspects, too, of course. Other times most of those aspects will be auspicious and other times most of those will be inauspicious. So, we might not feel this blessing very clearly all of the time. But it will be there. Talismans and regular visualisation can help this blessing support our lives even when Venus will be mostly stressed.

Furthermore, under the blessings of this aspect, health matters – mostly in personal level, rather than in global one – as well as the arts receive support. Creating art, nurturing artistic skills, as well as promoting it and making money from it, all receive support.

Mercury is forming a hexagon with Saturn. This was accurate on the 10th of April and it is active since the 5th of the month. This won’t affect much this waxing Moon period, as it will cease activity on the 15thof the month. This hexagon, too, supports healing and especially so via meditative and hypnotic techniques. It also makes such techniques more capable for any other purpose, too. Furthermore, this hexagon can clear our minds and help us make wiser decisions.

On the 10th of April, Venus was in an accurate hexagon with Jupiter. This hexagon is active since the 1st of April and it will remain so until the 20th of the month. This hexagon can support creation of, promotion of and profit making from the arts. It will also give pleasant and lucky vibes on love life. It can also help us find new people, either potential friends, or potential loves. Although both planets are very auspicious, in nature, and some such developments might happen even without an effort, keep in mind that this is still a hexagon. Therefore, it mostly supports our efforts, rather than moving the world to support us. So, we need to do our part to enjoy this blessing to its fullest.

The Sun is in a hexagon with Jupiter. The two lucky stars harmoniously cooperating is always a good omen. This hexagon will be accurate on the 15th of April. It is active since the 4th (maybe 3rd) of April and it will continue being so until the Super Full Moon of the 27th of April. This hexagon can bring some good luck in to everything we want to achieve. It can help all kinds of expansions, too. If such things are in your plans, make them happen now. The 27th of April is also the end of the most easy-going period of 2021. Pluto will be turning Retrograde at that very same day, and not long after, an ecliptic period will start, Saturn will turn Retrograde and, then, Mercury, too.

Also, Venus is forming a hexagon with Mars. This one was accurate on the 6th of April and it’s blessing us since the 21st of March and until the 22nd of April. This hexagon can help love life, sex life and beautification, both the masculine and the feminine kind of it. Furthermore, as this hexagon will take place during the Mars-Neptune square it makes it even more feasible to avoid problems, if we act and react calmly and wisely.

The Sun, too, gives some light to Mars and its affairs, via a hexagon. This hexagon, too, got activated on the 21st of March and it will remain active until the 11th of May, when the Sun will be in Taurus and Mars will be in Cancer. The aspect becomes accurate on the 13th of April, though, the day after the this New Moon, when the Sun still is in Aries and Mars still is in Gemini. Other than calming Mars’ stress, this aspect promotes creativity and productivity. It also brings some good luck in to all our projects.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 19th of April, few hours before the two planets enter Taurus. This aspect is active since the 10th of April and it will remain so until the coming Full Moon. During this period, the stress caused by Saturn’s squares on both Mercury and the Sun will be less noticeable, and despite the difficulties progress will be happening, in financial affairs, trade and all jobs depending on travelling, transportations and communications.

Venus conjuncts Uranus. This aspect will be active from the 14th of April and until the 1st of May. It will become accurate on the 23rd of April. Amongst else, this aspect can help singles find a relationship, and it can also help those who want to break up to do it in a less painful way. Furthermore, this conjunction helps all kinds of online businesses, and even more so because of Mercury’s conjunction with both planets. The arts, too, receive some support. Promoting art and making money from it, more so than creating it.

A day later, on the 24th of April, Mercury, too, accurately conjuncts Uranus. This conjunction will be active from the 20th (maybe the 19th) of April and until the 29th of the month. As we’ve seen above, this aspect can help all kinds of online business. It also helps trade, of all kinds. Furthermore, this is a good period for purchasing high-tech equipment, starting a new web-page, or social media account, as well as working on and promoting existing ones.

On the 25th of April, Mercury accurately conjuncts Venus, in Taurus. This conjunction will be active from the 15th of April and until the 5th of June. It will become accurate for a second time on the 29th of May, few hours before Mercury will turn Retrograde. The second accurate conjunction, though, will take place in Gemini. This surprisingly long-lived conjunction, amongst else, can help love and social life. This is a good period for expanding our social circle and meeting new people, whether this happens online, or not. After Mercury turns Retrograde it will be better to be a bit more careful, though. Also, this aspect can help us nourish and develop existing relationships and friendships.

The Sun, too, conjuncts Uranus. Accurately on the 30th of April. This one will be active from the 19th of April and until the 11th of May. Amongst else, this aspect will empower the Mercury-Uranus and Venus-Uranus conjunctions and their blessings. It also will bring some help on any significant change we try to achieve.

Mercury forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon will be accurate on the 30th of April, but it will start acting on the 25th of the month and until the 5th of May, affecting mostly the coming waning Moon period. During this hexagon’s period of activity, it will be easier to understand other people and their feelings and it’s a good period for healing, nurturing and strengthening our relationships with them. Also, magic receives a boosting.

Venus, too, forms a hexagon with Neptune. This one will become accurate on the 2nd of May, but it will be active from the 25th of April and until the 11th of May. Obviously, this one, too, affects mostly the waning Moon period. Love and beautification magic receive a strong boosting under the influences of this aspect. Especially so as it happens around the Beltain. Healing, too.

Mars forms a hexagon with Uranus. This will become accurate on the 12th of May, but it will start supporting us on the 24th of April, and it will cease activity on the 30th of May. On the downside, this hexagon can make us impatient and reckless while trying to achieve something. On the good side, though, it will motivate us to change what we want to change. Therefore, try to avoid the negative side and make the most out of the beneficial one. Driving more carefully is also highly recommended.


So, overall, this is a mostly beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period. The stressful aspects are significantly more than they used to be, but the auspicious aspects are still overwhelming more than the stressful ones. Therefore, difficulties and challenges will occur, but progress is more than just feasible. Things are going to become more difficult soon, so make the best possible use of this fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money receives one of the main focuses of the planetary energies of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. A wiser handling of your finances is advisable. Although there are many beneficial energies supporting money, expenses, obligations and, maybe, some problems with the incoming flow of it, especially after the 20th, can cause you some stress. The latter ones are unlikely to be serious. Mostly delays in receiving money you expect, or some cancellations. Overall, the beneficial energies are stronger, so, with some attention, things will be okay, or even get better, but exercise this attention.

Work, career and business matters are not proceeding easily and peacefully, but they do advance. Your productivity is strongly related to your mood. Supporting your mood can raise your productivity and the other way around. Social life seems mostly good and pleasant. Maybe not as active, though, but still good. Online social activity receives better energies.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Energy is gathering in your zodiac now and you are probably going to feel this, to a degree, from the day of this New Moon, but especially after the 14th. This is an overall good thing and you should enjoy it and do your best with it. It also means that you might face more stress and challenges, though, especially when the Moon is in a stressful alignment with your zodiac. So, make sure you won’t take on too much work and too many obligations, you support your mood and you take good care of yourself in every possible way. Work, career and business matters might end up being more difficult and more challenging, but much progress is happening, there. Your productivity seems strong, too, and this can help you achieve more.

Until the 19th, your spirituality is extra strong and it can boost and support your everyday life, both short-term and long-term. After then, your actions in the mundane world will be the protagonist. Social life, online or not, can also be quite active. Although this is a mostly good thing, at some times it might feel a bit too much, so make sure to keep some balance.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

This can be a somewhat odd New Moon and waxing Moon period, for you. Mars leaving your zodiac on the 23rd might reduce your energies and self motivation, but it also makes things more peaceful, as less stress affects you directly. Your spirituality and your inner self become more important. This is a period to heal yourself and to get ready for the coming month and the rest of the year. In early May your ruler, Mercury will enter your zodiac for a very long stay, until the 10th of July. Following Mercury, on May, Venus and the Sun will also enter your zodiac. Then it will be the time to move forward and create changes in your life via mundane means. Now is the time to prepare them and to make them happen by spiritual means. Meditation, visualisation and the like are both effective and advisable.

Artistic creation, too, receives a boosting. If this is a means of income for you, this is the period to create things, to have them ready for May. Don’t waste time. Work, career and business matters, as well as financial affairs receive some stress, but, in most cases, these influences are not strong enough and decline after the 20th. Your mood and your emotional condition is what you should be focusing on and supporting.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but this influences will change from the 23rd onwards. Stress will be still present but it will have objective reasons, rather than coming from the inside. This might not sound good, but it is, actually as then, you’ll know what you should work on and change. Furthermore, with Mars in your zodiac, then, you’ll have the energy to do exactly that. Just make sure you won’t overtire yourself. Work, career and business matters, too, receive some stress, but things there are mostly good.

Also, money needs a wiser handling. Investing in your work and career is advisable, but otherwise, do your best to reduce expenses and, especially, in the long term. You might not see the benefit of this right now, but it will make things easier during the coming Ecliptic period and until July. Social life seems pleasant and active. Productivity, too, is good. Also, love receives some support. Especially for those in a relationship.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. The second half of it might be even more stressful, too. Nonetheless, many and strong beneficial energies are supporting these matters as well, and even the ruler of your zodiac is strongly blessing them. Therefore, progress is happening, despite the stress and the obstacles. Other obligations can also stress you and, occasionally, consume all your time and energy. Make sure you rest as much as possible, whenever you get the chance, as health and, especially your emotional health, receive some stress, too.

Healing, though, is strong, so with proper care health should remain good and, if you are facing issues there, good developments are expectable. Needless to say if you encounter any problem, seek the advice of your health care professional. Productivity and social life, too, seem good and active. Jobs where good social skills can benefit you, receive even better energies. Love life, too, seems mostly pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress and some difficulties might still be present. In most cases, thought, you overcome them and you achieve what you want. Maybe much more than just that, too, as this New Moon and this waxing Moon period strongly supports those matters. Colleagues and partners, though, might need some better handling. Teaching, studying and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, artistic, religious and spiritual nature receive better energies than the rest. Money, too, receives mostly beneficial influences, as long as you avoid a temptation to spend needlessly.

Love and social life seem mostly pleasant. Those in a relationship will experience almost only those beneficial energies. Those seeking one, should act wisely and be a bit more careful, but their chances are better than usual. Those in a mostly sexual relationship, as well as those seeking such encounters might not be as lucky. In fact, if this is your case, be extra careful. Also, health improves significantly and, especially so, after the 19th. Healing is strong, too.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love life receives much stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Those already in a relationship, and especially those in a long-standing relationship, or a sex-based relationship will experience these energies more strongly. In the same time, though love receives lots of good vibes, too. After the 20th, those influences will be dominant, too. In most cases, those in a relatively new relationship and those searching for one will enjoy mostly those beneficial energies. In every case, though, healing problems in a relationship and either making it deeper, healthier and better, or terminating a future-less relationship is what the planetary scenery supports the most. Health, too, needs some attention, but, in most cases, it receives less stress than until now.

Work can be somewhat challenging, but it advances, regardless. Successes might not come in abundance, but they are feasible. Also, your productivity and creativity are strong. Finally, your magic seems extra strong throughout the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Work can be extra demanding and tiresome, or, quite the opposite, it might be less active than you want it to be. Whichever the case, from the 20th onwards things are getting easier and proceed more smoothly. Even until then, though, there are enough aspects supporting work and, when the daily lunar aspect do the same, those energies will overwhelm the stressful ones. Health, too, receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period and some extra attention, there is needed. After the 20th, health can become even more sensitive, so be extra careful with it. From the 20th and until the 22nd, even more so. Healing, though, is strong, so, if you do take good care of yourself and your health, things will be okay.

Love life, too, receives some stress, mostly affecting those in a long-term relationship. For love, though, the beneficial aspects are dominant throughout the fortnight, act wisely and things will be pretty good. Finding new potential love interests, too, is possible. Also, social life seems mostly pleasant.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Until the 20th practice some restrain, as this can help you deal easier with the challenges that might come after then. There is some support on the matter, too, but not enough to overwhelm the stressful energies, without your efforts. Work, too, seems stressful and might become quite so, but there, the supportive influences are dominant, so progress is happening. Your productivity and creativity look good, though, and this is a helpful period for taking care of whatever you have postponed, or neglected, as well as for preparing things for future use.

Love life, too receives a bit of stress, especially for those already in a relationship, but things are mostly good. Those in search for a relationship might get lucky, too. Also, social life is mostly pleasant. With dear friends more so than with acquaintances, but meeting new people is also possible.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Health needs some care and attention during this fortnight and, especially so until the 24th. Healing, though, seems strong, so if you are dealing with any health issues and you take proper care of your health, expect good developments. Health issues in the family, too, receive good vibes, until the 20th. Also, work can be somewhat stressful, but much progress, there, is achievable. Income receives mostly supportive energies, but expenses might cause a stress on your finances.

Love and social life seem mostly pleasant. Meeting new people is also possible, but this affects possible friends more so than possible love interests. Expanding your online social circle, too, is feasible. Furthermore, creativity seems good and artistic skills receive a boosting. Also, your smile and good mood can attract many blessings in your life, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, so make sure you keep yourself happy.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive much stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. From the 20th, though, this calms down a bit. Also, home and family can cause you some stress, but there is much support in this field of your life, so, in most cases, not too much. Nonetheless, if any problem arise try to solve it now, when the sky is helping you, as this blessing won’t be present later on but those issues will resurface. Money needs some careful handling, but this affects short-term financial affairs more so than long-term ones.

Love and social life seem quite active and mostly pleasantly so. Expanding your social circle, as well as finding a potential new love are both possible. Furthermore, productivity and creativity are quite good. This is a helpful and auspicious fortnight for starting new projects, too. Just avoid the void of course Moon periods. Work, too, receives some help. And some more of it, after the 20th.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Although there aren’t many planets in your zodiac, as many interact with your ruler, Neptune, which is in your zodiac, this New Moon and this waxing Moon period seem to send many energies towards, you. On the bright side, those energies are mostly beneficial ones. After the 24th, even more so, and this will continue for the first half of the waning fortnight, too. So, things are mostly good and you can achieve progress in almost any aspect of your life. Your productivity, too is good, and the same is true for your social skills. Jobs and projects depending on either receive much support.

Money, though, needs some better handling. Expenses and investments should be done under enough consideration. Don’t postpone them for a later time as things won’t be easier later on, but do think of them carefully. From the 24 and until the 4th of May, though, will be a better period for such things. Your mood, too, receives some stress. Support it. Social life seems pleasant and it can also help you support your mood and your emotional condition.

Astrology and Magic:

Most magic is strong and it gets even stronger after the First Quarter. Spiritual practices might be less easy to work with, but they are still quite strong and capable.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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