Full Moon in Pisces – 20 September 2021

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Pisces:

On September the 20th, at 23:55 UT, the Moon, from Pisces, accurately opposes the Sun, in Virgo, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also the Harvest Moon.

The Full Moon affects strongly and only beneficially Pluto, and then, considerably Neptune, making it a magically very powerful and potent Full Moon. Prosperity, fame and good luck magic are supported even more so than other kinds, due to the fact that the Moon is in a semi-sextile with Jupiter, which is in a perfect triangle with Mercury. On top of that, although still “weak” the energies of the Equinox also empower the magic of this Full Moon.

On the mundane world, though, the Full Moon calls for caution and a much more careful approach, and, maybe, a slower pace for all our projects and goals. For one, because the moment of the Full Moon is the beginning of a void of course Moon period, which lasts until 03:13 UT of the 21st of the month. The major reason, though, is that during this waning Moon period, Retrograde activity reaches its strongest point of the year.

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Indeed, on the 27th of September, at 05:10 UT, Mercury, in Libra, turns Retrograde. By doing that, 6 major planets and Chiron, a total of 7 planets, will be retrograde. This will be the case until the day of the coming New Moon, when Pluto will turn back into direct motion, while until the Next Full Moon, three other planets, including Mercury, will have turned back into direct motion, too.

Now, other than the raised retrograde activity, the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd of the month, at 19:21 UT. Therefore, the Equinox will be on the 22nd, or the 23rd, depending on which of these days this time will be for where you live.

As this is the only planet that changes its zodiac sign during the fortnight, the planetary scenery doesn’t change much. One more way the sky calls for a slower and a more careful pace.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

The Sun still opposes Neptune. The aspect became accurate on the 14th of September and it will remain active until the 24th of the month. This opposition can bring in misunderstandings. It can also cause some emotional imbalance. Furthermore, it can affect, stressfully, our personal relationships. Professional, too, but not as strongly.

Also, Mercury squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 22nd of September, when Mercury is Direct and Pluto is Retrograde. This aspect will be active from the 11th of September and until the 11th of October. It will become accurate for the second time on the 1st of October, when both planets will be in retrograde motion. Furthermore, keep in mind that from the 26th of October this aspect will reappear and it will become accurate, then, on the 2nd of November, when both planets will be Direct.

This square can cloud our rational thinking, as well as cause problems in our communications. Especially so when Mercury will be retrograde. Furthermore, magic needs some extra caution. Dream life can also be quite active, but unreliable.

Also, Venus squares Saturn. This aspect became accurate on the 17th of September, and got activated on the 9th of September. It will remain active until the 25th of the month. Love life receives some stress, from this aspect. Health needs some extra attention, too. Also, occupations and avocations depending on creativity might need some extra effort.

Furthermore, Venus opposes Uranus. Accurately so on the 23rd of September. This opposition is active since the 15th of September and it will remain so until the 2nd of October. Businesses and careers related to the arts, beauty and health receive some stress from this aspect. Online businesses of these kinds, especially, and of any other kind, less strongly, too, receive some stress.

Also, Venus squares Jupiter. Accurately so on the 30th of September. This aspect will be active from the 23rd of September and until the 9th of October. This, too, can cause some difficulties on jobs, hobbies and the like depending on creativity, as well as stress our love life. Problems in our romantic and friendly relationships can become more apparent, too. After the 25th, when Venus’ – Saturn’s square won’t be active, solving such issues can become easier, but, as Mercury will be almost stationary and then Retrograde, do your best to avoid misunderstandings.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still very strong. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Also, the Sun forms a triangle with Pluto. The aspect was accurate on the 17th of September and got activated on the day of the previous New Moon. It will remain active until the 27th of the month. The last few days, the Sun will be in Libra. Amongst else, this triangle can support healing. It’s also a good period for taking a second opinion, or re-evaluating and changing your prescriptions or therapies. It’s a good period for charging talismans, magical oils, incenses and the like for immediate and future use.

Mercury forms a triangle with Jupiter. Accurately so on the day of this Full Moon, the 20th of September, while Mercury is still be direct. The aspect, though, is active since the 10 of September and it will remain so until the 13th of October, when Mercury will be Retrograde. It will become accurate for a second time on the 4th of October, while both planets will be Retrograde. Furthermore, the aspect will get reactivated on the 24th of October and it will become accurate for a third time on the 1st of November, when both planets will be Direct.

This triangle supports trade and international trade, even more so. Also travelling and whatever has to do with people from other places also receives support. Studies of all kinds, too. Even more so spiritual and religious ones.

Mars forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 25th of the month. The triangle, though, is active since the 12th of September and until the 10th of October. This triangle can help us get things done. It gives us the energy and the determination to work on whatever we want to work. Although a triangle is a very harmonious aspect (and even more so Saturn is in the second zodiac it rules) there might be a tendency to try to achieve more than we have time and energy to take care of. Watch out for this trap, avoid it, prioritise what you want the most and you;ll achieve more than you think.

On a side note, Mars is also in a triangle with the North Node, in Gemini. Accurately so on the day of the Equinox. Saturn, of course, too, is in a triangle with the North Node, although not accurately so. Amongst else, this aspect can empower Mars’ and Saturn’s triangle’s blessings. It can also support important career plans and changes of fate, in both magical and mundane ways.

Venus forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 29th of September. This triangle will be active from the 21st of the month and until the 8th of October. As otherwise Venus is quite stressed during this fortnight, this is a very helpful aspect, giving us the opportunity to better our relationships, despite that stress. Inspiration and imagination, too, get stronger.

Also on the 29th, the Sun will be in a perfect triangle with Saturn. This triangle will be active from the day of this Full Moon and until the 9th of October. Amongst else, this triangle can help our long-term goals, as well as it can help us heal and better the situations in our private and professional life.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Pluto, from the 24th of September and until the 11th of October. By then, Pluto will be Direct and Venus will be in Sagittarius. The hexagon, though, will be accurate on the 2nd of October, while Pluto will still be Retrograde and Venus, of course, will be in Scorpio. Amongst else, this triangle can help sex life. It can also help us better understand what we want from our love and social life. Acting on this realisation needs some wise decision making and planing, but, given those, do act on it.

The Sun conjuncts Mars. Accurately so on the 8th of October, when both planets will be in Libra. This aspect got activated on the 7th of September, while both planets were in Virgo. It will remain active until the 4th of November, when both planets will be in Scorpio. This conjunction can raise our determination and motivation and help us advance in all our projects and goals.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Pisces:

Overall, this is a beneficial but not easy fortnight. Retrograde activity reaches its peak of the year. On top of that, Pluto is almost stationary throughout the whole fortnight, as it’s going to turn back into direct motion on the New Moon’s day. Saturn, too, slows down, to become almost stationary during the last days of the fortnight. Also, Jupiter slows down significantly. So, this is a very slow paced period, and, if we need to move forward fast, it can become very stressful.

Furthermore, Lira becomes stronger. From the Equinox onwards 3 major planets will be in Libra, and from the 5th to the 7th of October – the eve, the day and the next day of the New Moon – 4, including the Moon. The air, too, becomes stronger, as 50% of the major planets are gathered in the Air signs. On top of that, both Saturn’s and Jupiter’s charge is mostly beneficial.

Also, from the 26th of September (00:36 UT) until the 28th (13:34 UT) the Moon will be in Gemini, creating a short-lived Grand Triangle of the Air. Therefore, regardless the retrograde Mercury in Libra, this is an important and mostly beneficial period for the signs of Air.

Venus’ activity

For Libra it will be even more important (although not for purely beneficial reasons) as Venus, its ruler, is extra active during the fortnight. Until the 25th of September, mostly stressfully so, while after the 2nd of October, mostly beneficially so. Therefore, some caution is advisable, but this is a period when you should do your best.

Venus’ hyperactivity affects, of course, the other zodiac it rules, Taurus, which, until the 2nd of October will be experiencing more strongly than Libra the stressful influences of Venus, as it is in a stressful alignment with Uranus, in your zodiac, as well as with your natal Sun.

Scorpio, the zodiac where Venus is, right now, too, will have an important period, because of Venus’ activity. Scorpio, thought, will experience more strongly the beneficial influences, as not only Venus interacts beneficially with your natal Sun, but it also forms an auspicious aspect with the ruler of your horoscope, Pluto.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matter receive the main focus of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. There is some stress on this matters, which might be coming from colleagues, partners and associates. Legal issues can also play a role to this. Nonetheless, much progress and successes, there, are feasible. Decision making regarding these matters, too, receives support, while your productivity is quite strong. Also, finances receive some stress and need a wiser handling.

Love and social life, on the other hand receive mostly supportive energies. Those already in a relationship will enjoy this period more so than those seeking a new relationship. For the latter ones, opportunities might arise, but, if so, proceed without haste. At the same time it’s a good period for figuring out what you want from love.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. When Mercury will turn Retrograde this might become more intense, too. Physical health, too might stress you, but, in most cases, it is good. Needless to say, seek the advice of your doctor if you are facing any health issue. Colleagues and business partners can also cause you some stress, but work receives mostly beneficial energies and strong ones. On top of that, after the the 25th of September, the stressful energies affecting work will be weaker.

Creativity and productivity are quite good, but external situations might consume your time and distract you from what you should be doing, so make sure you invest some time to whatever is important for you. Also, love life plays and important role in your life. Problems in existing relationships might become more obvious. After the 2nd of October, though, things become much better. Regardless the stress, those seeking a new relationship might have some interesting developments.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

As your zodiac doesn’t host any planet, while five major planets are in the Air, you enjoy mostly the blessings of this event without strongly feeling the stress these planets receive. Therefore, this is an overall good Full Moon and waxing Moon period for you. Health might cause you some stress, but, in most cases, it isn’t bad. At the same time, healing is quite strong. Needless to say, if any problem occur, ask for the advice of your doctor. Work, too, can have its stressful moments, but, overall, most work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies, and much progress and successes, there, are attainable.

Also, love life receives much help. More so for those in a relatively fresh relationship and for those seeking one. Sex-based relationships, though, receive more stress than support. Especially so once Mercury will turn Retrograde.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Love and sex life receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Relatively new relationships, and relationships without strong foundations will experience this more strongly. Finding a new relationship, too, is not very easy, but, as there is some support on the same field of your life, it’s not impossible. Proceed with caution, though. At the same time, karmic kind of relationships can occur. After the 25th of September things become somewhat more easy. Social life, too, receives some stress, both online and offline one.

On the other hand, your creativity seems good, although it needs some focus. Also, home and family can play a mostly pleasant and supportive role in your life. This is a good period for repairs at home, renovations and redecorations, too. Also, health receives some support.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Finances receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. In most cases, though, reducing unnecessary expenses and making better use of your resources can be all you need to do to avoid any real problem. Nonetheless, some unexpected expenses might still occur. Work can be quite demanding and, at times, stressful, but much progress, there, is happening and successes are feasible. Important decision making regarding career and business matters needs some extra caution. After the 2nd of October things are getting clearer and decision making becomes easier, but keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde, so if you need to sign contracts and the like you might want to decide before then.

Health, too, needs some better care and attention and driving more carefully is advisable. Nonetheless, overall, health seems quite good and healing is even better. Also, love and social life receive mostly supportive energies. Social life more so than love. Furthermore, your productivity is quite capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Work and other obligations can also overtire you. Try to find some time to rest and relax. Work, although demanding, proceeds well. Also, money needs some attention, especially so when Mercury will be Retrograde in your Money House, Libra. Nonetheless, even then, there are plenty and strong beneficial energies affecting your finances. Therefore, some caution is advised, but progress is happening, too.

Love and social life, too, receive a little stress, but not much. Especially so until the 24th of September. Even until then, the beneficial influences are at least equally strong. Afterwards, things become even better. Therefore, react calmly and wisely to whatever happens and things will be good. Finally, your creativity and your productivity are on very good form. This is a good period to produce and prepare whatever you need for your future plans. Once again, though, respect your body’s limitations and don’t jeopardise your health by working too much.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Home, family and your environment may cause you some stress and some distractions, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Finances, too, receive some stress. Expenses need some extra wisdom and moderation. Contracts, deals and the like, too, need a careful approach. Especially so when Mercury will be retrograde in your zodiac. Work, too, can be demanding and stressful, but progress there is happening. Income, too, seems stable. In fact, it receives a little of support.

Your creativity is quite good. Try to do as much as possible, without over exhausting yourself. Love and social life, too, receive mostly supportive energies. Furthermore, your health seems good and so does healing. Your self-confidence is quite strong, too, and it can help you with whatever you want to achieve.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home, family and your environment, in general, can cause you some stress under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Friends, acquaintances and your other half, too. Social life, though receives support, as well. From the 24th onwards, these beneficial influences will overpower the stressful ones. Love life, too, receives both stressful and supportive energies. Those in a long-standing relationship will experience mostly the stressful influences until the 2nd of October and then the beneficial ones, while those in a relatively new relationship, as well as those searching for one will experience mostly the beneficial influences throughout the fortnight.

Productivity and, even more so, creativity are quite strong and capable. Your spiritual abilities, too. Also, this is a good period for self-healing, for centring and for strengthening your relationship with yourself and for finding your inner balance and strength. As an Ecliptic period will be starting on the 4th of September, and the first Eclipse of it will be on your axis, make don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. After the 2nd of October things are calming down a bit, but, even after then, some challenges are to be expected. Finances, too, receives some stress, but regarding them, the beneficial influences are stronger. Avoid any unnecessary expenses and, especially so, purchasing high-tech equipment, whenever this is possible, and things will be okay.

At the same time, though, it’s a good period for important decision making regarding your finances. Also, your productivity seems good. Inspiration and imagination can add to it. Your other half might have some pleasant developments workwise, which also might affect your financial situation beneficially. It’s also a good period for advertising yourself, your business and your services. Lastly, social life, too, seems pleasant and active.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Love and social life receive much stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Social life more so than love life, though. Social obligations can be many, or feel overwhelming, too. Also, finances need some wisdom. As most of the energies affecting them are beneficial one, be careful and things will be okay, money wise. Maybe, better than okay.

Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual and metaphysical nature receive some stress, too, but otherwise, most work, career and business matters receive supportive energies. Considerable progress is feasible even for the kinds which receive the stressful influences, but with more effort, probably. Your productivity is quite good and this is a good period for starting new projects. Long term ones more so than short term ones.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Expenses, contracts and deals need some wiser approach. Income, though, receives mostly supportive energies. Also, long term decision making regarding money receives some help. Work, career and business matters, too, receive mostly stressful energies. After the 2nd of October, though, things are getting better, as the beneficial energies affecting this field of your life will overpower the stressful ones.

Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual or artistic nature receive supportive energies. Actual students might have some pleasant time, too. It’s also a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars and the like. Preferably before Mercury turns Retrograde, but even after then. Also, people with similar such interests can play a positive role in your life.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Things, though, are more likely to get better after the 2nd of October. Social life, too, can be a little more troublesome until then, but overall, social life receives mostly supportive energies. Studies and all methods of acquiring knowledge can give you some challenges, but progress, there, is happening. It’s also a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars and the like. Although Mercury’s retrograde activity doesn’t directly affect these subjects for your zodiac, it’s always better to do the paper work while Mercury is still Direct, if possible.

This is a good period for organising your finances, pay back debts, find ways to reduce your expenses and things like those. It’s also a good period to make use of the resources you already posses. Income, though, is unaffected, one way or another. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are very strong, throughout the fortnight.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is very strong, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. The day of the Full Moon, as well as the eve, the day and the next day of the Equinox are extra strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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