New Moon in Leo – 16 August 2023

New Moon in Leo

General Predictions for the New Moon in Leo:

On August the 16th, at 09:38 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Leo, forming the New Moon.

During this waxing Moon period, the Sun enters Virgo, on the 23rd of August. Later, Mars enters Libra, on the 27th of the month. Furthermore, Mercury turns Retrograde, on the 23rd of August, at 19:59 UT. Then, on the 29th of August, at 02:39 UT, Uranus, too, turns Retrograde. By doing that, a total of seven planets – Chiron and six Major ones – will be Retrograde. This is a yearly peak of Retrograde activity and it will last until the New Moon of the 15th of September, when Mercury will turn Direct again. In the meantime, Venus will turn Direct, on the 4th of September, but Jupiter will turn Retrograde on the very same day.

Therefore, the planetary scenery changes enough and quite significantly so.

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The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Venus squares Uranus. The aspect became accurate, for the first time, on the 2nd of July, while Venus was Direct. Then, for a second time, on the 9th of August, while Venus was Retrograde. Overall, the aspect is active from the 18th of June and until the 28th of August. Amongst else, this square can bring some problems in our love and social life. Online social activity and dating, even more so. Expenses also need some moderation. Even given that, they might exceed our expectations, in some cases.

Now that Venus is Retrograde and Uranus is slowing down to stationary, things can become even more challenging. Moreover, the aspect will be reactivated again, on the 11th of September, and it will remain active until the 11th of October. Then, Venus will be Direct, but Uranus will be Retrograde.

The Sun, too, squares Uranus. Accurately so, on the day of this New Moon, the 16th of August. The aspect, though, is active since the 6th of August and it will remain so until the 26th of the month. Despite that, as the square is strongly affected by the New Moon, we might experience its energies to a degree from the 1st and until the 31st of the month. Amongst else, this square can bring some extra difficulties on changes and new beginnings of all kinds. Jobs depending on the internet and technology can also face some challenges.

Also, Venus squares Jupiter. Accurately so, on the 22nd of August, when Venus will be Retrograde and Jupiter will be Direct. The square, though, will is active since the 8th of August and it will remain so until the 2nd of October. It will become accurate for a second time on the 17th of September, when Jupiter will be Retrograde and Venus will be Direct. Moreover, from the 15th of August and until the 25th of September, the aspect’s deviation from accuracy will remain under the 5°. Therefore, it will be, at least, significantly strong for most of the period of its activity. Moreover, during the whole period of the square’s activity – other than for a few hours with both planets practically stationary – one planet will be Retrograde.

Amongst else, this aspect can bring some challenges in love and social life, as well as in all issues of the heart. Finances and work matters can also face some difficulties. Keep an as good as possible control of your expenses and avoid unnecessary and luxury ones. Also, jobs and careers related to the arts, health and spirituality can face some extra challenges.

Also, Mars opposes Neptune. Accurately so, on the 22nd of August. The aspect, though got activated on the 8th of August and it will remain active until the 6th of September. Amongst else, this aspect can cloud our emotions and drive us to hasty and unwise conclusions and decisions. Our personal relationships can also be challenged and they can stress us.

The Sun opposes Saturn. Accurately so, on the 27th of August. The aspect, though, will be active from the 18th of August and until the 5th of September. Amongst else, this aspect can challenge our mental clarity and finances. Existing financial issues might feel more pressing, or demanding of a solution. In some cases, this feeling can be stronger than the situations actually demand.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is already almost perfect. In fact, from the 28th of June and until the 3rd of October its deviation will remain under 2°, making it near-perfect. Moreover, the hexagon will remain very strong until the 27th of November. During this fortnight, it’s already at its peak, which will last from the 7th and until the 23rd of August. During its peak period the hexagon’s deviation from accuracy will be 1° and 24’-25’. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too.

Also, Mars is still in a triangle with Jupiter. The triangle became accurate on the Full Moon of the 1st of August, and got activated on the 13th of July. It will remain active until the 20th of August. Amongst else, this aspect can help us achieve significant progress with all our goals, as it raises our determination, and brings in some good luck. This is a triangle. Therefore, it rarely has negative side effects, but, just in case, make sure you don’t get too over-confident and reckless, as well as you don’t over-exhaust yourselves.

Mercury, too, forms a triangle with Jupiter. The triangle became accurate for the first time on the 10th of August, when both planets were Direct. The aspect, though, is active since the 1st of August and it will remain so until the 1st of October. Moreover, the triangle will become accurate two more times. For the second time, on the 4th of September, while Mercury will be Retrograde and five hours before Jupiter turns Retrograde. Then, for a third time, on the 25th of September, when Mercury will be Direct, but Jupiter will be Retrograde.

Amongst else, this triangle can help all work, career and business matters. Especially trade and, more so, international trade. Money matters, too, receive support. Also, social life can become more active, and it mostly receives supportive energies. Of course, the aspect will be more beneficial while both planets are still Direct. Afterwards, it might make us a bit reckless, too, so be more cautious.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Venus. The aspect became accurate on the 13th of August, and got activated on the 8th of August. It will remain active until the 20th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can support love life, as well as money matters. As Venus will be Retrograde throughout the aspect’s period of activity, solving problems of financial nature, as well as in existing relationships receives some extra help. Also, exes, or exes-like figures might appear in our lives. Whether this is a new opportunity, or an opportunity to resolve issues and heal traumas depends on each individual case. Therefore, act wisely.

Mars forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so, on the day of this New Moon, the 16th of August, while Uranus is still Direct. The aspect, though, got activated on the 1st of August, and it will remain active until the 1st of September. By then, Uranus will have turned Retrograde. Thankfully, though, only during the last four days of this aspect’s period of activity Uranus will be Retrograde. Amongst else, this aspect can raise our determination to achieve desired changes. A triangle rarely has any negative side-effects, but both Mars and Uranus are currently stressed. Therefore, make sure to avoid any misjudgments. Especially around the New Moon, when the aspect will be at its peak, as the New Moon will strongly stress Uranus.

Moreover, Mars forms a triangle with Pluto. Accurately so, on the 25th of August. The aspect, though, will is active from the 10th of August and until the 9th of September. Amongst else, this triangle empowers magic and, even more so, Fire Magic, Sex Magic, and whatever has to do with talismans, charms, potions and the like. It can also support finances.

On top of that, Uranus forms a triangle with Pluto. The aspect got activated on the 1st of June and it will remain active until the 1st of January 2024. Nonetheless, this aspect has been relatively weak and it won’t become significantly strong. It will reach a peak of a deviation of 5° 6’ from the 7th of September and until the 19th of September. Therefore, even them, it won’t be significantly strong. But, during August, September and the first half of October, as it helps create several Grand Triangles of Earth, it will become much more noticeable.

Amongst else, this triangle also supports magic, finances and work, career and business matters. It can also help us achieve desired changes. Using spiritual and magical means to promote those changes can help a lot. It’s also a very good period for healing and removing inner blocks and obstacles that hindrance our development and success.

Also, Mars conjuncts Mercury. This aspect, too, won’t become accurate, although it reaches a peak on the day of this New Moon, the 16th of August, when its deviation from accuracy is23’, hence quite strong. Moreover, from the 9th of August and until the 22nd of the month its deviation will be under the 5°. Overall, the conjunction will be affecting us from the 31st of July and until the 28th of August.

Amongst else, this aspect can support social life and, especially, expanding our social circles, both personal and professional ones. It can also help jobs and business depending on good social skills. Finances, too, receive some support. More so until the 24th, while Mercury is Direct.

Finally, Jupiter conjuncts Uranus. The aspect is active from the 22nd of July and until the 23rd of October. It will be reactivated in middle February 2024, and, then, it will last until middle June. During 2023, though, the aspect won’t become accurate. Not even significantly strong. In fact, it will remain quite weak. Nonetheless, it can support all kind of jobs and businesses related to internet and technology. It’s not a strong support, but it lasts for a long period of time, so we are likely to feel it, assuming that we are doing our best on the field.


So, overall, this is a not easy, but not bad New Moon and waxing Moon period. The Retrograde activity reaches this year’s peak before the end of the fortnight, but we’ll feel this practically from the start, as Mercury turns Retrograde halfway during the fortnight, and, by then, Uranus will be practically stationary. Moreover, Jupiter and Venus slow down considerably, as they’ll both change directions a few days after the coming Blue Moon. Therefore, things are slowing down. Delays can occur. Moreover, the Universe advises as to slow down our pace, think things more carefully and re-evaluate our plans, goals and our own selves.

Pluto is overly charged, but, thankfully, positively so. Nonetheless, an over-charged Pluto always challenges our mood and our emotional condition. Moreover, Saturn, Neptune and Mars, receive enough stress – but not too much – which can further challenge our emotional well-being. So, do take good care of your mood and your emotional health.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, and they’ll become two, from the 27th. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, but only one will remain after the 23rd. Therefore, this fortnight might not be bad, but it can be a challenging one, and it gets more challenging during its second half. Health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress, and needs a better care. Physical healing, though, is good. Also, work can face some extra challenges, but most of the energies affecting work, career and business matters are beneficial ones. Therefore, much progress can be achieved in this field.

Also, expenses need a wiser thinking – more so after Mercury turns Retrograde – but, otherwise, finances receive mostly beneficial influences. Also, your creativity is quite good. Furthermore, love and social life receive some support. More so, during the first half of the fortnight.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but only one will remain after the 23rd. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment, until the 23rd. Then six, until the 27th, and then, again, five. Moreover, there are another two planets in your zodiac. Therefore, although this is not a too easy fortnight for most, it should be a mostly beneficial one for you. Home and family can cause you some stress, or they might need more of your time and energy than you can easily spare. Regardless, they mostly play a pleasant, or beneficial role in your life. It’s also a good period for taking care of your home, your family and their needs.

Redecorations and the like, too, receive support. At the same time, though, repairs might become necessary, or they may need more caution. Also, love and social life are not stress-free, but they receive more supportive energies than stressful ones. Online social activity might experience the stressful influences more clearly. Also, your creativity and your productivity are quite capable.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon. They’ll become five, on the 23rd, and again four, on the 27th. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment with Gemini. They’ll become one, on the 23rd, and again two, on the 27th. Moreover, the ruler of your zodiac is in a stressful alignment and Retrograde. Therefore, this can be a challenging fortnight for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need your support and care. The better you support your mood, the better the fortnight will be. Physical health, too, needs a better care. In most cases, resting and relaxing more can be enough. Needless to say, if any issue occurs, consult your doctor.

Work, career and business matters are not stress-free, but progress and successes, there are achievable. Your productivity is quite good, too. It’s also a helpful period for coming up with ideas and plans. Also, social life is mostly pleasant. Family, too, can play a mostly beneficial, or supportive role in your life. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, and they’ll become two, from the the 27th. At the same time, there are six planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become seven, on the 23rd, and then six, again, on the 27th. Moreover, after the 23rd, all Major Planets are in a significant alignment with your zodiac. Most of them, obviously, in a beneficial one, too. Therefore, although this is not a very easy fortnight for most, it will be a much easier and much more promising one, for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need a better care. This is probably the greatest challenge of the fortnight, and the better you support your mood, the better the fortnight will be for you.

Expenses, too, can be more than you expect, and need some moderation, but otherwise money receives mostly beneficial influences. Also, your productivity is quite good. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Furthermore, love and social life can be quite active and mostly pleasantly so.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are no planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, until the 27th, but there will be one afterwards. Moreover, there are two planets in your zodiac, until the 23rd, and one afterwards. Although the ruler of your zodiac leaves Leo, on the 23rd, four planets remain in the Eastern-most section of your chart until the 27th. Therefore, Leo is strong during this fortnight, too. Moreover, this is still a challenging fortnight, but probably less so than the previous one, and a more promising one, too. Work, career and business matters are the main focus of the planetary energies. There is some stress affecting those matters. More so, until the 26th.

Nonetheless, progress and successes, there, are happening. Starting a new business, or something new in your business can be more challenging than you expect, or it might face more delays and obstacles, but it is achievable. Also, expenses, contracts and the like need a wiser consideration, but money receives mostly beneficial influences.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Virgo is quite strong and it will remain strong, throughout the fortnight. Although Mars exits your zodiac, the Sun enters it. Moreover, from the 23rd until the 27th, there are three planets in Virgo, including the ruler of your zodiac. Also, four planets are in the Easter-most section of your chart. Furthermore, there are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this is a quite promising and mostly beneficial fortnight for you, even if it’s not really stress-free. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, and need a better care. Also, love life, although it’s mostly pleasant, might face some challenges, or it might need a wiser handling.

Finding a new love, though, receives some support. Also, social life is mostly pleasant and somewhat lucky. Travelling, too, receives beneficial and pleasant energies. Also, your creativity is quite good. Furthermore, your spiritual abilities are quite capable.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment, on the day of this New Moon. From the 23rd, though, only one will remain. Moreover, from the 27th, Mars will be in your zodiac. Therefore, this won’t be a too easy fortnight for you, but it’s a mostly beneficial one. Health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress, and needs a better care. At the same time, though, healing is good. Resting, relaxing and the like can also have better results than usual. Health issues in the family can have good developments, too.

Home and family, in general, can play a mostly pleasant, or beneficial role in your life. It’s also a good period for taking care of your home’s and family’s needs. Work can face some challenges, but your productivity is quite good. Also, social life receives mostly beneficial influences. Until the 20th, it might be more active than you expect, too. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are more capable than usual.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but they’ll become three, on the 23rd. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become six, on the 23rd, and then five, again, on the 27th. Therefore, this is a mostly beneficial and quite promising fortnight for you. Work, career and business matters can face some challenge. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Despite the stress, though, progress is achievable. It’s also a relatively helpful period for starting a new business. Try to sign and papers before Mercury turns Retrograde, if possible.

Your productivity and your creativity are quite good, too, and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Starting new ones, too, receives support. Also, love and social life, although not stress-free, are mostly pleasant. Quite active, too, in most cases.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon. They’ll become five, on the 23rd, and then four, again, on the 27th. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become one, on the 23rd, and then, two, again, on the 27th. Therefore, this is going to be a challenging fortnight for you. Health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress and needs a better care. At the same time, though, this is a helpful period for finding health issues you are not aware about – like by having medical check-ups – as well as for revising treatment methods. Of course, by consulting your doctor. Also, resting and relaxing more, is advisable for the fortnight.

Work, career and business matters, although they aren’t stress-free, they receive mostly beneficial influences. Progress, there, is achievable. It’s also a relatively helpful period for starting a new business, or for finding a new job. If those are your cases, try to sign any contracts and legal papers before Mercury turns Retrograde. Finances, too, receive mostly supportive energies.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There are no planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but from the 27th, there will be one. At the same time, there are six planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become seven, on the 23rd, and then again six, on the 27th. Therefore, although this is not a too easy fortnight for most, it will be a mostly good and quite beneficial one for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, and need a better care. In most cases, this is the greatest challenge of the fortnight. Therefore, the better you support your mood, the better the fortnight will be for you.

Love and social life, although they receive mostly beneficial influences, they might be less satisfactory than you’d like, or expect. Nonetheless, this is a helpful period for meeting new people, both potential friends and potential love interests, and even for making a new relationship. Also, travelling receives some good vibes, but driving needs more caution. Furthermore, your creativity and your productivity are quite good.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon, but after the 23rd, they’ll be three. At the same time, there are no planets in a beneficial alignment – which is the case for quite some time now – but, from the 27th, there will be one. Therefore, although this is a challenging fortnight for you, it will feel significantly better during the second half of it. Finances receive some stress and need a wiser handling. Avoid, if possible, any risky investments and contracts, and any unnecessary expenses. Also, family and your other half can cause you some stress, but they play a mostly pleasant role in your life. Finding a new love, too, receives a little support.

Also, social life might not be too active, but it’s mostly pleasant. It’s a good period for housekeeping, as well as for repairs at home, redecorations and the like. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this New Moon. They’ll become three, on the 23rd, and then two, again, on the 27th. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment, and another two, in your zodiac, throughout the fortnight. Therefore, this is a not too easy, but mostly good fortnight fort you. Health receives enough stress and needs a better care and more caution. From the 23rd onwards your Health Planet will be in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, and will be receiving stress from Saturn, in Pisces. Thus, after the 23rd, health will be needing even better care. Also, work can be quite demanding and stressful, but progress, there, is happening. It’s also a relatively helpful period for job-seekers.

Your productivity is quite good, too. Much progress can be achieved with all your projects, while starting new ones, as well as planning and preparing for future ones, receive supportive energies. Love and social life are not stress-free, but they are mostly pleasant. Social life can be quite active, too. It’s also a helpful period for expanding your social circles.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is extra strong throughout the fortnight.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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