Daily Predictions for Wednesday 14 October 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Virgo, opposes the Retrograde Neptune, in Pisces. It also forms a hexagon with the then stationary Mercury, in Scorpio, a triangle with each Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, all in Capricorn, and conjuncts Venus, in Virgo. Furthermore, from 22:47 UT, until 05:54 UT of the 15th, the Moon will be void of course.

Also today, Mercury turns in to retrograde motion, at 01:05 UT.

So, this is going to be a mostly pleasant day.

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Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Pisces will be the one receiving the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Work, career and business matters might not be stress-free, but they proceed nicely and successfully. Finances, too, receive some support. Health, though, needs some extra care and attention.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Love and social life receive some stress, but they are mostly pleasant. Online social activity probably receives the stressful influences a bit more strongly, while in-person socialisation the pleasant ones more strongly. Creativity and productivity, too, look good.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Health receives supportive and healing energies, today. Finances, too. Work matters, although not uneventfully so, they proceed towards the desirable direction. Home, family and your environment, can cause you some stress. In most cases, without intending to do so.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, today. Work and social obligations might be the cause of it. Nonetheless, social life seems mostly pleasant. Love life, too. Furthermore, your creativity and productivity are on good form.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Finances receive some stressful energies, today, and need more attention. Nonetheless, if you do act wisely, there are some supportive energies, too, affecting them, so things will go well. Also, work seems to proceed mostly well.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Productivity and creativity seem extra potent, today. Love and social life receive mostly pleasant energies, too. There are some stressful energies affecting those aspects, as well, but with a calmer and wiser handling it’s possible to avoid most, if not all, unpleasant moments and developments.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Health receives some stress, today. Your mood and your emotional health more so than physical health. Nonetheless, take good care of both. Work, too, can face some challenges. In most cases, though, it proceeds well. Finances, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive energies.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Love and social life receive some stress, today. Social life, though, receives more supportive energies than stressful ones. Also, productivity seems strong, and so does your self-confidence, therefore, work and other projects can advance quite so.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work, career and business matters are not unchallenged, today, but they receive mostly supportive energies. Important decision making regarding such matters also receives support. Just make sure you won’t let other people’s opinion affect you negatively. Finances, too, receive good vibes.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Travelling and transportations receive some extra stress, today. Social life, too, can face some stress, but it’s mostly good and productive. Studies, too, receive similar energies. Furthermore, groups – and especially spiritual and religious ones – you are involved with might play an important role in your day.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stressful energies. Investments, though, are hardly affected by those. Also, work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive influences. Successes, there, are possible.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Colleagues and business partners might cause you some stress and difficulties, today. Despite those, though, the job is done, even if you depend on their cooperation. Love life, too, can be somewhat challenging, but mostly good. Social life receives mostly good vibes.

Astrology and Magic:

All meditative techniques, as well as mantras, charms, and potions receive a boosting, today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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